Tamagotchi into freezer


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Apr 10, 2017
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My 3yo thought the tamagotchi is like a colour changing hotwheels car.. So he put it into the freezer.. Now the buttons dont respond when we press on them.

Anyone has any idea what to do??

I'd recommend taking out the batteries and letting it naturally warm back up to room temperature, with the back cover off. Once it's reached room temperature again, try placing it up against a fan (again, with the back cover off and batteries removed), in case water has built up inside from being frozen and "thawing." During this time, don't turn it on at all in case there is moisture inside. I'd suggest keeping it in front of the fan and turned off for at least 24 hours, if not 48 hours. You may also want to flip the Tamagotchi every several hours.

Alternatively, you could also try placing the Tamagotchi in rice to absorb the moisture, instead of in front of a fan (I'd recommend keeping the back cover on for this so you don't get rice inside...), but personally, this method has never worked as well for me as simply using a fan.

Hopefully this helps! I've had similar occurrences in the past, along with water damage, and this will usually fix it up.

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Thank you! Will try it.

But unfortunately it has alreasy been turned and left on :( does this matter...? Will turn it off and do what you suggested as soon as I am able to. Will that be too late?

Thank you again for responding!

That's a good question. I would say its chances of surviving are lowered since it has been turned on/left on, but it still does have a chance (I've had damaged electronics that were left on like yours for a while, and some of them did end up working properly anyway after they were placed in front of a fan). It's still worth trying to save it. Let me know how it goes, and best of luck!

I second leaving in a bag of rice at room temp with the batteries removed.
Leave it for a couple days and you might get lucky.

Hope it works out <3

Oh dear...

I tried that.. And it is still stuck on the "Download Reset" screen and the buttons dont work :( (((

Does this mean it has died...? No way of reviving...? It turns on but the buttons dont function :(

(Apologies, my post seems to have posted multiple times)

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You could take it apart and rub the button contacts with rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab. It's always worked for me with fixing unresponsive buttons, so maybe something might've wedged itself between the button and the board, or it requires cleaning. Be careful when taking apart the device, though.

(Apologies, my post seems to have posted multiple times)

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^ I second what Bunbutchi said. At this point, taking it apart and cleaning the contacts gently is probably your best option. If that doesn't work, then unfortunately, I don't think there's much else to be done. :( But I hope it works for you!

I cannot seem to figure out how to take the hatch off.. It feels like it is stuck on the top and i might break the back cover if i push too hard. Tried to search for a video or illustration of some sort but to no avail..

What Tamagotchi model is it? The vintage to connection series are able to be opened once the back cover is removed and then the four small screws at each corner can be taken out. For the Tamagotchi Friends Dream Town, the plastic flaceplate has to be removed (can be done by sliding an object - like a card - underneath and then lifting upward) and then the four screws at each corner can be taken out. I think some of the colour Tamagotchis use the same principals as the Dream Town versions, as I have seen others with custom faceplates which means the top can definitely be removed.

I live in the north and walk in -33C to school and yes mind freeze on occassion from my experience things workout just find once it reaches room temperature. My batteries sometimes die during the trip (and no freezer typically gets that cold as far as I am aware they are usually cold enough to keep the food frozen (which starts at 0 C so 0-5C would be my guess as that is plenty cold) so I think just letting it return to temperature and it should be fine. When mine get cold the screen dims and the buttons don't work (and sometimes the battery dies) this is the care for the connections if it's a different model then I am not so sure... I would pop the batteries out give it time in rice of time to relax and bam things should be working again. As I said in the winter mine have to face from 0- -33C every day

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