Tamagotchi p's VS 4u


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Apr 10, 2015
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Cali, USA
Hello members of tamatalk! I'm new here so I don't know if this is the right spot to put this; feel free to move it if it should go somewhere else!

I'm looking at getting a new tamagotchi, I was really into them a while ago and got an iD L but took a pretty long break from playing with them, and I have since recently started my iD L back up again. I did notice though that 2 new color tamagotchis have been released and they seem to have many more features and look like a lot more fun.

I've watched tons of review videos and seen lots of guides on both the p's and the 4u, but I want to know which one you all prefer. I don't want to spend too much money either (if it isn't worth it) because as I mentioned, I did take a pretty long break before so I may lose interest again after a little while.

The main things I've heard is that with the p's you need to get the deco pierces or else it does get boring after a while, and from what I've seen each deco pierce is about $20? Is it still fun to play if you don't have the deco pierces?

And for the 4u, I've seen that you need to have an app and a device with NFC (I think?) for downloads and such, and without the downloads it also gets boring. I haven't really heard of NFC, but I do have an iPhone as well as a iPad/Kindle Fire and I'm not sure if these would work?

Again, if someone could just let me know what their experiences are with both and which one they would recommend that would be awesome!

P's all the way, specially since your devices are not compatible with the 4U.

The P's has a lot more content than the 4U built in, and the pierces are just extra expansions (you don't need them, unlike the 4U that has too few content without downloads), plus not all of them cost 20$, some like the Coffret pierce can easilly be found for about 6$ at times.

To get expansions on your 4U you need to get either Touch Cards (More expensive and with less content than the pierces) or buy a Nexus 7 that will cost you around 250$ to use the 4U app.

So if you are not willing to spend too much money the 4U is not ''4U'' xD

The P's in the other hand has lots of built in content, pierces AND downloadable content that can be sent from any IR device (which can be found for really cheap prices)

The 4U is a good Tamagotchi, perfect for buisy people and with a really good design, but it's only worth it if you can access the downloadable content, withou the 4U app is pretty pointless, and if you are not willing to spend much money on buying a Nexus Tablet to use with it, theres not really point on getting it :p

I love the 4U since I have access to downloads

Since you don't, go for the P's!

I had a very long break from tamas, my last one was a jinsei! My p's came here 3 days ago and I can honestly say it's really fun! Much built in content and much to do to accomplish the game goal, and also, you can download an english patch which will traduce your tamagotchi from Japanese to english almost completely! I currently don't own a compatible IR device so I haven't patched it yet and it's a lil difficult to understand it as I need to have a guide opened in my browser tabs so I don't mess up and end up doing silly things like marrying my tamagotchi as soon as it becomes an adult (Which I did) so it will be harder for you to understand a 4U because there currently are not any patches available for it and also you would need a nexus 7 in order to patch it.. P's have more characters and the teenager stage which was omitted in the 4U.. and I personally prefer the design of the 4U because I think pastel colors are adorable and fell in love with them, I also thought 4U anniversary version looks beautiful and I was tempted to buy it but I read that they can be really boring as they are designed for very busy women... so I say go for a p's :) hoped I helped you.

p's all the way, the 4U really isn't as nice without the downloads

thank you everyone! I've decided to go with the p's, I bought mine today :D it definitely sounds like the better option for my situation!

now just to wait for it to come ... :rolleyes:

Are there just litlle differents or is the p's much better? :\

In my opinion, the P's is 10x better than the 4u. Even without any Deco Pieces there's enough content to keep you occupied for many generations. The 4u is lacking in that. Without NFC downloads the 4u isn't worth it. I adore my P's, the downloads are so easy to use (and there are more of them) and there's even an English patch out there. If you do grab a few Deco Pieces there are so many cute characters, backgrounds, and items. I love my P's, I could give or take my 4u.

It's all personal preference. You'd be best watching some Youtube videos of the 4u to get an idea of It. It's really not comparable to the connections.

Ok thanks for the tip... but I can't see there if it gets boring

Well there's no real aim to the 4u (or ID). You can get a few extra items as the tama goes on but no unlockable destinations or icons as the icons are all unlocked on the 4u. If you don't have a compatible NFC device then you just have the 10 inbuilt characters. Even with the NFC device the 4u can just be a case of raising different characters from the same child characters which, yes, I feel can get boring.

The 4u? I'd say no.

The P's and IDL are equally as good without add-ons but a few pro's with the P's: It's still relatively new so can be bought brand new for less than £30. There is also Mr Blinkys English patch for the P's. Then, if you want to add to it, you can buy the pierces.

So yeah, P's.

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Now I'm biased as I only own a P's and an ID L when it comes to colour tamas, but all the way I go with P's.

Mine isn't patched into English and I found it quite simple and got used to it very quickly.

The P's without pierces still has many items and characters and there's lots to do, and with the pierce's it's even better, but still, without any additions such as downloads or pierces, the P's still has a lot of content and is really fun to play with.

I'm still considering getting a 4u, even if I don't get any downloads or touchcards, simply because it looks kind of fun and I've heard of many people still enjoying the tama without any additions.

But I'd still say a P's is the best way to go.

P's is the best! If you get the 4u, you'll find yourself downloading a lot of stuff. P's has lots of built in stuff, so it makes it very fun. I initially wanted to get a pierce set, but I realised its already super fun without. However, I do not recommended it for new tama mums/dads as it can be overwhelming.

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