What's your least favorite Tamagotchi


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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2013
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We all know our favorites

but not our most disliked

(Touchy subject, I know, but *whine full of sarcasm* my natural curiosityyyyyyy)

do you mean character or version of tamagotchi? cause my least favorite character is maskitchi, the reason why is because when i was younger with the v3 thats character that i always got, and after a while i hate getting it baha ^.^ but for version tamagotchi i dislike the most ATM would have to be the music star ONLY because i havent played it long enough to get through a full generation yet.. so maybe when i do eventually run it ill start to enjoy it more :3

I assume you are talking about Versions. :p

Least favorite is P2... I'm probably biased since my only P2 has damaged buttons that are a pain to press, but it does annoy me and hurt my fingers. XD I like the P2 game better than the P1 game, but P1 generally has better characters~

Also, my P2 is an American one and I'd rather have a Japanese one because Nyatchi. :nyatchi:

I guess I'll mention my least favorite characters as well... Kuchipatchi and Mimitchi. Aside from finding their personalities dull and their appearance unappealing, there are other reasons but they're too personal to explain. :p

My least favorite version is the v4.5 because after two generations, there were no more characters that I really wanted to get. I loved all of the characters on the music star and I normally ended up getting all different characters on the v3, but none of the characters were at all appealing to me. The games were also much less fun.

Kuchipatchi and Mimitchi. Aside from finding their personalities dull and their appearance unappealing, there are other reasons but they're too personal to explain. :p
NOOO WAYYYY Kuchipatchi is SOOOO CUUUUTE *-* litul froggie =333

Hehe next time you get him, hand it over me :D

My least favorite version... I only buy versions I really want, so it would be the P1/2, the the games suck and it's really too basic, yeah too old of a Tama to be appealing (I guess the app counts?). But the Angel if great and came out around at the same time...

I haate Makiko x.X she's so annoying and selfish.

I also haate Memechi... she thinks herself beautiful but she really isn't, plus she's always so enthusiastic and excited for every dumb little thing... gah XO

My least favourite is the tama-go I was so obsessed with getting one becuase I thought they were reviving tamagotchi and it would be successful and the concept seemed good too. I was heartbroken at how bad the tama-go really wss it was fun at times but I was so disappointed that they stopped the figures releasing I was also disappointed that the v6 was so jamm packed with features and things I loved and then BAM the tama-go had non of that.

Im not really a fan of the Conexions series as a whole Ive never found them that interesting, hence why I only have 2 from many years ago that I never run.

My favorite version would probably be the v3, due to nostalgia of it being my first one

Character would be what my profile suggest: Nazotchi. Not sure why i just love this character.

Okay so my least favorite version is honestly any connection. I hated the TamaTown idea and you had to use it to be able to make use of the Tamagotchi in full. I don't like not being able to make use of all features. My least favorite character though would have to be Makiko. I don't like her in the anime either. :p

The app. To me every Tama has value and I couldn't choose a least favorite among the actual devices because I feel each has something to love about it. But while I see actual physical Tama devices as companions the app is just a shallow and unsatisfying copy of the real thing. I can feel affection for real Tamas but I could never bring myself to care about the app.

I don't hate the Tama Go, but it is my least favorite version for now since I don't have any figures. And also the bulkiness, eh. I don't really like the TF either but it was still quite pleasant to run and I'm definitely getting another.

I also don't like the P1; the buttons are very hard to press and the whole tama is hard to navigate. Also the sounds are TERRIBLE.

The app. To me every Tama has value and I couldn't choose a least favorite among the actual devices because I feel each has something to love about it. But while I see actual physical Tama devices as companions the app is just a shallow and unsatisfying copy of the real thing. I can feel affection for real Tamas but I could never bring myself to care about the app.
I agree. I dont like the app either and therefore it would be the least favourite for me.

As for character...I dont know I used to dislike guzarutchi because he looks like a robber in the tamagotchi....

character: PAPARATCHI

tamagotchi: uhm...i guess the umino, it's needy, but that's not really the thing i dislike, i dislike how it dies randomly ._.

My least favourite character is Lovelitchi because she's a complete Mary-Sue and her eyes creep me out >n<. My least favourite version is the V6, the sound annoys me, they're too needy, I think most of the characters are ugly and the judges are WAY too hard to pass =n=.

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