A M!Xture of Monsters - A Tamagotchi's Journey to the Underground


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Jan 10, 2015
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U.A. High School
Author's note: Sadly, no pictures this time until I can figure out how (plus my phone's memory space is low), so enjoy what I have to offer for now. And this has been highly requested, so here ya go, no more waiting!

As I opened my box on the day it came, I was astonished. It was beautiful, and it never ceased to amaze me.

I did the usual set up, even if it was in Japanese, as I could understand it.

My username was UTALE (short for Undertale, it also had two Tamagotchi symbols in the beginning and end of my username).

As I finished setting it up, the egg aimlessly wandered onto my screen.

I was waiting for the egg to hatch, wondering if it was a baby boy or girl.

It then began the hatching process. I waited in anticipation.

Out hatched a perfectly healthy baby boy (Tamabotchi), named Sans.

I had fed him several baby bottles until he refused to have another.

I then fed him some packets of teething biscuits to raise his happiness a little bit.

I then saw him at the corner of the screen, looking miserable. The poor skele-gotchi child was so sullen, I had to play with him a little bit.

As we all know, babies love rattles. Just once did I shake it, and Sans was overjoyed.

I pressed the C button and he was waddling around the room, looking cute.

Just a few second after he went back to looking sad again. One rattle, shaken not stirred.

I saw him make an odd face and then some lines in a wavy pattern appeared beside him. I thought clicking the toilet icon would help, and apparently he had to use the potty. Didn't know babies could be trained so fast.

When he evolves into a toddler, maybe he can finally talk? I guess that's up for nature to decide.

As I was pondering all of that, poor little guy got sick. Luckily I gave him some meds, and he was fine!

After a few hours of having fun, he evolved into Mittsupotchi (which I assume was due to low happiness) and went to sleep.

Tune in for the next post on what happens next to our dear Sansy.

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Sounds great so far! I don't own a m!x yet, so I'm excited to see what features come with it. I wonder what little Sans will get up to next... A Skele-gotchi sounds interesting! :D

Episode 2: Sans gets rejected

Like I expected, he evolved into the chubby Kuchipatchi! He was rearing to get married, so I decided to buy him the small diamond wedding ring.

We went to Tamagotchi Town and tried to marry Memetchi.

He got rejected.

We tried it again 5 more times, rejected.

We tried Patchi Forest, and an acorn-like female came to marry him. Rejected twice.

He felt so miserable and didn't want to go anywhere. I cheered him up by giving him some lollipops and letting him play in the park.

Don't worry, Sans, we'll try again soon!

Episode 3: still nothing.

* why won't anyone like me...?

* is it because I'm too green?

* am i just...something to be called..."ugly"?

* just why?

* memetchi just has to stop rejecting me. every girl i ever paired up with just...left me. i dunno if i have the SOUL to try again, but...i really want to have a son or daughter with any of those characters. i don't care how weird my children turn out...

* i will get married, just you wait! i will do it! don't you dare stop me!

- sans

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Episode 4: Sans's Child!

* i finally had a child with my wife, toriel (memetchi).

* her name is sky. i hope she grows up to be like me...or her mommy.

* she's super cute, and i love her so much. i hope she'll be great in life and have children of her own.

* though i do hope that her child will become just as sweet.

- sans

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Episode 5: What...?!

* my child evolved...but...she looked more like me than toriel. she also had some of toriel and my parents' genes too, such as sky having my father's toupee, and toriel's mom's cape...or was it her father? i'm unsure. but i dunno if she'll end up orange in the end and with toriel's curl. she moved out of our house afterwards, i'll surely miss her.

* she has toriel's body shape, but she's green and has my mouth, my cheeks, and my eyes.

* i wonder who she'll marry, anyways. maybe that yellow monkey thing she met in the town next to us.

* we let sky stay at our house for a while. she was watching tv and i had to vacuum the living room. to her chagrin, she was annoyed. i knew she had it in her. she's just like me.

- sans

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Episode 6: Overwhelmed

* i feel like having a child isn't so easy...

* me being an altered skeleton that went into a different creature's body usually scares people as i tell them. my bones and my skull were designed to fit a kuchipatchi's body. every time i grew, from baby to adult, my bones were altering. i just wish i could be normal again so sky wouldn't have to see me like this.

* i did tell sky what she really was, and her reaction floored me.

* i thought she'd be scared, but no...

* she just said, "papa, you're funny. i know that i am a skeleton."

* that word..."papa". that's...what i should have said to my own father. if only he were here, he'd see how i look now. being in a green beaked blob's body...

* i know that skeletons on the inside aren't supposed to cry, but...i couldn't help it.

- sans

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Episode 7: Sky evolves

* my daughter achieved her teen evolution. she looks a lot like my mom, mamapatchi. she gained her yellow coloring and she still has my beak. i wonder what her adult evolution will be like.

* we let her come to the house to hang with us. we even asked her about her new evolution. i can only say she's very happy with it.

- sans

Episode 8: Sky gets married

* my beloved daughter got married for her first time. she dated that monkey...what was his name? oh, i think his name was whimsun. they had their egg, but, lord asgore knows what it is...maybe a boy? i guess i never knew.

* to my surprise, she was a girl. and...very yellow. maybe the father will have something to do with it?

* sky named her sunny, as she was that yellow.

- sans

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