Non Tamagotchi VPets you have


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May 12, 2011
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So what non Tamagotchi virtual pets do you have? What's your favorite nontam VPet?

The vast majority of my collection of VPets is made up of FurReal Friends animatronic dogs. I also have a few Zhu Zhu Puppies. Up until recently I had a Gizmo Furby, an ET Furby and three Kota and Pals dinosaurs as well. I no longer have them because I donated them to needy kids when I decided to concentrate my VPet collection on dog VPets. In fact, Tamagotchi is the only non dog VPet I own. Unfortunately the only one I can find out of the three or four I own is broken.

I have a cream fur real kitten. Its pretty cute. Then I have one of those newborn kitten ones too. That one doesn't do much but its pretty cute anyway.

I have a "Petz" black cat with white paws. Its a stuffed animal with magnetic sensors in it to feed/brush/play with. I have all the parts still, but they were separated for years. It has eyes where you can close them or make them big like a normal cat would. Has a big blue and white collar speaker on it. It still has the original batteries in it I think... In the speaker anyway.

Then I have my Poochi and Meowchi. Still work... But I don't put batteries in them much because they require a few more then I have. Poochi is purple and grey/silver and Meowchi is blue with grey/silver. I still have the pieces to them as well. I love how I only need the mouse or the bone to play with them both though.

With my Furby Geffory version and a all white one. The ToysRUsone doesn't have eleylashes anymore... I still have the eyelashes, but they need to be re-glued. I really don't put batteries in them anymore. I love them still but once again, battery issue. I hear of people having them catch on fire or random creepy stuff like that... I'd rather not chance it. Last time I had one on, the mouth didn't move much... There was a low beep too. I figure the other one does the same.

Then I have like 4 ZhuZhus in the house. Those are mainly for my visiting family kids.... 1 is mine though.

If we want to call it a "pet" ... I had this annouy naying horse stuffed animal. It did nothing but nay. I didn't notice how annouying it really was until it was like 8 years old. I have the plush and the naying piece is no-longer inside the horse. Ironically, it still nays somewhere in the basement........ Which I rarely visit. I think people perfered the Tama/Vitural pets over this one. They wanted to remove the sound too... I brought it everywhere.

I had a Petz dog like that. He was brown with long ears. I think I gave him away.

Yeah, FurReal newborns don't do much, but then real newborn puppies and kittens don't do much either. Though a couple FurReal newborn pups I have are standing up and move their legs and bow somewhat That leads me to believe they aren't actually newborns because in reality by the time puppies are standing up they aren't really newborns anymore. Of course it still said newborns on the package so I don't know.

The Pets Cat I think I keep because my real cat and I would have cuddled with it at night. That cat is gone now, so I cuddle with it when I miss him. Its sorta a weird reason to keep it to some people, but they understand why though. Had that cat since before kindergarden started. He died my 10th grade year... Kidney failure. I do have two other cats though. I used to have a few cats before we moved since we breeded Siamise cats. My cat that passed away was one of the breeding cats. He was the only cat we took to this house. Went from 4 adult cats to 1. 2 of them were outside cats though.

Anyway... I tend to look at the Fur Real pets... I always want the big fluffy white cat. But then I remember I had a real cat like that. Then I look at the price... I think I wanted the sitting tan cat though... I think it was tan. Then I decide I should probably put money where I don't spend it and come back if I decide I want something. The newer fur-reals are much cuter then the older versions.

It's not a wierd reason at all. I still miss my german shepherd, Dingo, who died about seven years ago. If they ever made a VPet that looked like him it would never leave my death grip of adoration.

I had the orange and white FurReal cat like the white one. It was pretty cool. The newer FurReals ARE nicer. The original FurReal cats were wierd. Sometimes you'd pet them and they'd purr. Other times you'd pet them and they'd do nothing. Also they hissed at you a lot. They were supposed to only hiss when you pulled their tail but if you were petting their back and got anywhere near their rump they'd hiss. The first FurReal dog was no better. It was huge, clunky had strange feeling, oily fur and wasn't even original. It was a reissue of an older toy dog. They reissued the dog yet again last Christmas, only this version was much better than the previous versions. I still don't have it, but if Wal Mart still has it next month I'll get it then.,

I had a German Shepard too when I was little. I guess we gave her up when we moved too. We don't have fences so... A dog run line would have broke in about 5 minutes of her being on it. We kept our Cocker Spaniel though... We had him about a year before we moved. Which my German Shepard saved his life since he was caught in wire or something. She jumped one of our fences and slammed her paws on the backdoor which was a slider... Then went back barking and bit the wire off him. He is now gone too... Year after I graduated... Started getting sick, not eating, hurt his back, could barely walk... They kept him around for me, I feel bad too. A dorky dog though, he fought threw the pain... he was spunky.

The FurReals seems like they are getting cheap again though. Like a thin layer of fabric and feel like a plastic toy... I think... Like the bottle feed ones. I wanted one but I would have to do somethig to them... But I guess they aren't as bad as they used to be. Most of them are soft though....

Last I knew, my Walmart had a few big ones on sale I think. Maybe not, but we have half a girl isle full of them now.

Yeah, I noticed the duck is like that. No padding. Then I have a FurReal newborn puppy who's a bit overstuffed in the back. He has a HUGE butt.

The only two big FurReals the local Wal Mart has are the cat, LuLu and GoGo the dog. I'm surprised they haven't clearanced out the cat yet because it's several years old.

I think they marked down the price I think... I don't know how much for LuLu... I didn't relize how old those ones are. They seem like they come out every C-mas though. I guess I should have relized. Duh. Lol.

I thought I had more pets... I have like 3 VIP LPS pets and two Neopet interactive pets. The Vips are PinkCat, AsianPanda, GretChinchilla. Then my Neopets are Disco Aisha and a White Uni... hehe. I don't play with those nowadays... just a bit too... young for me. But I still love em. Corse the VIPS are closed and I think the others ones are too. Oh well. Vip was seriously girly though. Standard mini games and everything.

I wanted to get one of those E-pets. They had resque ones too. Pretty cheap now in Big Lots. I only see a Penguin, but I wanted a dog or a cat. I figure that site is near gone now too.

I'm not into things like Webkinz or EPets. I don't really like computer pets. I just can't get attached to them the way I can physical pets like Tamagotchi or FurReal Friends.

LuLu should be about $40 now. They came out in 2009 I think. Hasbro usually releases one larger and more expensive FurReal animal each Fall for Christmas. in 2009 it was LuLu, in 2010 it was GoGo my walking Pup and this year it will be Cookie My Playful Pup.

I had a couple of those neopets interactive pets. I kind of liked them.

I haven't seen Cookie yet. But I just went to my Target store and saw GoGo. I wouldn't buy it... I'm not much for poodles/lapsa apso dogs. Or whatever type that specific one is...

I think our Fur-Real section got bigger... It could be just me... I was there yesterday fairly quick.

You did? Which ones? Shoryu and or Kougra....? I was going to get a Kougra one but never got to one in time. I got lucky with a 2-fer one deal one year. Those were my favorite ones too. I just got some cards of neopets... good batch for me. (Full of cute ones, my Disco Aisha, Baby Yurble standing thing (A lion-like gienea pig thing) and a King Altador... Which I don't directly care for. Hahaha. I feel funny still buying the cards knowing whats is in them. Oh well. Neopia I am still part of so... it doesn't hurt to get a code or two.

I think both Shoryu and Kougra. Later on I got a Scorchio. I'm not a fan of the website but the little interactive pets were pretty cool. Kind of like bigger versions of Micropets.

Ya. I have 3 Micropets too. A Hamster (grey/white) a Cat (Grey) then a Horse (blue/Purple) that a friend gave to me.

Interactive Plush- Shoryu was a purple dragon in the interactive ones. Then Kougra was Orange... But I think there might have been a white Kougra interactive pet. I have some of the little PetPets too... PuppyBlue (BrightBlue Version)and an AngelPuss.

Now.. They did have some more robotic ones... They were hard plastic... I have a few of those too... Kougra, Kacheeck, Uni, Glert, and Scorchio I got for free... I'm a Neo-nerd sometimes. Most of them I got when I was a little bit younger... Those were also called interactive pets too....

Micropets were neat. There were supposed to be some that responded to touch as well as sound but I never could find them.

I remember the plastic neopets. They were cool. But because I liked them I bought a similar Lion King pet. The lion King pet was awful. A waste of $10.

I think the micropets you are talking about might have been the micro babies? I don't know... Never owned one.

I was trying to change the batteries in my Kougra ones since it was one of my favorites... Looked at the battery pack. Put the door back on because I didn't have any AAAs at the time. Not to mention I didn't expect to find a funny looking battery pack either. Just test batteries.

A Lion King pet....? Humm.... I do not know of this and I love Lion King... Strange. But if I ever find my watch that has been missing since the move... I will be super happy.... I'm missing a talking cub Simba too now that you mention Lion King. I found it a few times... Put it away... Now I can't find it again. It talked when you hit a button in his paw/foot/tail... I guess he is interactive too. Had that guy since I saw it the first time in my Old Disney Store.

You aren't missing much. While the Simba was made in the style of micropets and Neopets interactive pets it was much more limited than the other two. It was more like an old pull string talking doll than a virtual pet. Press the button he moves and says a phrase. Push the button again he moves and says another phrase. He didn't even have that many phrases.

Is the Cub Simba's face animated? I remember reading about an animatronic Simba and Nala that would communicate with each other several years ago. I'm wondering if the one you have is one of those.

I would have got it just to have it. Just like some of the Fur-Real pets they have out right now. They do one or two things and thats it.

was a singing Simba and Nala I think. I think it was at ToyRUs... I'm not sure. I know they had big Simba & Nala plush too... About the same size of the singing plush. I think they sang, but they might have danced.

My plush didn't animate, it was a 1996 toy. I am sure I still have it in good condition... I still have a Minnie Mouse Holiday doll from 1996 too... It doesn't do Twinkle Twinkle...etc anymore though. Lol. I thought my Simba was with the Minnie. It wasn't..... Which means more looking.

I have lots of non-tama pets. I have a few nanos, a bunch of giga pets in various conditions, and many other no-name pets from all over the place. It's so hard to pick a particular favourite. I guess it would have to be the dinkie series, dino, penguin, alien.

SailorRosette: I believe the animatronic Simba and Nala was only sold at The Disney Store. They may have came as a pair and were probably pretty expensive. These were sold about the time Furby came out when animatronic toys were all the rage. I can't be certain about where they came from though. I read about them on a Furby site that had an article on other animatronic toys. I've never had access to a Disney store soo I've never been able to check and see if they were actually there.

I've also gone looking for things thinking I knew exactly where they are only to find they weren't there. I'm currently having the same trouble locating my Tamagotchis. There are only a few places I could have put them but they aren't in any of them.

Chii_V2: It can definately be hard to pick a favorite when you have a bunch of pets. Picking from them isn't easy but I'd have to go with my 2003 FurReal Friends puppy. He's the oldest pet I have so I guess he has seniority.

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If we're going by seniority, then my Giga Pets compu kitty in the yellow, triangle shell is my oldest. I got it when Giga Pets first game out and I loved it to death, really. The scroll buttons are crushed to the point where you can't use them. I had to buy another copy so I could still use it.

Now that's a well loved Giga Pet!

It doesn't have to be seniority. A person's oldest pet may not always be their favorite. It just so happens that my oldest is also my favorite. I think he was one of the first FurReal dogs And that's part of the reason I like him so much. He was also my very first FurReal dog which is another reason I love him. He's also very lifelike and is just plain loveable.

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