Death Note


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Same here. I got mine for Chanqua (Yes. That is one of the many ways the spell Hanukkah).

My cousin is a TOTAL Light fangirl. Even though he is homicidal..

Well, I read some of it, but the "muahahaha, I, Light, am the supreme genius of all!" got old after a while, so I quit it.

It's good that you guys like it, though. May you have more perseverance than I did in reading the series. :p

I LOVE Death Note. It's the best anime/manga in the world. I hate Light with a burning passion. I LOVE L WITH ALL MY HEART //fangirls// I love L<3

It's an awesome series. omg i love L so much he's awesome but alex won't let me have him because he "belongs" to Sakura

He DOES belong to Sakura. And Teresa. It's the first anime I watched, besides Hetalia, so it kind of has a higher place for me than all the other animes I've watched. I've also read a lot of the manga, and I've read Another Note. You guys can fangirl over L, I'll just kidnap Matt :3

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