The Family Album of a Weird Little Ninja and a Very Fluffy Rabbit - Penguin-keeper's Virtual Pet Log


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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
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I had originally felt burned by the Tamagotchi Meets when I first imported it, and I put it aside in irritation without going beyond the first generation. Recently, after enjoying so many Tamagotchi Meets/On logs around here, I felt that it was worth giving it another chance, so I grabbed some good batteries and started over, and soon grew to enjoy the device for what it is. :) The colour Tamagotchis represent a separate evolutionary line - their structure and gameplay are clearly descended from the Tamagotchi Game Boy game from 1997 - and I find that it helps to keep this in mind. That said, I still prefer the simpler Tamagotchis like the vintage devices and their re-releases, and the more recent Mini and Nano-based releases, as they're less time-consuming. :p

So here I am, starting a new log. I have previously found standard logging to be too time-consuming, so my focus here will be pictures of the parents and of their fully-grown offspring. For now, I'll be running my pink Fairy Version Meets, but I'm keeping an eye out to see if any more versions are localised, as I would like to support the English-language On releases, too. I have no interest in using the mobile app, so that won't be featured here, and I'll be skipping the baby, toddler, and teen stages, as I'm most interested in the final results of each pairing. I may also include pictures of new additions to my collection every now and then, such as the upcoming Pac-Man 40th Anniversary Tamagotchi, but I most likely won't be logging those. ;)

So, without further ado, here's why this log is titled as it is: My first generation Tamagotchi was a male Gozarutchi. I changed his colour to pale yellow by feeding him five lemon pies at the restaurant, and shortly after that I had him marry Lovelitchi. They made a very cute couple! :D

I'm actually not the biggest fan of Lovelitchi (I find her to be a bit on the generic-cutesy side), but it was obvious that the two's offspring would grow up to look adorable, and sure enough, they did;


Here's a picture showing Gozarutchi and Lovelitchi, along with their twin daughters, Lemonitchi and Pietchi - so named because of how recent Gozarutchi's dessert-induced colour-change had been at the time. :lol: They both turned out exactly how I expected them to, which was fun. They also both inherited their father's pale yellow colour, even though, at birth, Lemonitchi was yellow and Pietchi was white. The only difference between them as adults is that Lemonitchi's bag is white, and Pietchi's is yellow.

I'm planning to have Lemonitchi marry Kikitchi sometime tomorrow, so my next update will be once the next generation is fully grown. See you then!

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I'm planning to have Lemonitchi marry Kikitchi sometime tomorrow, so my next update will be once the next generation is fully grown. See you then!
Well, so much for that! :p Here's an unexpected extra update;


I accidentally turned Lemonitchi and Pietchi brown-and-orange due to excessive omurice consumption! :lol: Now they are fully identical. Oh well, I guess that that's how they'll stay now - it'll be interesting to see how it affects the look of the next generation.

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When Lemonitchi married Kikitchi, they had a baby boy who was a striking bright yellow colour. He was therefore named Bulbtchi. :p


Bulbtchi grew up to be a monkey ninja who inherited his father's colouration and his grandfather's ninja-bag, but in red, rather than any of the colours that it has been for previous generations, for some reason. Luckily, his big bulbous head means that his name still suits him. :lol:

I'm going to marry him to Nijifuwatchi shortly.

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Bulbtchi and Nijifuwatchi had twin girls, who I named Flufftchi and Fuzzchi, in the hope that they would inherit some traits from their mother.

The result was...


Fluffy-faced flying monkeys! :D Flufftchi and Fuzztchi, who are the 5th generation, inherited Gozarutchi's cream colour from all the way back in generation 1, along with their mother's wings and body-type, and her fluffy facial-features.

Fuzztchi just got married to Unipegasatchi, and they had a daughter called Unifuwatchi (I couldn't think of a name for this one, so I just went with the default :p ). I'll most likely update again once she's all grown up, unless I decide to play with a colour-change before then.

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Unifuwatchi and Kiminanizatchi had a son called Goblintchi - so named because of the many odd colour-changes that his mother naturally went through as she grew up, and because, frankly, both of his parents look a bit weird. :p


Last night, true to the reason for his name, Goblintchi grew up looking a bit weird himself - in a cute way, of course. ;)

I'm going to turn him green later, for a bit of a change, since his mother's green teenager stage looked cool, and then he will be marrying Fairytchi later today.


I'm really happy with how Faetchi turned out! Those blue genes certainly are strong, though - both her father (before being turned green) and her grandmother grew up to be blue, too.

I'm not sure who she's going to marry yet - maybe Mametchi? I'll post a quick update when I figure that out. :p

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I'm not sure who she's going to marry yet - maybe Mametchi? I'll post a quick update when I figure that out. :p

I decided to have Faetchi marry Kuchipatchi, in the end - here's a picture that was taken at their wedding.

They've just had a blue baby boy called Kuchifairytchi - I'll update again when he's fully-grown!

Kuchifairytchi turned out to be delightfully weird! :D


As you can see, his looks live up to his name perfectly! :lol:

Later or tomorrow, as soon as I have enough time to tend to their offspring, I'm going to have him marry Mochiusatchi.

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Quick update: Kuchifairytchi has now married Mochiusatchi, and the two had a blue baby girl who I named (deep breath, people) Kufaemochitchi. I just felt like going with something absurd this time, and I will endeavour to do better next time. :p


Kufaemochitchi lived up to her name, as she has obvious traits from Kuchipatchi, Fairytchi, and Mochiusatchi! The blue genes are back in force, too. :lol:

She's going to marry Mametchi shortly, and I'm planning to lump their offspring with the unfortunate name of Blobtchi, because of the mochi traits of their mother. :p


Oh my god, that is not the result that I was expecting! :lol:

Not only did Blobtchi live up to his unfortunate name with unfortunate looks (he looks like a puffball from the Kirby series, given a hideous beak and stuck onto a tiny body), but he also completely washed out the gene-pool! I was expecting at least some cute ears to make it through from somewhere in the family-tree (especially since his teen stage inexplicably had small horns), but nope!

He's such a blank slate that I literally have no idea who to have him marry, because he barely has any traits of his own to pass on, and I just can't imagine how the next generation might look. I don't imagine that it'd be as much of a shock as this one, though! :lol:

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In the end, I chose to have Blobtchi marry Pizalinatchi, since @Joc posted the Pac-Man Tamagotchi ad over in News and Announcements yesterday, and we all know about the famous claim about Pac-Man having been inspired by a pizza that was missing a slice. :p Thanks for the inspiration, Joc! :D

Blobtchi and Pizalinatchi had twin boys - a blue one named Slicetchi, and a forest-green one called Peppertchi. I'll post the next update when they're fully-grown. :)


Slicetchi and Peppertchi just evolved, and, once again, they've lived up to their names in quite an uncanny fashion! Slicetchi is pale yellow and very pizza-themed, and Peppertchi is forest-green and looks a fair bit like a bell-pepper. :lol:

The two became non-identical during their teen stage (and by that I mean noticeably so, not just in terms of colouration), marking the first time that I've had non-identical twins; And they turned out to be very non-identical - you'd never know that they were related unless you'd seen them on the same screen together!

Slicetchi has now married Cherrytchi and her bizarre cranial parasite. I dread to think what their offspring - a bright-orange boy named Cheesetchi - will end up looking like. :p


Cheesetchi turned out to be really pretty! He also ended my run of Tamagotchis whose looks ended up matching their names. :p

I'm not sure who to have him marry yet, and I don't have time to deal with the baby stage right now, so that decision will have to wait until tomorrow. I'll probably go with someone from Tama Farm, though.

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In the end, I had Cheesetchi marry Bonnetchi from Toy Park.

They now have a pink baby girl, who I've named Jamtchi just in case she inherits her father's cherry-red colour.

This family-tree just keeps getting weirder and weirder! :p

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Jamtchi turned out to look like the spitting image of her father, except wearing a bonnet.

This is not weird enough for me, so I've had her marry Hatakemotchi in the hopes of steering the family-tree back towards more unusual results. :p

Jamtchi and Hatakemotchi have just had a lilac baby girl, who I've named Spotchi in the hope of her inheriting her father's cow-spots! :lol:

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Now this is more like it! :D


Although she didn't inherit any cow-spots, Spotchi certainly grew up to live up to her name regardless - she has a big bulbous purple head! :lol: She's also got the most fantastic face I've yet seen in the entire family-tree.

As site regulars may already know, I favour the "weird"/"ugly" Tamagotchi designs (with my favourite being Tarakotchi), and I think that Spotchi absolutely lives up to this, with her giant round shiny face, random tuft of hair on her forehead, cow-horns, stick-limbs, bow around her neck, hilarious grin, and gormless eyes. Out of all of the strange creatures from all of the generations so far, Spotchi is by far my favourite! :D

And I'm glad that I got a Tamagotchi this great today, because I've been running the Fairy Meets every day for over a month now, and with less than two weeks to go until Animal Crossing: New Horizons is released, with the Pac-Man Tamagotchi following soon after, I think that it's time for me to put the family-album on hiatus for a little while in order to prevent me from burning out on the Meets. I've had Spotchi buy a ring so that, when I return to it, she can select a suitor right away, and we'll pick up right where we left off.

In the meantime, I'm going to do a bit of coverage of the Pac-Man Tamagotchi when it shows up, and I might also post a few impressions from Animal Crossing: New Horizons, too, since, although it isn't a virtual pet, it is still a life simulation of sorts. :p

I didn't expect to enjoy running the Meets for this long non-stop, since I still prefer the older/simpler devices, which tend to have far shorter run-times than this - it's certainly a very different experience, though thanks to the Meets being simpler than other colour versions it's worked out well for me and I've had a great time with it so far. Hopefully I can continue getting more delightfully-weird Tamagotchis like Spotchi when I pick the device up again! :lol:

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