♥khipmunk♥'s Tamagotchi Log!


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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2012
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Hey everyone! I've been reading a couple tamagotchi logs lately, and thought that they looked like fun. So here I am. I suppose I should have started this when I began a new generation, but obviously I didn't. Oh well! I guess I'm just going to jump in and make this log. :) Right now I will be logging the 3 tamas I'm running which are: A p's,v5.5 and tama-go. Let's get started! :D

On my P's a lot happened! My little guy evolved from Maimaitchi into Raitotchi. So cute! ^-^ Then he went to school for a little bit. When he came home, he wrote a diary entry. Too bad I can't read Japanese... (Can anyone translate for me?) I then bought him a computer, where he sent a rocket off into space and received his first puzzle piece! Yay! I plan to get the rest over the next couple days.


Next, my v5.5! I currently have Mousetchi. He played with the Dollhouse and the Home Theater to gain bonds with his family.


Finally, my Tama-go! I have Ahirukutchi. (Sorry for how dusty the first picture is! I don't even know where all that dust came from. :eek: Also, ignore the pixel leak in the top right corner...) Anyways, I brought him to the park where he met Mametchi. The played on the teeter-totter together. So cute!


That's all for now! I hope you enjoyed my log! Thanks for reading! :wub:

Oops. So I brought my Raitotchi to the park today and he married a Warutsutchi, while I had no idea what was going on. *Facepalm* Anyways, he left me with a little baby girl, a Pinkubotchi. Then she evolved into a Puchihanatchi. Pretty cute huh? Stinks that I couldn't get any pics of Raitotchi getting married. Ah well! I also took her to get painted today. I like this new color scheme.


My tama-go evolved today! He's now a Kilalatchi.


That's all! Thanks for reading! :wub:

Hey everyone! A couple updates, though not a lot because my tamas have been paused these few days... :/ ANYways! Let's get started, shall we?

P's: She evolved into a Nokobotchi. (I think that's what she's called?)We went into her little yard and an coupon came floating down for double the amount of gotchi points on a mini game! yaya! :)


v5.5: Ahirukutchi has evolved into Kikitchi! ^-^ That's about all that happened. I'm going to try to get the family bonds up before he becomes an adult. (It's only at 20%!)


Tama-go: Kilalatchi has also evolved into Kikitchi! What a coincidence! I played shoot the bug a bit. (All my figures were upstairs and I didn't feel like getting them. Sorry, I'm lazy.. :p )


I really like how Tama-go characters come up close to the screen. That's all for now. Thanks for reading! :wub:

Edit: Forgot to mention: I heard that if you paint any female tee 20 or more times it will turn into Kiramotchi. I just finished painting Nokobotchi 20x. I think she's going to evolve, today so let's see what happens!

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Quick update before I go to school! I did get Kiramotchi! yay! So she evolved today (as you can see!) and I decided to get a couple of her puzzle pieces. I got the Rosehip Tea and the Clapper board one.


That's all! Sorry for this was quite rushed, I have to go. Bye! :wub:

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First of all, I want to give a special thanks to *Hayden* for liking a lot of my posts! Thank youuuuu!

Hey guys! I'm back! I wasn't able to upload anything the past couple days because my camera is broken! -_- It really stinks. Anyways, I was able to take pictures with my dad's phone so I think I'm going to have to do that from now on. A lot has happened! Let's go!~~

v5.5: Kikitchi has evolved into Kuromametchi! YAYYYYY! (Kuromametchi is my favorite character!! :D ) I tried to marry him off, (He evolved around 1-2 days ago. I honestly can't remember.. :mellow: ) but the matchmaker just yelled at me.. I think he'll be married by tomorrow. Look at him! Ah so cute! ♥


P's: I finally got around to getting Kiramotchi's last puzzle piece! *Phew.* I bought the princess tiara and TA-DA! She has all her pieces. The tiara was like 2500 gotchi points though. Oof, a pretty penny. But it was worth it. Look how cute she is!


Tama-go: Finally, Kikitchi is married at 8 years old! I know you're thinking, "Geez, 8 is kinda old for marriage!" Well, I haven't had much time recently! :p Anyways, he married Lovelitchi. I think they're a cute couple. (Sorry for the dark pictures :/)


That's all for now! Thanks for reading! :wub:

Hey! I'm back with some new stuff for you guys. :) I'm probably going to do this in 2 parts because I took a LOT of pictures. (Though not much has happened... :p ) Enough blabbering on, I'm going to start!

v5.5: Merp. Nothing has happened because I messed up the marriage. I accidentally declined all 3 people at the dating show. *Face palm* So nothing new has happened with my Kuromametchi. Yeah. I'm a fail. -_-

Tama-go: Lovelitchi and Kikitchi had a cute baby girl! Aww! And the Easter animation is STILL up. It stays for the entire month of April right? Anyways here's the pic:


P's: Ok, this is where I went crazy with the pictures. (hehe, forgive me.) But Kiramotchi got married! The matchmaker gave her 3 choices, Monakatchi, Karakutchi, or Raitotchi. (I thought it would be a little weird if she married Raitotchi because her dad was a Raitotchi.. XD) Anyways, I chose Karakutchi. :) Here's the first part of the wedding:


Part 2 coming soon!

part 2: The actual wedding!


And finally, they left me with a baby boy. ♥


That's all! Thanks for reading! :wub:

:lol: Thanks *Hayden* for liking my last posts! :lol:

Hey guys! It's been a few days. My tamagotchis have been paused these past couple days. I've been super busy with school and haven't had the time. But I can finally log now! :) Let's start!

P's: Ok, I'm sorry but he's evolved 3 times! And I haven't logged any of it! Oopsy.. Well he evolved into the little turtle guy. (his name is Turtletchi right?) I think that's my new favorite toddler. :D Then he woke up on and on Thursday and evolved into Cosmotchi! And now he's Mametchi! I plan to get some, or all, of his puzzle pieces tomorrow.


Part 2 coming soon!

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Part 2:

v5.5: I finally married Kuromametchi! Yay! He married Anesantchi. Not my favorite character, but she was the 3rd choice and I really wanted to marry Kuromametchi today. They had one egg which hatched just now. It's a boy omututchi. :)


Tama-go: It's been paused all week..

That's all for this update! Thanks for reading! :wub:

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☺Thanks SupahCow090 for liking my post!☺

Hey guys! I'm back with an update. :)

P's: I decided to get 2 of Mametchi's puzzle pieces today. First I bought the lab coat for him. I think he looks adorable in it! :newmametchi: Then he went to the music cafe and had a jelly dessert which got his second puzzle piece. It's just too cute that they eat out with the parents! Ah! I plan to get the last pieces over the next few days. I think I'll have time tomorrow, but it's not 100% certain. I'll try to though.Ok enough rambling, here's the pictures I took!


Gosh, I take so many more pictures of my p's than I do any other version! I should work on that! :p

v5.5: Little omututchi has evolved into Ahirukutchi! :) That's about all that happened today. Ahirukutchi is pretty silly looking in my opinion, but that's what I like about him. Haha!


Tama-go: I finally unpaused it but there was no big event today... Tomorrow the parents are leaving, so I'll be left with the baby. That means more posts! It's been a while since I've had a girl so I'm pretty happy about raising her. (No pictures for this one, sorry :mellow: )

That's the end of today's post. Thanks for reading! I appreciate all the views! Bye bye! :wub:
