IDL Downloads? *help*


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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2010
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Hello! I need some help, I bought a IDL off of Japan you want, Used. I also picked up a Palm Treo 700p to get the downloads.

I know there are topics about my questions, But I still need some clarifaction, please!

So, about the palm treo 700p, can I use bluetooth on my laptop to transfer the downloads to the phone? or should I use the SD card, or a USB cable? If so, what type of usb should i get? Yes, i have read the tamazone topic and youtube videos, but i would like a newer answer with a more detailed step guide...Or if there is a link you can shoot me, that is greatly detailed, go ahead and comment it. Which works best? USB cable? Bluetooth? SD card?

About the IDL itself, What are some of your favorite features? I have read up on it, But i havent found much. Thank you.

In regards to downloads I just bluetoothed everything over I tried just filling up the SD card but for whatever reason it wasn't helpful at all so I just bluetoothed it.

The IDL is my first colour tamagotchi and I think because of that it will always have a special place in my heart. I love the plant feature as well as the pet feature of the IDL you can buy seeds to plant and I think it's the next morning you have a plant that either gives you food or a toy (downloads give you so many seeds). And there are 10 pets that you can befriend at the park and they help you plant seeds and hide from the weather. (just typing this makes me miss my IDL...) I also love the weather, the animations are so pretty. In the remodel store you can change the wallpapers of all 5 rooms and if you have all of one set (can't remember it sorry ) then the exterior will change. There are tons of wallpapers that you can download onto the IDL but you can only change the living room, but still it helps make it feel like new. The games are typically short and feel like an arcade game which is awesome. As you collect tamatomos locations get unlocked and my favourite in henshinjo in which certain characters with certain items dress up in an alter ego form (if you have them when they get the stamp in the book they are saved in that form). Oh! right and once you are in the second generation you unlock the ability to eat free meals and snacks with a parent or previous generation (meals are dad and snacks are mom) your tama may not like the food but its free!

I can't remember a whole lot more else... so I say play with it and figure things out for yourself and discover all the neat little quirks they put into that tamagotchi (the anniversary IDL and the princess spacy are my favourite versions)

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