Tamas taking over the world!


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
Let's make a team story about Tamas taking over Earth.

One day on Earth, there was a Tamagotchi called Mametchi. He was angry about being stuck inside a Tama-Go all day. He wanted to go out and do awesome stuff like eat pizza and watch Hetalia. So he smashed the Tama-Go's screen and hopped out. He found himself on a large table...

now continue the story

He walked to the edge of the table only to find himself four or five feet above the ground. He quickly looked around the table for items to make a rope to climb down and after a few minutes found and turned all the napkins into a makeshift rope and lowered himself onto the floor.

"At last, I'm free!" exclaimed a liberated Mametchi. With this new feeling of freedom, Mametchi walked across the room to look outside of the enormous wall-sized window. There, outside in the real world, were not any pixels, but many beautiful and diverse shapes and patterns. He was admiring scenery within a local park when he spotted it. A real-life moving car. He had to get into that car!

Mametchi tried to catch up with the car, but it was going to fast. So he found a pigeon in the park and rode on it to the car. When the car stopped, he waited for the person to get out and then he went inside it and tried to work out how to drive it...

he tried and failed to work the car and sent it smashing into a pole luckily he wasn't injured... but the car was. he jumped out of the car again and avoided peoples feet as he tried to get through them

Mametchi kept running and running through the crowded city, dodging peoples feet and cars as he went. Mametchi had a plan. He was going to find all the other tamas in the world and release from their shells. He knew this plan would be a tricky one but he felt that no tama should have to stay in their shell forever.....

Mametchi had no idea how to get his plan into action so he decided hunt down his mate Gozarutchi who lived a v4 somewhere in his neighbourhood. Once he had helped Gozarutchi out of his shell, they started plotting what they were gonnando next.....

"I wonder what to do" Gozarutchi commented. "I think we should free Lovelitchi from the Id-L shell across the street." Mametchi said, and they jumped off of the table that Gozarutchi's shell was sitting.

They headed across the block to Chamametchi's prison*cough* house. However just before they broke her out, a human girl saw them, screamed, then passed out. Mametchi, Gozarutchi, and Lovelitchi hurry and bust Chamametchi from the v5 along with Mametchi's family.

They all hugged Mametchi, and they plotted their next destinaton. Memetchi and her family in the suburbs.

But on the way, they ran into a big emu who began trying to eat the foreign creatures. After they calmed it down, the emu said the girl who fainted at the sight of them was actually Tanpopo. (from Tamagotchi movie) She being one of Mametchi's future lovers, the motley crew doubled back to find her.

Mametchi walked back to Tanpopo to wake her up and explain what happened. But as small as he was it was tricky to wake her up. Mametchi turned and asked everyone "What should we do?"

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They took a jet to the white house and headed into the president's room.

"MISTER PRESIDENT!" Chamametchi screamed into his ear.

Barack's reaction was expected: Scream and pass out.

"Yay! Let's burn these useless papers!" Gozarutchi yelled at their success, as he began burning finincial documents with a small lighter he found in the white house kitchen.

"But wait!" Exclaimed Loveitchi, "we should be president instead! "

Gozaruchi said "Yeah, but we still have Romney and the other wanabe presidents!"

Mametchi noticed that Obama heard the whole conversation, so Mametchi SHOVED A GIANT BANANA DOWN OBAMAS THROAT, Killing obama, but then Chamamechi said "Where will we hide the body?" Mametchi thought, and had an Idea! they went to BanDai studios and Broke a V1, they shoved Lifeless-Obama into the V1 and they called it "Obamaotchi" it had Obamacare as medicine, and it took about 40 doses of medicine to fix a sickness. So then...

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they felt bad about killing him so they reset him and he was born again. mamechi put him in his pocket and shouted to everyone, " i just remembered! the girl who held me captive had 23 more tamas! we are going to need an army if we hope to take over the world! we need to free them. where is that bird that helped me to the car earlier! bird! ohhhhh BIRDY!" the bird flew though the warehouse's window with more birds to cary the rest of the tamas that he would be freeing. "tanpopo! can you stay here and get this place under control we can use it as a home base!" mamechi jumped onto the back of the bird and they took of.

They went to the girls house, Luckily, she was playing with Furbies, but the furbies SUCKED DOWN HER SOUL FOR MORE BATTERIES. So the girl was dead, Mametchi quickly got the girl's Screwdriver and Freed all the Tamas, Including Kuromametchi, But, they forgot Onionchi, right when they were about to leave the house, Lovitchi took a tama and put the girl there, (She was fat.) So the tamas had to waste an hour or so, when they Reset the Tamagotchi, The girl relived, but then the furbies...

came to life and spoke rapid furbish in a demon voice. "OH DEAR!" Melodytchi screamed as one of the Furbies grabbed her with it's evil talons. Mametchi grabbed a pink baseball bat and smashed the furby's face in, then stuffed it into an ID-L, naming it the 'Furbytchi V1'

"OH NO, what if FURBIES take over the world instead of us?!" Mametchi shouted. He threw the Furbytchi V1 out the window and lead all the Tamagotchis to where Mitt Romney lived.

Mametchi grabbed a small twig off of the ground and used a small thread to zipline down into the bathroom, he saw the sink and fell down the drain. He followed some sewer pipes untill he was in a huge apartment building. He was on the top floor. He saw a Tama that was already broken out of his shell on a high shelf. It was KuroMametchi...

As the others went to get rid of the competition (Romney)

Mametchi walked over to KuroMametchi. "Hey, Kuro. You're escaping too?" he asked. "Yup, but I don't need your help." Kuro laughed, backflipping off the shelf and face first on the floor. Ouch. Mametchi sucked air through his teeth.

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