Nana Moon Character


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Well-known member
May 17, 2018
Reaction score
I haven't found much info on this virtual pet made by M&D, so I started a topic hoping to catalog some of the characters I get.

There a guide for this pet by Melissatchi on Instagram: MOON FAIRY-PET GUIDE.pdf?dl=0

Alongside raising your pet, you're tasked with gathering the '7 magical treasures'. Treasures 1-5 can be obtained by purchasing and using items from the in-game shop. Treaasure 6 is a telescope item which had been theorised to be unlocked by connecting to another maxi 10 times, and Treasure 7 may have something to do with inputting a passcode when you've obtained 6/7 treasures.

Here's what I got from my first run:


I'll update as I unlock characters, but I'm mainly creating this topic to gather info from others who've run this pet.

I love this thread, I have just started playing mine again today! I've not run it in a long time, and didn't get that far before (gen 2). I seem to remember it was hit or miss whether it saved your data; I believe if the batteries die it saves the data for 10/20seconds (enough time to put a fresh battery in, keep spare ones on standby!), but if working batteries are left in, it will always have the download/reset option & you can pause it like this if you don't want to use the school option.

I'm starting to keep track of what I am doing with mine this time, and aiming to unlock everything. Hopefully I can help in gathering info. Melissa's guide is super helpful too! 

Looking forward to following your runs of this! (Are you on instagram?)

I was wondering about whether the nana moon saved your progress, thanks for the tip. Currently I'm just waiting for the matchmaker so I can start a new gen. Also I don't have an instagram unfortunately -_-

I tried it out with my spare one; nanamoons save progress while a working battery is in the device. If the battery is removed (or goes dead) progress only saves for 20seconds. It is enough time to change a dying battery for a new one. & When the battery is dying, the pixels/screen become very feint so its easy to tell. 

Mine is a toddler at the moment (same male toddler in your photo). I'm looking forward to seeing which character you get next! :D

I finished my 2nd run of the nana moon maxi, and was surprised to get a new adult character despite my awful care. Thinking back on it, I should have ordered two maxis to do the item transfer trick.



After getting 2 repeat characters in a row, I pulled the plug on this device. It is a really difficult pet to run! I might revisit it sometime in the future, hopefully with a second device.


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