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Nov 4, 2019
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I wasn't really around when surge of chat rooms and forums was around being a 2000s baby and all and it kinda makes me sad :(  ​

I've looked into more recently for some (this one included) and from what I've gathered I feel like it's a dying breed type of thing?​

I'm on e-chat and it's bone dry nowadays :(  ​

I guess I understand why since social media is A LOT more popular (and a little more convenient) but I think I enjoy the older format a lot more than just social media feeds sometimes???​

Too bad it's dying out.​


(Side note: Did anyone else play anything like Webkinz, Club penguin, or petpark back in the day???)​
I Started In 2019. BY E-Chat Too! Im the Only 2010s Kid To Discover tHESES.

It Is  Dying Out Because of Many Social Medias Has Taken over!

(I only Played Club penguin.)

The lack of activity is concerning. TamaZone is basically dead, and it seems this forum is slowing down too.

I wasn't really around when surge of chat rooms and forums was around being a 2000s baby and all and it kinda makes me sad :(  ​

I've looked into more recently for some (this one included) and from what I've gathered I feel like it's a dying breed type of thing?​

I'm on e-chat and it's bone dry nowadays :(  ​

I guess I understand why since social media is A LOT more popular (and a little more convenient) but I think I enjoy the older format a lot more than just social media feeds sometimes???​

Too bad it's dying out.​
I was in my early teens when the original Tamagotchi came to the West, when forums weren't really a thing, and you'd discuss the devices in chat-rooms, sharing links to people's personal homepages on GeoCities and the likes, which you had most likely found using AltaVista (the world's most popular internet search-engine at the time). Sometimes these fan-pages even contained treasures translated from Japanese (such a page, though I can no longer remember which one since it was back in 1997, was how I learned of the Tamapitchi, myself) - this was a time when "fan-translators" and even online machine-translators didn't exist and you'd just have to hope to find a page written by a fellow enthusiast who happened to know a given language if you didn't know it yourself!

Chat-rooms have certainly had their time, it seems, but forums dedicated to specific subjects are still around and clearly still have a place alongside other avenues for discussion. The forum format lends itself well to discussions that aren't time-zone reliant, and for sharing data such as in threads about figuring out patterns with Tamagotchi evolutions, or charting which fakes are currently out there.

(Side note: Did anyone else play anything like Webkinz, Club penguin, or petpark back in the day???)
I did not, though I did see the rise and fall of chat-rooms, guestbooks, and similar! :lol:

The lack of activity is concerning. TamaZone is basically dead, and it seems this forum is slowing down too.
If you're concerned about the lack of activity, by all means please do help us out - we all welcome and enjoy good contributions! ;)

From what I've seen, there's been a steady, though not overwhelming, stream of activity here since I joined just shy of two years ago.

For what it's worth, I visit every day, though I don't always post unless I have something that I feel is substantial enough to be worth writing. I've seen a few people proclaiming this place to be "dead" or "slowing down", but that certainly hasn't happened yet. ;) I never saw TamaTalk's heyday (outside of stumbling across it once or twice and keeping it in mind for the future), but I can't say that I've found it to be lacking in activity these last two years, myself. Perhaps I'm old-fashioned, though? :p

Anyway, it's worth mentioning that the Tamagotchi On hasn't been out in the West for long, and though it seemingly isn't going to be available in all countries (mine included) I'd imagine that there will be people who'll be getting them for Christmas who might find their way here. That's what happened with the 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi Mini (which was what led to me picking the hobby back up and is what brought me here) and the remakes of the 1996 Gen 1 and 1997 Gen 2 devices, after all.

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