Do you read in the car or do you get dizzy?


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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2012
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how I wound up here is anyone's guess
(Not sure if this was the right place to put it but it's close enough) So, do you read in the car, or do you get really dizzy? For me it's ok if I read for a short time, but if I read for a long time I get really dizzy and feel like I have to puke. My mom and sister can read in the car without a problem though, my dad and other sister can't. Strangely enough, I never get dizzy on rollercoasters and I have never puked on one either. (even though once I ate a hot dog right before riding on one and it was the kind that spun you around a lot)

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If I read long enough... I get a little car sick. Its probably due to the velocity of the car moving when you normally are in one place. Like at the corner of your eye, you see movement. You are focusing on the book, but you know you are moving. The corner of your eyes still see a bit of the side of the car moving, this is probably making you dizzy. If that makes any sense to you.

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I get car sick when the ride is taking really long and I get car sick almost immediately when I have/try to read something.

I hate being in a car but it seems that I don't have any problems with it when I'm the driver.

It depends on how long I've been in the car. If it's about an hour or less, I can't read at all in that time. Even checking my phone makes me feel a little dizzy, and reading just makes me completely travel sick. Over that, I can bear to read. It's a bit strange.

i don't get dizzy but my sister does, she can't even watch a movie in the car without feeling like she's going to vomit!

I love reading in the car, I've never had a problem with getting car sick before

I actually just love sitting in the car while my boyfriend is driving while I read or play with my Tamagotchis. For me it's about as relaxing as reading while I take a bath :)

i get dizzy even if i'm looking down for a second in the car (not when i'm driving though lol)

but i also get vertigo which is an inner ear problem :(

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wow a while ago i got carsick after nearly just a few seconds of reading!

i'm getting a bit better, but i prefer just not to read overall while in a car/bus haha

i get dizzy even if i'm looking down for a second in the car (not when i'm driving though lol)

but i also get vertigo which is an inner ear problem :(
I have really bad depth perception so on top of getting car sick when I look down if I glance up real fast I tend to freak out and think the car next to me is going to hit me. I flinch alot I the car so it isn't always fun for me to be a passenger. If I'm driving I'm ok.

I can read in the car for hours in general. It does depend on how I'm feeling though. There was a time when I couldn't because I had just had a big meal. That was no good.

In general, I don't even like riding in cars. There's just too much movement, and I don't like that weird leathery smell a lot of car seats have. :|

The first time I tried to read in the car I got a really bad headache. Even texting makes me dizzy.

So if I'm in the car I don't read unless I have to.


Even if I read passing by signs, I get nausea. It's terrible and lasts an entire day. I get carsickness easily, and once we reach our destination I start to feel faint.

Reading in the car is a definite no for me :c

I like reading in the car, I find it relaxing. I can't though if the radio is on, I find music distracting when I'm trying to read.

You sort of balance yourself by looking around while you're in a car, warning your brain that you are moving. So if you semi prone to car sickness and are doing something you're use to doing while not moving at all you can make yourself sick easily, because your body feels the movement and your brain is confused whats moving.

I sometimes do but most of the time I don't. It doesn't matter how long the trip is or how long I read for but it could be I pick the book up and can't even finish the first sentence without feeling sick or I could read a whole chapter until feeling sick. But usually I don't feel sick at all.

I get pretty bad even when I don't read. Have to sit there and stare out of the window.

I read that your brain thinks you are poisoned and hallucinating (feeling movement but not seeing it) and makes you throw up whatever poisoned you. Silly brain.

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