Tamagotchi P's vs M!x


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Dec 4, 2016
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Hello, I'm going to buy a color tamagotchi but I don't know which of the two Tamas of the title is better. Some people say that the p's is better but you need to have 2 or 3 of them in order to unlock all the characters an items. I have also read very good comments about the m!x. Which one is better?

Well, in order to complete the Mix you also need at least 2 of them. I used to adore the P's last year, but it didn't last long. 3 months and the fun was over, it started getting repetitive and boring. I'm running my pre-Halloween gift - my Mix now and at some points I thought I'd never get bored, although other moments got me convinced I have nothing left to do with this tama but taking care and the most exciting thing to do was picking a perfect partner for my character. I have lost the magic of P's for myself by now. But it's all up to you. I suggest trying the Mix first as it's cheaper and easier to get used cuz the functions aren't overcrowding it. I have to try the 4u+ which I will be getting in 4 days to figure out what was the entire "fad" about, and you need to figure it out yourself. But as I said, get a Mix first while they're cheap

Ok, thanks you a lot, when I get it I will give my opinion.

PD: Sorry if I made mistakes writing, that's because I'm Spanish :) .

I don't think there is a 'better' between the M!X and the P's, as the gameplay is so different. It's really more personal preference. I'd recommend perhaps watching some videos on YouTube (if you haven't done so already) and seeing which style suits your fancy. That said, I'll list a couple of pros/cons for each model.


Pros: Can be patched into English (although as your first language is Spanish, I'm not sure if this is really that important for you?), lots of downloadable content, lots of inbuilt content/lots to unlock

Cons: Can be expensive, pierces can be expensive, requires three P's too unlock every inbuilt character


Pros: Cheaper to buy, 'bigger' screen (no icon bars) so more detailed graphics and bigger sprites, more replay value, can unlock everything on just one unit (Anniversary version only), really cute animations

Cons: Only in Japanese, no downloadable content, less 'inbuilt' content, requires at least two units to unlock all the towns (for the Melody and Spacey versions)

Let us know what you decide! =)

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