Cookie3131's Tama-Logs!** Too old for Tamas? Nah!


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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2009
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Entry 1

Hey fellow Tamatalkers! Thanks for checking out my Tama-Log. :) I'm Cookie3131, or Chris.

This isn't my first log I've posted on here. The previous one I had was last updated about 2-3 years ago, and it was based on the Oldie Project. It flopped, and now that I've started playing with my tama again, I figured I would make a new log to talk about all my tama experiences in general!

(Omg, I totally just found out you can automatically type in italics by pressing {Ctrl + I}, I AM AMAZED)

Anyway, the tama I am playing with is a clear green V3. The V3 was actually my first Tamagotchi I ever owned, and it is my favourite as well. The Tamapet currently inhabiting my V3 is a teen Patapatatchi, and her name is Buffy (yes, after Buffy the Vampire Slayer). She is now 2 years old (I hatched her on Saturday), and she has 8/9 training points. I'll tell you this now, I am 18 and currently in high school, so I'm sure you can understand that being seen with my tama at school or something could cause huge embarrassment, so I'll be pausing Tama-Buffy and keeping her at home whenever I go to school which will result in a mess-up with her aging, but oh well, I don't really mind. (Which is another reason why my Oldie Project flopped, never being allowed to pause? No me gusta.)



I also have a V4, but right now I'm not going to play with it. Maybe someday in the future if I'm bored and don't mind taking care of two Tamapets, but as of right now I'm fine with just my V3. If you guys think I should play with my V4 also and post about it, then feel free to send me a PM.


The V4 is fun too and all, but I never much cared for the whole making your tamapet go to school and get a job and such. I like the simplicity of the V3. :)

So anyway, I'm going to try to make this log as entertaining as possible. I'm not going to do the same old "My tama is now 3 years old, he got sick a few hours ago, but I gave him medicine and he's fine now". I mean, I may do things like that, but I'm going to focus more on my general life experience while keeping a Tamapet alive, especially at the age of 18 when it's kind of crucial to hide it from everyone. I'll be taking it basically everywhere except for school. How will people react when they see me with it? Will my friends laugh at me? (Most likely). Will my family roll their eyes? (Most likely). Will I hide in my room away from judging eyes and play mini-games non-stop with my little Tama-Buffy? Yeah, most likely.

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Entry 2

Alright, second entry! So far so good. Thanks to those who sent me PMs about my previous log, it totally made my day, so thanks! You know who you are. ^_^

So today was my first school day with my new tamapet, however like I said in my previous entry, I didn't bring it to school in fear of getting caught with it and such. Teachers at my school don't miss anything, good thing I don't own a cell phone (am I the only one left in this world who doesn't own one?) because teachers are always catching students in class with them. :p So instead of risking that humility, I kept my little Buffy paused at home. At least she was still asleep when I paused her, so that means she got to sleep in, right?

While I was at school today, I actually missed my tama and looked forward to getting home to play with her. It started making me think about when I got my first tamagotchi ever. I believe it was the year 2005? I was in grade 6 and everyone (and I mean like, EVERYONE) had a V3. It was the new "in" thing and every day at recess, students would crowd around in circles and take turns connecting their tamas together. Even if you weren't friends with the actual person, if you had a tamagotchi, you guys would interact.

My first tamagotchi was a silver V3 (which I gave to some kid when I got my second and current green V3 which I really totally regret doing), and my tama's name was Lily. She turned into a Memetchi like this -> :D


Us students would go on during computer labs, share codes, and play mini games when we got bored during class, hidden from teacher's view of course... The teachers got smart though and started taking them away, and making strict rules about them. I also remember convenient stores putting signs up on their doors saying "WE SELL TAMAGOTCHI BATTERIES!" and most of the time below it, it would say "SOLD OUT!" The fad probably lasted about a year. I still saw some people with their tamas once in a while, whether they were playing with it at recess or it was chained to their backpacks as they walked home from school. When I got the new V4, I had some interested people look over my shoulder while I played with it.

Anyway, little Buffy is now 3 years old and has a full training bar. I should go play some mini games with her because her sushi dinner made her fat.

Who knew that 7 years later I would be playing with my tama again and writing logs about it?


Entry 3

While I was doing homework just now (studying the novel The Great Gatsby, it is not fun), I caught little Buffy taking a bath. I just wanted to add how cute I think it is that they have baths before bedtime. Gosh, I wish my life could be as sweet as a tamagotchi... Spend your days eating pixels, playing games, and sleeping. Maybe that's why I don't like playing with my V4 much? 'Cause then they have to go to school and work... Who wants to do that? Humans don't even want to do that.

Well, I must be off and get my homework done. -_-


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Entry 4

Warning: Picture Spam

Oh my gosh, I am so excited. Okay, so today was just a regular school day. I paused Buffy this morning before I left while she was sleeping. I came home and unpaused her, and shortly after she transformed into like, the cutest adult tamagotchi ever! She is now a Violetchi! :furawatchi:


AAHHHH! As I was typing this, Buffy started dancing up close to the screen, I just rushed to take pictures of it, I am dying from the cuteness omg!




Omg, now she's singing!!! *Takes more pictures*


Hehe, okay I'm done. Sorry for the picture spam, but everyone likes pictures right? I am so happy about how cute Buffy is. In the past when I cared for tamas, they always turned out to be quite ugly ones... Does that make me a bad TamaParent? For loving little Buffy more because she's cute? But... but... LOOK HOW CUTE!

I was planning on having her get matched by the Matchmaker eventually and continue on with the generations, but now I'm really gonna miss Buffy when she leaves. :( I'm going to miss her cuteness.

Also, yesterday I took her out for the first time even though I hid her in my pocket the whole time... We went to the library with a friend of mine. It made me wonder how many other people in my city were possibly carrying around a tamagotchi... Probably not very many these days.

Today I'm getting my hair cut, and then I have to go to the mall to buy a new outfit for my Grad Ceremony tomorrow (pretty exciting huh?) so I'll bring my cutie little Buffy with me. :) But I'll most likely leave her in my pocket the whole time lol. But I'll play with her a bit in the car. :)



Entry 5

I'm quite disappointed in myself. I tend to keep Buffy's sound off, and because of that, I didn't hear her beeping all morning and I forgot to check on her. When I realized, I rushed to her in hopes she didn't die... She didn't, I was so relieved. But she was starving and very unhappy. :( I fed her lots of food and treats though and then played games with her. From now on, I'll be sure to keep the sound on, heh.

Buffy is now 8 years old, and she's been getting visits from the Matchmaker. It's sad to say that soon it'll be time for her to have a baby and then leave me. :(

Tomorrow on Halloween, I'll be taking part on the Halloween Hatch that's going on in the Group Hatchings board, and so I'll be hatching my V4 that I mentioned in my first entry. I'll also have Buffy get set up with the Matchmaker tomorrow, so then both my V3 and my V4 will be adults at about the same time and they can produce babies together! :D Sounds like a good plan to me.

That's pretty much the most exciting thing I have going for me tomorrow for Halloween. I didn't make any plans with friends, so instead I'll be carving my pumpkin I bought today (Buffy came with me to the pumpkin patch by the way), I'll probably watch some scary movies, and eat the candy I'm supposed to hand out to trick-or-treaters, hehe. I bought some bat wings in the shop for Buffy to put on tomorrow too. :) It'll be a good Halloween, a quiet one, but relaxing.


Entry 6


I can't believe it's already over actually. I didn't get very many trick-or-treaters, but oh well, more candy for me, hehehe.

So today was quite eventful. First, Buffy finally had a baby! She got matched up by the Matchmaker to a Hashizoutchi, and they had a little girl who Buffy now proudly shares her screen with. :)



Also, since it was Halloween, I dressed Buffy up in these cute wings that I bought her at the shop a while ago.


In other news, I took part in Tinkalila's Halloween Hatch (you can find it in the Group Hatchings board). I decided to finally hatch my V4. At first it turned out to be a girl, but since I was hoping for my V4 to mate with Buffy's daughter in the future, I rehatched it till it became a boy. His name is Xandr (didn't have room for "Xander"), and when Buffy leaves, I will name her daughter Anya. (Seriously, if you guys have never seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer, these names and their significance must just go right over your heads, huh...)



Teehee, future mates. ^_^


Xandr did turn into a toddler, but then he went straight to bed, and since I can't turn on the lights on the V4, I'll have to wait till tomorrow to check what he is and take pictures. But I do remember that he was cute.

Anyway, I'm gonna head off now. I doubt I'm gonna feel too good tomorrow after eating so much chocolate... But oh my goodness, is it crazy that I'm already super excited for Christmas?? And it's not just the presents, I just love the snow, and the decorations, and the Christmas movies... I think I love it more than Halloween. I hope I'm still playing through my generations on my V3 by then. :huh: I don't know how long I'll be playing my V4 for. To be honest, I don't really like the idea of taking care of two tamas because I hate to favour one over the other... We'll see how it goes.

P.S. I think it's adorable how Buffy and her baby sleep next to one another... When is Buffy going to leave her?? I don't quite remember, is it the night they go to sleep after the baby is born (as in TONIGHT?) or does she leave after 24 hours? I have no idea... If any of you know, I'd appreciate a PM.



