poop is in my shop!


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2006
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I saw poop in my shop, and I got to to see what would happen, and and my tamagotchi got sick. :lol:

poop? maybe you dropped the tamagotchi too hard on the floor. i never had poop in my shop. maybe the guy who sold it to you did something to it. :lol:

POOP, that can't be right!!!! Are you sure that's what you saw!!???? :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Your tama then probably has a little glitch!!! Try reseting your tama if you aren't afraid maybe that will help!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hmm.. That is not normal. Are you sure that your tamagotchi had poop in it's shop? It could have been an item or a treat that looks a bit like poop and you could have got a bit mixed up. How much did it cost?

If it was definatly pooop in the shop then your tamagotchi appears to have some kind of glitch but hopefully there's nothing to worry about. ^_^

-sk8er girl-

thats so cool!!

except the part that your tama got sick

moni ^_^

Thats really weird :furawatchi: I agree with everybody else maybe it was a glitch, but I wouldn't worry about it. But still that is pretty strange.

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