it when from child to mimitchi?


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Aug 4, 2004
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my 2 gene. tama didn't turn into a strawberry thing it's 2 today and it just changed from a child to a young Mimitchi why is that?

young mimitchi is the same stage as ichigotchi.

it depends on how you feed him, make him happy, etc.

He's saying that he's on the first generation. Which means, that his child shoudlve turned into a Itchigotchi. But it turned into a young mimitchi.

The reason for that is simply unexplained. It has happened to other people also. But it doesn't mean there is a glitch in it or something or anythingis wrong with it.

...Lain your wrong, he said and i quote,

"my gene 2. tama didn't turn into a strawberry thing it's 2 today and it just changed from a child to a young Mimitchi why is that?"

Young Mimitchi is not a adult stage it is a Teenager stage, Young Mimitchi, and Itchigotchi (Straberry looking) come on alternate generations, Young Mimitchi usually comes on even numbered generations, and itchigotchi on odd numbered generations. :p

is that so ? cool, mine's gonna be young mimitchi then. :p

of cos ill treat it will excellent care! heh~ :p

...Lain your wrong, he said and i quote, "my gene 2. tama didn't turn into a strawberry thing it's 2 today and it just changed from a child to a young Mimitchi why is that?"

Young Mimitchi is not a adult stage it is a Teenager stage, Young Mimitchi, and Itchigotchi (Straberry looking) come on alternate generations, Young Mimitchi usually comes on even numbered generations, and itchigotchi on odd numbered generations. :D
HE?? I'm a GIRL!!!!

THANKS for your help everyone and BTW I'm a girl HELLO NICKOLE that's a girls name. :D

He's saying that he's on the first generation. Which means, that his child shoudlve turned into a Itchigotchi. But it turned into a young mimitchi.
The reason for that is simply unexplained. It has happened to other people also. But it doesn't mean there is a glitch in it or something or anythingis wrong with it.

NiCKoLe, please don't double (or triple in this case) post. The "edit" button is your friend, you know :wacko:

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