How does your day pass?


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Jan 28, 2018
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So, I've had a rather wonderfully recreative Monday. Most of it involves playing with Tamagotchi and dolls, drinking tea, catching up on the Tamagotchi anime and reading some fine literature ... The rest of it and it's my wonderful room mate's company. So, what would your day be like? What do you like to do in a pinnacle of perfection? :)

Nishio-kun, in all his girly kawaii moe glory, with my dam, doing what he knows to do best ... lounging. xP
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Most of it involves playing with Tamagotchi and dolls, drinking tea, catching up on the Tamagotchi anime and reading some fine literature ...
For a second there I though you were me from an alternate universe. I'm not even kidding.

Anyway, my pinnacle of perfection would be the day I tiptoe off the ground and soar into the air. In the meantime, from my mortal grounding, I'll be contented to read a book that makes me feel the same way.

The typical day just involves going to work all day then coming home to play video games until meal time and then go back to video games until bed time and I wake up the next morning for another work day.
Repeat until Friday evening. Friday evening could either be more video gaming or hanging out with friends. Weekends are usually more video games and hanging with friends.

I play a lot of video games

I mostly sleep, wake up to eat lunch, either go back to sleep and wake up at 4pm and then log on on the internet after waking up again. (I only have school every other weekend and I don't work)

Kinda sad I know, lol. And because of my sleeping so much I it's hard to keep caring for tamagotchis for too long, I often get bad care characters.

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I wake up late, grab my phone, check my messages etc, check my tamagotchi, eat a big breakfast if I have time or no breakfast at all if I have to run errands around. Come back home, play some music, maybe work out, eat some more. In the afternoon I usually study if I have exams, essays etc, go to dance or music class, go to my mother's house to see my little sister, read books, news, whatever, write in my jornal, or just do nothing, play games on my phone etc. Depends on the day. Later in the evening I often go out with a friend. I come back home, do whatever from the things I also do in the evening. Eat again, and sleep late. I used to have a job too, it was a night job, 3 nights/week but my employer told me to quit. It was an awful job and didn't give me enough money to support myself though. I'd want to get another job but I can't find anything because of my lack of experience. I'll just focus on graduating first. These days, my schedule is more like "study for exams all day - panic - eat - sleep - repeat".

Wake up between 8-11 am, if I wake up between 8-10 I'll open Overwatch and get some comp games done while my parents are out. Then, I do my chores and everything else I need to do for the day and then play a ton of Overwatch after that.

I like Overwatch.

Wake up, work out (if I remember, which I generally do not), go to work. At work, I help my team and do random assorted stuff and many meetings to make sure that people are nice on the phone when people call us. I post a lot of Warhammer 40k memes in the chat at work, transform the many transformers on my desk while listening to calls we've recorded, and get in my daily quota of socializing via a couple breaks. Since I'm kinda past the 'go out and do things' phase of my life (yay!), I usually go home after work. The nights I don't just go straight home, it's usually driving around to a few stores to hunt Transformer figures I'm looking for,THEN home. When I get home, I usually eat dinner and hang out with my wife for a few hours, then either play videogames/watch TV or work on whatever I'm currently writing. If it's the latter, I try to knock out between 3-5k words a night, and by then it's pretty late.
Weekends are hang out with wife/play videogames time as well.
It's a good balance, and where I love my job and my wife is rad, I lead a pretty chill existence. :D

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I'm the most boring person there is and I spend my days by sitting in front of the computer for literally almost the whole day. Just yesterday I sat so much that my legs were abso-freaking-lutely painful when I went to bed. There are classes too though but those also count as excessive sitting. I think I'm going to fall into pieces if I keep sitting down all day like this. :eek:

i usually spend most of my time on the computer, watching something on youtube while i work on a project. I don't usually go a day without wanting to make something. I keep an eye on my tamagtochis as well, keeping them on my desk while i work.

I don't usually go a day without wanting to make something

I get that. I'm like that with writing, and I go a little bananas if I don't have a chance to write anything new for a couple days. The log has been a good way to fend that off, but I really just need to sit down and work on my next novel.

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