Sonicfan253's Tamtacular ID-L Log!


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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2012
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Do any of you remember my old Tama-Go log? Well...NOW I HAVE AN ID-L. EXCITEMENT.

I'm going to start a new log, this one is going to be a sequel to the Tamtacular Tama-Go log.

My Tama is named Piko.

10:00 AM

I woke up to the sound of my ID-L beeping. OH CRAP! I looked at it, and saw that I had a care miss, oh well. I fed it and brought it into the living room to take care of it.

12:00 PM

I fed Piko a McDonalds burger. (I made it myself) and he liked it, it restored three of his rice balls. I played a few download games, my favorite is the snowboard one. I also downloaded some Eternal Summer seeds and planted them in his yard, and it grew quite a bit! A heavy rain was pouring in Tamagotchi Town so I brought him into his house. He has an Art Studio for his living room.

1:10 PM

It's really nice outside! I think Piko enjoys being a Kaubotchi, his hat is adorable. I'm about to take him out for a special treat at the restaurant, a delicious taco, mmm! I also bought him a TV, Skateboard, Cellphone, and an art kit, so he has plenty to do. Our Eternal Summer seeds haven't grown much.

3:00 PM

Piko evolves into a Hanikamitchi, the good care teen!

4:00 - 5:00

I constantly check on Piko throughout the hour.


I took Piko to Youth Night, all of the older teens recognized it. My friend even said he had been to japan and saw a P'S for 60$!

Piko fell asleep soon after.


I just got home and wrote this log!


Hunger - Six Riceballs

Friendship - Maxed Yellow

Current Stage - Teen

Character: Hanikamitchi

Gotchi Points - 1800G

Current Mood as of this log update - Tired

6:55 AM

I woke up 5 minutes before Piko! Woohoo! I'll be attempting to catch Piko doing the 'potty dance' three times to ensure I get Mametchi. I hope I do! I watched Piko wake up, and I fed him and cared for his needs.



Shoot! He pooped on the floor while I was eating breakfast. Oh well, I'll have more opportunities later! Mametchi, here I come!


Posted this log and caught him doing the 'dance', that's 1/3 times to get Mametchi. I'll keep a close watch on him.


Hunger - 5 Riceballs

Friendship - Nearly Full Bar

Current Stage - Teen

Character - Hanakimitchi

Character I'm Aiming For - Good Care/Mametchi

Happy Seals - None yet

Gotchi Points - 1500G

Mood as of this log post - Excited

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