My Tamagotchi Mini!


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Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Colorado Springs
Hey guys and girls!

I saw a Tamagotchi Mini at Toys R Us the other day so I grabbed it. It was only 8 bucks and it is all black with red and orange flames on it. Anyway, I started it yesterday and the absolutely great thing about the mini Tama is that is doesn't go through that frustrating baby stage where you have to check it every five minutes. It starts out as a floating bubble.

There are no icons and no games to play. The only thing to worry about is keeping your Mini feed, clean and happy. There is no status meter, so the only way to see how your tama is doing is to press the C button. If your tama doesn't do anything, then he's fine. If you press C and he get mad, that means you need to do something for him.

The great thing about this tama, is that, if you don't know what to do, then push the A button and it will do it. If there is pooh on the screen, then push the A button and it wipes off, if he is hungry, press A and it will got to the food menu, where you will choose a snack or a meal. Meals fill him up, snacks make him happy, and if he doesn't need anything, then nothing will happen when you push the A button. WHen he goes to just push the A button and it takes you to the light switch. Everything can be taken care of by pushing the A button. Its kind of cool.

This tama is totally the tama for someone on the go.

I started him yesterday, and today he is a Mamechi. So, obviously fast growth cycle.

Really cute, easy to take care of. Very cute. A must for any tama collector.

Wow! Sounds cool. Do you kno anywhere else you can get em? :blink: I've been savin up and tonite i finished! :)

I think it's the clock. I want one!

Gimme... -sneaks into HoneyRemix's house and tries to grab it-

Ok, well sure there are all those upsides to the Minis, but, no offence and all, it's like the lazy way to get out of caring for your tama. If you really wanna buy one it's up to you, but you can't connect so it's pointless.

Ok, well sure there are all those upsides to the Minis, but, no offence and all, it's like the lazy way to get out of caring for your tama. If you really wanna buy one it's up to you, but you can't connect so it's pointless.
Not being able to connect doesn't mean it's pointless..... I think they're really cool but they are sort of not really being bothered to check on your Tama.... If you know what I mean... But they are still worth getting. :)

I think they are a good toy for some one who is trying to learn responsibility, well seeing as I have 1 mini, 1v2 and 1 v1, the mini is kinda boring...

I think they are a good toy for some one who is trying to learn responsibility, well seeing as I have 1 mini, 1v2 and 1 v1, the mini is kinda boring...
They are sort of boring but still something worth getting, especially for people's birthdays and little gifts for children, including me... :) You've got to addmit that they are still a Tama that needs care...

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