English Patch for Tama 4U


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Apr 1, 2019
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I have the Tamagotchi 4U (not plus, just regular) and I spent a ton of time yesterday with the app and NFC trying to download the English patch, but it never did. Every time I connected my Tama to NFC with the phone, I got loads of gifts and coupons and whatnot, but could not get the patch to download. I was using the Galaxy S6. Any advice/is there another way to get it?

Have you managed to send anything else via the app?

Most people have used the Nexus 7 tablet and it seems to work for the English patch. I personally dont feel like buying a tablet so I live with it in Japanese. But is there a way for S9. To work? Anyways, on mr blinky's website he explains that you have to download some other patch (I forget the name but just search up Mr blinky 4u English patch) before downloading the English patch ( It's all in the same place and same website ). I myself have not downloaded a patch but this is the best advice I could give.

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I'd say that the English patch is the least important thing you can even get via the app. It's not even complete (I think it translates mostly menus, which are fairly easy to navigate) and the additional characters and items are more of essence, since there's just so little built in.

Not every device is compatible, and even if it is on the list, it might not work because of regional differences, the most risk free way of getting a device that works is getting one from people like fuzzy-n-chic that sell compatible phones specially for tamas. 

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