Several Questions Regarding the Tamagotchi ON


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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
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United States
I apologize for the vague title (and please let me know if I need to be more specific in the future) but I have several questions that are not entirely related to each other and I figured that just making one post would better than spamming the thread with multiple posts in quick succession. Like many of y'all, I just got a Tamagotchi ON (which also happens to be my first color Tamagotchi ever) and I have many questions that could not be answered by the manual that came with it. If anyone can answer some of my questions, I would greatly appreciate it. 

1. When does the Tama Hotel actually close? The manual simply states "evening," so I looked it up and many sources stated that it closed at 5:00pm. However, after returning from work yesterday at 5:30, I was surprised to see that my Tamagotchi was still in the hotel. Did I misinterpret what my Tamagotchi said when it warned me not to pick it up too late? I was under the assumption that it would come home right away at 5:00pm. 

2. How do I obtain customization options for "ICON"? Is that something only adult Tamagotchis can do? Mine is currently a teenager and I can't figure out how to unlock that function. The manual says I will receive them when "my play locations have opened up," but this is incredibly vague. I'm guessing it has something to do with going to other towns, but I still don't know.

 3. How do I take my item back inside from the yard? I used to be able to do it, but ever since I got a pet I can't take my ball back inside anymore. Do I need to wait for the pet to leave after a while and then I can take it back in and put something else outside? This is another thing that the manual was pretty vague about. 

4. Is there a way to collect the room customizations? I bought two different ones, but when I go back to the shop, one of the ones I previously bought still costs money. Do you have to buy one every single time you want to change it, even if you've had it before? I thought I could buy all of them and change them for free whenever I wanted (kind of like how I already collected all of the items such as the scooter and the magazine), but if this isn't the case at least it's one less thing I have to worry about fully collecting. 

This is all I can think of for now. I tried to ask things that weren't super spoiler-y so I won't ruin the fun for myself. Thanks in advance for the help  :lol:

1. No idea, because I haven’t used the hotel daycare function yet! However, I read somewhere or other that you can leave tama with their parents however long but the daycare if you leave them past 5pm they take a big dip in the happiness meter.

2. When you unlock various places (Farm Town, or whatever for example) it gives you that theme icons for your menu. I believe it’s unlocked after you first visit the new location, not simply discovering it. You can switch back to the “normal” icons between styles without paying any gotchi points.  

3. I think the item just goes back into your inventory after you collect a pet. I was able to select the toy I left outside from my item menu right afterward, anyway.

4. I think you have to pay each time you switch backgrounds/wallpaper. I was sort of annoyed because I unlocked the “Sweets” background from the app, transferred it AND I had to pay 2000GP to unlock it!! It appears you can switch to your original default background for free 🙃 I guess they have to keep you playing the little games somehow...?

1. When does the Tama Hotel actually close? The manual simply states "evening," so I looked it up and many sources stated that it closed at 5:00pm. However, after returning from work yesterday at 5:30, I was surprised to see that my Tamagotchi was still in the hotel. 
The hotel closes at 7pm but it’s better if you bring your tama back around 5 because their happiness meter will decrease and that will make them sick and unhappy!

2. How do I obtain customization options for "ICON"? Is that something only adult Tamagotchis can do? Mine is currently a teenager and I can't figure out how to unlock that function. The manual says I will receive them when "my play locations have opened up," but this is incredibly vague. I'm guessing it has something to do with going to other towns, but I still don't know.
@bunnyrobot explained this one!  :)  

 3. How do I take my item back inside from the yard? I used to be able to do it, but ever since I got a pet I can't take my ball back inside anymore. Do I need to wait for the pet to leave after a while and then I can take it back in and put something else outside? This is another thing that the manual was pretty vague about.
If you go back to the yard and there was no pet approachig you, you will be asked if you would like to keep the item in the yard or not. In your case here you’ve got a pet, so the item should return to the inventory automatically! Not exactly sure what is happening here, have you checked the inventory?

4. Is there a way to collect the room customizations? I bought two different ones, but when I go back to the shop, one of the ones I previously bought still costs money. Do you have to buy one every single time you want to change it, even if you've had it before? I thought I could buy all of them and change them for free whenever I wanted (kind of like how I already collected all of the items such as the scooter and the magazine), but if this isn't the case at least it's one less thing I have to worry about fully collecting. 
Unfortunately you can’t have more than one, even if you bought one and changed it it will be available at TamaDepa to purchase again. However, if you buy and change the wallpapers 2 to 3 times (maybe more) you will receive 50% discount for them, from that point they will be permanently 50% cheaper unless you reset the device.

Hope this helps you :)  

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Does anyone know if the tama farm tree resets every time you hatch a new egg?  Does it die if you don't water it for a day?

Does anyone know if the tama farm tree resets every time you hatch a new egg?  Does it die if you don't water it for a day?
They reset with a new egg/generation.

They don’t die but you need to visit the farm and water them. If I remember correctly, they will take only four days to finally have them in the fridge :)  

If you go back to the yard and there was no pet approachig you, you will be asked if you would like to keep the item in the yard or not. In your case here you’ve got a pet, so the item should return to the inventory automatically! Not exactly sure what is happening here, have you checked the inventory?
Is it possible to access the yard if your Tamagotchi is still a baby? When I press B, it just takes me to the clock, but my Tama is still in the baby stage (and the poor thing can't progress from that because my Tamagotchi ON unit appears broken and keeps turning off). Thank you!

Is it possible to access the yard if your Tamagotchi is still a baby? When I press B, it just takes me to the clock, but my Tama is still in the baby stage (and the poor thing can't progress from that because my Tamagotchi ON unit appears broken and keeps turning off). Thank you!
You’re only able to go to the yard if your tama is a toddler or older. 

The Peter Pan syndrome (character not evolving) is a serious issue so many people are experiencing! Not sure why bandai is not yet saying anything or addressing the issue!  :angry:  I’ve seen people saying that it’s related to the battery type, maybe if you change the batteries and replace them with a new ones and see how it goes.

Let us know if it does work for you  ^_^

Sorry if this is not the topic. I'm from Spain and I would like buy the tamgotchi on but... I can't get the app. I have the same problem with 4U+, I don't want another tama without app. I tryed hard get a apk (I have android), but it isn't exist in internet. I have google account from Spain, not USA, for this I can't get the app. 

I would like to know if It will be posible in future get de apk and if you will talk about this in this forum, for notification.

Thanks, guys.

Sorry if this is not the topic. I'm from Spain and I would like buy the tamgotchi on but... I can't get the app. I have the same problem with 4U+, I don't want another tama without app. I tryed hard get a apk (I have android), but it isn't exist in internet. I have google account from Spain, not USA, for this I can't get the app. 

I would like to know if It will be posible in future get de apk and if you will talk about this in this forum, for notification.

Thanks, guys.
They are officially available on Apple store (US & Japan). You must have a valid US address to be able to download the app, and same for meets if you want the japanese version.

I think I’ve seen someone who managed to download it for Android a couple weeks back! I suggest you search more about that.  :blink:

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Sorry if this is not the topic. I'm from Spain and I would like buy the tamgotchi on but... I can't get the app. I have the same problem with 4U+, I don't want another tama without app. I tryed hard get a apk (I have android), but it isn't exist in internet. I have google account from Spain, not USA, for this I can't get the app. 

I would like to know if It will be posible in future get de apk and if you will talk about this in this forum, for notification.

Thanks, guys.
Apkpure usually has the latest version of the apk, but if doesnt, you can pop the google play link into an apk downloader and get it that way.  You can do the same for the meets app.

ApkPure Link:

App Store Link (On):

App Store Link (Meets):

Apk Downloaders:

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You’re only able to go to the yard if your tama is a toddler or older. 

The Peter Pan syndrome (character not evolving) is a serious issue so many people are experiencing! Not sure why bandai is not yet saying anything or addressing the issue!  :angry:  I’ve seen people saying that it’s related to the battery type, maybe if you change the batteries and replace them with a new ones and see how it goes.

Let us know if it does work for you  ^_^
Thank you!! I got a different unit and it worked great. The problem was definitely with the unit. Going to try and see if Bandai is willing to replace the broken one... hahahaha.  :lol:

I got the tamagotchi go (english version) and I too can't get the ball inside. I used the ball and when I got the pet the ball dissapeared from the yard but when I want to use anything outside it says "something is outside" I tried to take the ball on vacation because before I had the pet it asked "remove item from outside?" But now it won't offer the option I can take the ball with me but I can't use any other item outside..also when I wear the drum accessorie and go to yard it wont unlock the toy tama town..anyone else has this?

Thank you!! I got a different unit and it worked great. The problem was definitely with the unit. Going to try and see if Bandai is willing to replace the broken one... hahahaha.  :lol:
You are welcome!  ^_^

This is a serious problem! Hopefully they will replace it with a new one.

I got the tamagotchi go (english version) and I too can't get the ball inside. I used the ball and when I got the pet the ball dissapeared from the yard but when I want to use anything outside it says "something is outside" I tried to take the ball on vacation because before I had the pet it asked "remove item from outside?" But now it won't offer the option I can take the ball with me but I can't use any other item outside..also when I wear the drum accessorie and go to yard it wont unlock the toy tama town..anyone else has this?
I assume you mean Tamagotchi ON, I was a bit confused until I read the entire post  :p

Did you check your inventory? once you have the pet, the item will be automatically transferred to the inventory.

Regarding unlocking Toy Land, make sure it’s your second generation tamagotchi and on their adult stage to unlock the location.

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 Oh my I indeed meant the tamagotchi on , i was really confused about a few stuff now i understand better..the ball thing was not a glitch it wasn't left outside it was just my pet playing with his own ball.

But the original ball was in the inventory already. For the toy location I now realized it needs to be "2gen" means I need to marry my tama first..sorry I'm really new to this thanks for the help :)))

You are welcome!  ^_^

This is a serious problem! Hopefully they will replace it with a new one.

I assume you mean Tamagotchi ON, I was a bit confused until I read the entire post  :p

Did you check your inventory? once you have the pet, the item will be automatically transferred to the inventory.

Regarding unlocking Toy Land, make sure it’s your second generation tamagotchi and on their adult stage to unlock the location.

 Oh my I indeed meant the tamagotchi on , i was really confused about a few stuff now i understand better..the ball thing was not a glitch it wasn't left outside it was just my pet playing with his own ball.

But the original ball was in the inventory already. For the toy location I now realized it needs to be "2gen" means I need to marry my tama first..sorry I'm really new to this thanks for the help :)))

Hi, another question. Do you know if there are any shop where to buy a replacement of the screen? Only the external plastic. Thanks so much.

Hi, another question. Do you know if there are any shop where to buy a replacement of the screen? Only the external plastic. Thanks so much.
i checked about it for you but seems like the best suggestion people have is buying a used tamagotchi and use it for replacement parts..just look for one with not much scratches on the screen itself.

here they talk about some more options:

as for my advice you could get creative with it ...if you really want to put the effort in it you could look for other alternatives glass screens with same thickness and then take it to someone who could cut it out for you in the right size and use it as replacement..i was thinking about it myself since i already got a few small scratches and its kinda annoying...would be cool if i could use the anti scratch glass like they use for watches :p


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