Where did Mimitchi go?!


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Jun 23, 2014
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Hey everybody,

something weird happenend with my tamagotchi. I used to have a Mimitchi at an age of 11 years. Everything was okay, but when I looked after it two hours later, suddenly a little Babitchi (the white one) jumped around my screen. I neither saw the "death screen" nor pressed the A and C buttons to obtain a new egg. I also did not reset my tamagotchi. But even more weird is that Babitchi still is 11 years old, just like my old Mimitchi (see photo). I did not send it to bed and wake it up again for 11 times.

The discipline is at zero again. I'm entertaining Babitchi now for over 2 hours and it still won't evolve to a child! I did not even take a nap as it usually does in the baby stage. Can someone help me? Is this a bug? I own a original Bandai tamagotchi from 1997, made in Malaysia. It must be generation two (have that game with guessing the higher or lower number), it's NOT the Tamagotchi Connexion Version. Hope the photo helps.

It is a glitch. I don't know how to fix it without resetting your Tama, sorry.

Of anything tighten the screws that open the battery compartment but make sure the battery stays I'm place. Also, can you post a picture of the Babytchi with the stat screen picture too?

Has anyone else ever experienced this before?

Sorry I couldn't offer much help. I don't own a P1/P2. :)

Edit: oh, and welcome to TamaTalk! You can call me Kero :lol:

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Thanks for your kind answer! :)

Just after I posted my question little Babitchi died (!). Actually it can't pass away when it is a baby, or? Well, normally a baby wouldn't be 11 years old either. Now everything is working fine again. I hope my new friend won't end up in any glitch thing when it's older. Would be very annoying! :(

Btw, this is what happened to Babitchi:

The original pets featured the Tamagotchi to stop moving on-screen, looking upset. The Tamagotchi will start to beep in the pattern of an electrocardiogram (heart rate monitor), slowing down as time passes on. If the Tamagotchi is a healthy adult, it will lay an egg just before the end of the sequence. Afterward, the death screen will appear with the sound of a flatline.
(see: https://tamagotchi.wikia.com/wiki/Death)

Thanks for help!

Aw man! That's depressing. Have fun with your new pet, though! Sorry this happened.

Yeah, it was a glitch since babies can't die and 11 years old is impressive for a vintage adult anyways! On the vintage Tamas, the older your adult gets the harder it is to care for until he just beeps every five minutes as he gets older and older and dies since it would be impossible to care for him. So don't worry about it. It was probably just old age, nothing to do with the glitch :) Did you get an egg?

And no problem! I'm the one you can come to for any questions about vintage Tamas, Connections v1-v6, and Tama-Gos if you have any more! :lol:

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