Really really depressing news


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Active member
Apr 13, 2016
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So my Rockin' Puppy that I was about to order got lost in the plane, I got a notification from eBay that it was missing, so I got my money back, I was REALLY looking forward to playing with my Rockin' Puppy. So when I move, I will buy a new one or just buy another one, I am really depressed, can someone cheer me up? -_-

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Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for you. :( I used to have one of them when I was younger, and they were really fun. However, if you want my advice, the truth is that they get boring pretty quickly. If you play with them heaps, you zoom through the levels and the secret codes provided don't do anything due to the website being shut down. I recommend getting either a Pixel Chix Babysitter or a two-story house. They're both super fun and I really want one of them again. Even so, if you still want your Rockin' Puppy, go get a good deal on them! They're still heaps of fun, and can be connected to other houses as well (same with the other devices, obviously).

I hope your next package arrives safe and sound. Good luck! :)

EDIT: By the way, why don't you try starting two of your Pixel Chix at the same time? You'll be able to connect and raise em' both! Doesn't matter if it's a car, hamster or whatever version! They're all compatible, and that's the best thing about Pixel Chix. :D

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Ok, Thank you, I can try that, again, Thanks for the advice ^_^ -Mata :gozarutchi:

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