Missed the birth animation...


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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2004
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Hi everyone,

Today my (gen 1) 7 year old male Mametchi got a visit from the Matchmaker! I was pleased, but unfortunately it happened right before I was to meet with a group of people for a project we're working on. So, not really thinking, I said "yes" to the Matchmaker and started talking to my group...Well, while talking I completely missed the courting scene :[ I caught some of the fireworks at the end, but I didn't get to see the mother at all. Is there any way (after the dad leaves) I can go back and check what kind of tama the mother was?

This is the first time I've gotten a 2nd generation tama, so I'm clueless about what happens after the parent leaves. If there's no way for me to check who the mom was, do you guys have any guesses? Since it was a Mametchi and I took quite good care of it, would the mom also be a Mametchi? Please, serenade me with your knowledge! ;]

My first perfectly cared for pet was a mametchi too! He mated with another mametchi. I think it is random, though. Mine bred at 3pm. Hope this helps some! ^.^

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My Mimitchi was married to a Hanatchi from the matchmaker. I'm sorry you missed who it was :eek:

It's ok, I guess it will forever be a mystery then ;] Right now I have my gen 2 girl going (just turned into Kinakomotchi) and a new gen 1 boy I just started up. I plan on mating these two, so at least I'll know who both the parents are!

Thanks for the responses :]

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