Christmas tamagotchi wishlist


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Spirit Rabbit

Well-known member
Mar 18, 2013
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What's on your tamagotchi wishlist for Christmas?

I wished for and ordered myself a connection v3 so My v4 Will have a friend - Yay! Other then that, I really want a v4.5.

Hmm I like my old V2 but maybe I'd like a new one, with a cool shell design. Or a V3. Then my V2 could make friends. But those are expensive and I'm going bankrupt. :p

I also like P2s so I'd like to own one again, probably.

And I'm thinking if it would be also worth trying Tamagotchi Friends.

That being said, I have other priorities right now, like paying the bills. <_<

Oh yes, very expensive, I shelled out 40 bucks in the v3, I have tamagotchi Friends, I don't like it, screen is Hard to see and I can't name 'em.

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Oh yes, very expensive, I shelled out 40 bucks in the v3, I have tamagotchi Friends, I don't like it, screen is Hard to see and I can't name 'em.
Hmm I don't care much about the naming, cause I name them anyway. :p I just thought the big sprites are cute. But I hear they grow too fast.

I know I'm silly on the naming point, dont know why its a fixation, and yes they grow pretty fast, and they are very chill as they dont need much Care.

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My father already bought me my Christmas present back in October, at my request. It's a Giga Pet Yoda which is a Tamagotchi in the loosest sense. I thought it was too hilarious to pass up. There is a potential I might end up with a Tamagotchi when I see my relatives on Boxing Day because of the Tamagotchi Mini, but it's a long shot. I've been thinking about maybe getting another Tamagotchi around Chirstmas likely with the funds I might receive, though I guess that isn't really a Christmas gift. If I was to buy another Tamagotchi, it'd probably be a Osutchi, Mesutchi, or Hanerutchi 2, unless I went all out and bought a Spacy M!X. But I think I might be more inclined to the oddpet side and seek out a Super Gyaoppi, Yuki Penguin, or maybe that Dragon Quest pedometer if it is still available at the price I want. In any event, some things are worth sleeping on as I'm sure a few days of watching Ebay would pay off with a bargain ;^)

I bid for a P2 on Ebay, couldn't help it. It was a very good price, excellent condition. I just hope I don't get outbid till Saturday.

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