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TamaTalk Guides
Staff member
TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
Internet Safety is always an important thing to have, and its not really all that difficult, it all has to do with your own choices.

First off, the number one thing that you should never ever do, is post personal information. Usually a first name is okay, but don't give out your full address,name, or even school as these can help people find you. There are a lot of creepy people on the internet.

Another thing is content you post, unless you want to exploit yourself then you should never do things like post pictures of you doing stupid stuff, or things of your friends doing stupid stuff. believe it or not, this can actually affect your career in the future. Bosses for big corporations like to find all the info they can of their employees, usually so they can find out your habits and behaviors to see if you are suitable for the job.

Links to sites are another major thing, if you know, or suspect a link has things like viruses, malware or adult content, you're better off just not posting it for anybody to click on, as this is an easy way to spread a virus.

Most of this boils down to pure common sense, this is a site with many different age groups, mostly kids, so it needs to be as "age appropriate" as possible.


things not to do: Post illegal/inappropriate content

Personal information/data

Pictures of yourself doing dumb things

Bad links (viruses, Personal Advertisements in topics are annoying to)

Things to do: Use common sense

Pause before posting (think twice, or maybe three times)

Keep things to yourself if needed.

Put personal web adverts in your "About Me" or your signature.

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