Dream Town Is BACK as well ..


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Sep 1, 2019
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Oh boy Dream Town, this was a fun one  first i would like to thank @Alex Grigoriou as he had downloaded all the Dream Town files before it went down, basically making this whole thing possible.

But anyway you can play dream town @ https://famita.ml/friends/index.html 

Registering and Login saving stuff works, however codes for the actural Tamagotchi Friends dont (yet),

If you have any problems please tell me so i can try fix it- im not entirely sure i rewrote every single script soo

Technical notes (for nerds):

This game might have not been developed by Bandai but rather outsourced to "Firma Studio" as all packages are marked "com.firmastudio" - interestingly firmastudio.com seems to be an architexture company not a game development one, now granted it is Dream TOWN but i dont think it falls under

*.CEBD file format - there is only 1 SWF file acturally loaded by this, which is the loader itself. which loads other binaries and config files in the .CEBD file, which is compressed (gZIP) & encrypted (ARC4) SWF or XML files the main config file is called "mmog.cebd" which is XML and defines stuff like the login server and stuff. and the main binary is "tam.cebd" which is a SWF, i wrote a CEBD decryptor in C# .NET which you can find the src and binaries for here: Cebd_Decrypt

 its also built with the Starling Engine, the login server is default over unsecured HTTP (infact, it pretty much HAS to be over HTTP since it expects a direct IP and not a domain name, i think SSL on IP's is possible but you cant do it with Let's Encrypt ..), oh and the original server stored passwords in plaintext, when you did a "i forgot my pass" thing it would just give you your password. i acturally set mine up to do SHA512(password)^salt the password reset merely creates a new password for you and tells you that instead. :-: 

It was totallllly possible to cheat dream town (even the original one,) basically whenever you do anything it sends a request to the auth server (defined in mmog.cebd) basically you can just POST to <authserver>/inventory/add with a JSON like {"itemId":1,"quantity":4,"authId":<token>} and it just adds it to your inventory. 

Anyway, you can find the CGI scripts code for the login server here: DreamTown Repository, and the Client Files

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Only the English version? Aww, now I wish I had saved the file of the Dutch translation.

At one point in it, Mametchi literally said "Kiramotchi can be a bit of an idiot sometimes!".

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Oh my gosh,  you have no idea how happy this makes me! Thank you so much @SilicaAndPina and @Alex Grigoriou for all the hard work you've put into this!!! Good job posting this promo video on YouTube so more people can find out about it. 

By the way, the developer is called Frima Studio (not Firma). They are a fairly well-known game development company from Canada. Here's a list of games they've worked on, though Dream Town is not included. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frima_Studio

If anyone wants to play Dream Town on mobile, I've been able to run it very well in the Puffin browser on Android. (Chrome doesn't support Flash on mobile, so you have to download a separate Flash browser like Puffin). Creating the username and password is a little fiddly, but the game itself runs smoothly. To play in fullscreen, select "Flash Theatre" from the Puffin menu. 

Thanks again and well done! 🥰

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11 hours ago, huntuckian said:

Oh my gosh,  you have no idea how happy this makes me! Thank you so much @SilicaAndPina and @Alex Grigoriou for all the hard work you've put into this!!! Good job posting this promo video on YouTube so more people can find out about it. 

By the way, the developer is called Frima Studio (not Firma). They are a fairly well-known game development company from Canada. Here's a list of games they've worked on, though Dream Town is not included. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frima_Studio

If anyone wants to play Dream Town on mobile, I've been able to run it very well in the Puffin browser on Android. (Chrome doesn't support Flash on mobile, so you have to download a separate Flash browser like Puffin). Creating the username and password is a little fiddly, but the game itself runs smoothly. To play in fullscreen, select "Flash Theatre" from the Puffin menu. 

Thanks again and well done! 🥰

@huntuckian Weren't you the user that had messaged me about Dream Town? Welp if you were the one who messaged me, we have delivered what you wanted. Have fun playing! 

@huntuckian Weren't you the user that had messaged me about Dream Town? Welp if you were the one who messaged me, we have delivered what you wanted. Have fun playing! 
@Alex Grigoriou That's right, I was the one who messaged you about it! I can't believe you two actually managed to do it so soon after I messaged you. 

But I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates all the work you and @SilicaAndPinahave invested in this project. Thank you again! 😍

Only the English version? Aww, now I wish I had saved the file of the Dutch translation.

At one point in it, Mametchi literally said "Kiramotchi can be a bit of an idiot sometimes!".
Oh all the languages are there, there accessed by flashvars.  it seems- 

it loads a locale file *.ace? not sure what the format is but it looks zlib-compressed

in mmog.cebd we have them defined here:

<!-- Path of the one .ace file to load -->
<!-- :: Values :: -->
<!-- relative path, root is the project's bin folder -->
<!-- You will need to replace the ${lang} token by the current language at runtime. -->
<var name="localization_section_path" value="config/ace/resource/#lang#/localization_section.ace"/>
<!-- Path of ace files to load -->
<!-- :: Values :: -->
<!-- relative path, root is the project's bin folder -->
<var name="available" value="de,en,es,fr,nl,pl,pt,ru"/>
<var name="default" value="en"/>
<var name="de" value="config/loc/de/"/>
<var name="en" value="config/loc/en/"/>
<var name="es" value="config/loc/es/"/>
<var name="fr" value="config/loc/fr/"/>
<var name="it" value="config/loc/it/"/>
<var name="nl" value="config/loc/nl/"/>
<var name="pl" value="config/loc/pl/"/>
<var name="pt" value="config/loc/pt/"/>
<var name="ru" value="config/loc/ru/"/>
<var name="debug" value="${debug.localization}" />

basically you just pass "lang=<language "name">" to flashvars and it loads with that

some of you may have noticed theres an italian language thats defined but not avalible- i was curious so i edited the config to add it to the list and *this happened*

anyway i addded a language selector to the site famita.ml/friends for easy usage .  :D

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