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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2017
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So I started out with a hatch-ling named Caty, little girl. I pretty much raised her perfectly until she was a young Mametchi and accidentally lost 1 happiness due to my work schedule. She ended up being a Violechi and had a daughter of her own, leaving me at age 8

Daria had some problems, due to work I couldn't play with her as much as Violechi and ended up being an Oniontchi by teen hood, I tried to make it up to her and eventually she became a ChoHienetchi, though evolving a day later than normally should. She to had a daughter of her own and left me by age 9

Currently I'm on my 3rd generation, Ghost, she's currently a young Mametchi and now is playing with a friend on a Tamagotchi I just picked up which had a previous file on it (a female Nikatichi named Allie) and so far everything is going perfectly

Curious though, has anyone else had this many females in a row?

Update, my Young Mametchi is now a Mematchi, and her friend will evolve soon ^w^

My Mametchi has left her baby, Vince, the first boy in the line (now on Generation 4) Mametchi's dear friend recently been sold to a new owner and now my little boy isn't going to have anyone to play with when he grows up like Mametchi (Ghost her name) did when she was growing up. I might acquire another v2 later.

So Vince grew into a Itchigotchi, not really sure how that happened, I didn't miss a single care on him (hoping I would get Young Mimitchi). Vince actually got a friend growing up and has been growing up with his friend since they were new born. I have a V1 Tamagotchi right now (Gola, she's an Itchigotchi right now as well) and they are both great friends.

Vince has recently become an adult, a Marumitchi and I am hoping that Vince and Gola become breeding partners. Be the first set I could do this with since Vince's mother, grand mother, and great grand mother are all females (plus Ghost's friend was also a girl so :T )

: ) Looking forward to generation 5 on my v2 and gen 2 on my v1


Vince is now 5 and Gola is now 4, they got a few days left to go before they can wed, but they are at full hearts now and soon as able to they will have little ones ^_^


Gola - Mametchi -->age 5

Vince - Marumimitchi --> age 6

:T I had no idea they could wed this early, but regardless, they had sons >w<

c: I'm so happy


Well it happened. Vince and Gola said goodbye to their sons. They returned to TamaPlanet.

To Gola's son --> Zee -> On generation 2

To Vince's son --> Zune -> on generation 5

Right now they are toddlers, both Kinakomotichi and both are well taken care of. >:I I am will make it my goal to have a Mimitchi


Zune on the left, Zee on the right, Zune is 1 year old and is a UFOtchi while Zee is a Young Mimitchi

Question though, I have no crud clue how Zune became a UFOtichi when he was 10lbs at evolving. Thought he needed to be over 35lbs....meh


:D Zune and Zee are adults, Zune has become a Pynochitchi and Zee a Mimitchi! :D and they like to sing at the same time


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