has any1 done tama surgery?


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Feb 18, 2006
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my friend did surgery once with me. beacouse our tamas got a virus tama its new never before seen it looked like an ameba but the black squid looking alien tama zapped it and now it goes 5x slower. it may seem :huh: but it is all true :wub: . any questions?

A Tamagotchi cannot get a computer virus. If you mean a glitch then yeah, maybe, but "...the black squid looking alien tama zapped it" makes no sense. Please clear this up.

A Tamagotchi cannot get a computer virus. If you mean a glitch then yeah, maybe, but "...the black squid looking alien tama zapped it" makes no sense. Please clear this up.
yeah, no viruses, its impossible to attack a tama like u attack a computer hardrive.

im not sure what it was but it did it on my friend he was gona debug it while he was using the pencil he snezed and he put it back together but an hour later this wierd looking tama looked like an ameoba and then the black squid got next to it like when they use the honey butt instead of a kiss the ameoba got zapped and then it was gone. true :lol: but hard to believe :eek: is that clear enough :huh:

You friend SNEEZED while DEBUGGING? He most likely got something wet! And that's gross, carrying a sample of your friends snot everywhere!

my friend did surgery once with me. beacouse our tamas got a virus tama its new never before seen it looked like an ameba but the black squid looking alien tama zapped it and now it goes 5x slower. it may seem :) but it is all true ^_^ . any questions?
No. i haven't.

*tama star*

the tama started working better but as soon as its out of batteries were buyng a v3. its still nasty having a boogie around in the tama but we cant find it.

ugg..........I had that happen.!My nicitchi was like thinking them BOOM a black squid thing freezes it.!So I reset it and back to normal.Well I am thinking of debugging But I need a new battery for 1 of my v2's.The other has been on pause for like.........4 DAYS STRAIGHT!They are adults and mated and have 2 babys now.

By the way your tama can get a computer virus. My teacher infected a tama as a experiment/punishment.By the way if you have any doubts you can rest assured. I am in advanced tech in highschool. On the topic of doing surgery on a tama i have many times and were successful on all of the. I now ave learned how to change the design and color on the icon screen. I also have a very special tama to me. It can hook up to tvs. I conected an optical cord to the circuit debuggin system.When you successfully smolder it on you attach the cord to a video camera.Which in turn would display and record everything your tama does for reference. I hope i havent confused you.If i have please pm me and i will explain it to you.

P.S. Being this smart makes it hard to find friends so pm me if you will be my friend!

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A Tamagotchi cannot get a computer virus. If you mean a glitch then yeah, maybe, but "...the black squid looking alien tama zapped it" makes no sense. Please clear this up.
your tama can get a computer virus. As read in my previose post.

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cool but im in elementary school in 5th grade i cant do all that advanced tech that you do i can barely make heads or tails on how a tama works all i know they need to be cared for by the way he bought me a new one

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