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Jan 20, 2005
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i heard that u guys r a lil 2 obsessed wit tamagotchis

preppy nd proud

Yet another sensles post...yesh

Yes we're addicted to tamagotchis...well how could you now be?? They rule :ph34r:

My gosh..... I like tamagotchis but not like alwayz thinking about them like I have a life and friends.......... you should know preppygirl you are 1 of my friends like everyone needs to get out and put your tama down and play......................


P.S I do admitt I do play with them when I am boerd lonely or when I don't want to do my school work

(Don't worry I get good grades)

P.S preppygirl Xavier is all over ------------'s tama that is the only tama he will play with)

Technically, the consumers rule. *pushes up glasses, although she doesn't have glasses XD * The consumers choose whether Bandai should keep making them. =:3 *mimitchi nod*

They are awesome! TwT

Correction on my last post *now=not*

I have between my friends and me, ten fully actice tamagotchis...most are second gen. But we love them.

I have school, work and a social life so I do pause them from time to time so that I might be able to live life and raise them at the same time..thats not obessive.

Well i know but i bring my tama every where and i still have a life and frinds it not like i stay in side all day playing with my tama

I wasn't talkin to u Emma

Cooper got 1 just so he could kill it well at least thats wat he said

Preppy nd Proud

Please donot make me the bad guy I just ment that it is not all I do, I wasn't talking bout you

Yet another senseless post about nothing interesting. Why would we be here if we were not totally into out tamagotchi's? Also, there are people of all ages on me being 20....who don't have time to be obsessed but just love their tamagotchis and use them to relieve stress or other things. Please don't act like people are better than others!

Yet another senseless post about nothing interesting. Why would we be here if we were not totally into out tamagotchi's? Also, there are people of all ages on me being 20....who don't have time to be obsessed but just love their tamagotchis and use them to relieve stress or other things. Please don't act like people are better than others!
exactly!!! i agree with you 100 percent!

Dont talk about tamagotchi that way! :huh: B) They are fun,terrific,exiting,wonderful,adoring,cute,funny,pretty,nice,kind,

caring,friendly,excellent,perfect,never horrible,amazing,elegant,cool,awsome,playful,stupendous, tremendous,better,Great,good,................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... and alot other great things!!!! :eek: :blink: :blink: :) :) :D :D :D B)

I hate being obbsesed everone makes fun of me! I HATE PREPS YOU PREP! Woah sooo....

Even though I said all those things about tamagotchi in my last post doesn't mEAN i'M OBSESSED with them! I just over reacted.

I hate being obbsesed everone makes fun of me! I HATE PREPS YOU PREP! Woah sooo....
Preps r cool, they r better than bein poor!

From Babii Bee ND Preppy Girl

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