V3 & V4 -- what time do they age?


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Jul 4, 2015
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So, I've recently started playing with a couple of my old Tamas again. The problem I'm currently having is that they aren't aging. One (my V3) I hatched on Monday morning, and it's at 3 years; the other (my V4) I hatched Sunday evening, and it's also at 3 years. (I'm writing this on a Thursday evening.)

I do already know the reason for this: I mess with their clock all the time. My job requires my full attention when I'm there -- in other words, I have to have my Tamas either asleep or paused, so I choose to have them sleep so they'll still evolve at the right times. And I set them to sleep and wake when I do, because some nights I don't even get home until 9, their bedtime!

On my Dream Town Friends, I know that if I set the time to 6:59am, she ages a year at 7am. This time does not seem to work for my V3 and V4 Tamas, however.

The v3 and v4 are programmed so that they are at roughly the same time they were started up, however if you say pause them for an hour that'll push back the aging/evolving times one hour. So for however long you paused them you'll have to wait that long.

I think it goes like this (based off of the V4):

Baby to toddler: 1 hour

Toddler to teen: 24 hours

Teen to adult: 48 hours

When adult can marry: 72 hours

I'm pretty sure this is right for the V4 but I don't really know if it also applies to the V3. I do know that when they are adults (and you haven't paused them a lot) that the V4 will marry at 5-6 years old and the V3 will marry at 8-9 years. So your tamas should evolve very soon. And as long as you set their time back instead of pausing them, their growth won't be thrown off too much.

I don't really know if it also applies to the V3.
The V3 actually evolves into an adult 72 hours after evolving into a teen. Also, the Matchmaker shows up at age 7+, depending when you hatched it (before or after 7 pm). As for the V4, this is a bit different. It happens at age 6+.

Also, for instance, a child character ages after 24 unpaused hours of being a child. If you pause it or keep changing the time, it will not age until 24 hours of being unpaused have passed, not 24 hours elapsed time, unless you did not pause it at all.

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Hey all, thank you for your answers and advice, but I think I may have been unclear in my question -- I'm sorry about that!

Firstly, the issue isn't with evolution; that's still happening in the correct timeframe (1 hour, 24 hours, 48 hours). The problem is solely with the "years" counter. As in, my Tama that was hatched 6 days ago still says it's 3 years old. (Considering the number of real life days, I'll update this tomorrow letting you know whether or not the matchmaker comes anyway.)

Another important thing is that I haven't paused any of my Tama at all. I go to the clock and change it so the clock is set to their bedtime. When I wake up/get home from work, I change the time again, this time to after their waking time. If the years counter is set to a specific time of day like the Dream Town Friends, I can see why that throws it off, but I am not actually pausing it.

I'm also pretty sure I've had them at the system time in which they were hatched -- for example, one that I hatched in the early evening I set to 5pm (which I think should be at least half an hour before it actually was hatched) and left the clock alone all the way until 9pm (which is definitely later than it was hatched) -- and it hasn't aged them.

Hopefully this makes more sense. ^_^ :furawatchi:

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Um, I've had a similar problem. I don't know what causes it but fooling with the clock seems to mess up the age quite frequently. IDK why :/

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