Back to School Hatch?


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Jun 29, 2018
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Hello, everyone!

I couldn't help but notice the lack of group hatches happening recently, and I thought since the most recent post here was for a summer hatch that the only logical course of action was to host a back to school hatch for everyone (especially those going back to school, but everyone's welcome)!

Although it's hard to pinpoint a specific day, as all schools start at different times, Wikipedia states the start time of schools in the U.S. and U.K. to be anywhere from the beginning of August to early September. I was thinking a solid compromised date of August 15, which is about in the middle of the earliest start date I know of (my own, August 1) and the broader scope of 'early September.' You can start at any time that day (but it would be cool if you could start close to when your school day starts/started). It will last for 5 generations if all goes well. You can drop out early if you must, but please try not to go over, and do your best to stick with it until the end!

This hatch is open to all versions and as many tamas as you'd like. Pictures are appreciated but not required, and you can use any format (basic description of the day, RP-style with all of your characters, etc.). All I need is for anyone interested to post below the tamas they'll be using so that I have a rough idea of how many people to expect!

I'll be running my Music Star and my Tama-Go.

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Why so late? :( The summer hatch was cancelled I guess, but I'd want one in July.

Why so late? :( The summer hatch was cancelled I guess, but I'd want one in July.
I didn't know the summer hatch was canceled. However, since it's a back to school hatch, it needs to be close to the start of school. Of course, it won't be close to everyone's start dates, but I tried to get it as close as possible. If you want to do a July hatch, try seeing if anyone is interested in a last-minute Independence day hatch or a "Dog Days" of summer hatch (July 22 - August 23)!

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Actually the summer hatch wasn't officially cancelled, just didn't start as programmed.

Anyway, I'm in, for whatever hatch XD

I'm interested in both a July and August hatch, if any of you were up for one or both. :)

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I'm interested in both a July and August hatch, if any of you were up for one or both. :)
That sounds fun, but I would like to point out that this topic does have a set date already! I only provided the July hatch options as ideas for if you'd want to organize your own hatch, as the theme and date for this one are already established. This will be an August hatch, so if you'd like to participate in this one, remember to post which tamagotchis you'll be using!

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Oh, I apologize, I didn't mean to try and take over the thread or anything C: I recently ordered a V3, so I'll play with that. If it doesn't get here on time I'll use my Dream Town!

My main qualm is the five generations... That's a lot, and I have a feeling you'd get more frequent and higher-quality updates by reducing that to two or three.

I'll join, even though I've never gone to school in my life XD I was homeschooled all the way up to University, although even that I'm doing from home. I'll probably run my V4.5 and my ID with a P1 as their companion, basically the first two will be the main attraction and follow the hatch rules while the P1 sticks with them as long as they are in the hatch (kind of an extracurricular logging activity ;^)). I'll also add that the later start date is of a unique benefit to me since I'll have two other logs that will surely be out of their backlog before the hatch starts.

Kuchikid did raise a good point since while 5 generations isn't too problematic for me - since I've gotten used to long-term logging - it might be an issue for some. I'd suggest making the bare minimum be three generations - enough to be an accomplishment but not too much to be an ordeal - with the max amount being five generations. That would work out to a minimum of a three weeks logging (some versions do get to mate earlier) with a max of five weeks logging (should equal two generation on a vintage at the best).

People will have to make up their own decisions about how frequently they want to log and also how detailed, but personally posting something 1-2 a week and recapping the highlights of each day sound fine to me. Logging is also made easier by having a notebook to quickly jot down developments. You'll probably see me posting every 3 days and giving a moderately detailed summary of the past days with a little intro from the present. As long as posting is maintained there shouldn't be a problem, as most hatches suffer from people who just drop off the face of the earth (and probably see no point in giving some sort of closure even though people do find old group hatches are fun to read).

This is still happening, right? I don't know which one I'll use. I don't want to interfere with my stand-alone log, so it'll probably be something other than a Entama/V4. Maybe my V2.

FluteLoop, the hatch host, hasn't logged in since July 6 - a full month. Since they mentioned they were starting school August 1st, they could be busy. I'll leave a message on their wall and see if they respond.

Let me stress, I want FluteLoop to lead this hatch. But if they don't respond before the hatch date, then there is no reason why we can't proceed without them. Group hatches are defined generally and thus there are no specified roles and responsibilities, rather most is intuitive. While it is reasonable that the hatch host has some control - namely over the start date, rules, and canceling the hatch - it is arguable that their sole purpose is to organize and once that is accomplished, it does not matter who does what. Furthermore, the hatch host becomes no different from the other members in a group hatch log.

First we should wait if FluteLoop shows up. If they don't, then I'll work out the finer details and create the group hatch log.

Anyone know if the group hatch is still going ahead?
Yes, and if FluteLoop doesn't make the hatch log (and no one else has by the time I get home from work on the 17th), I will, although I might not go the full 5 generations (since that's more than a month long).

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