My tama turned 3 to 2 and its an adult!


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I have no idea what's going on with the years changing from 3 to 2 to 3 again, (you might have mis-read the years number as 3 earlier, though), but Tamas will sometimes evolve into adults when they're still 2. Ususally, it's because the Tama was paused a lot or downloaded at least once, since that seems to throw off the years. The number of years has nothing to do with how old your Tama actually is.

Did you reset and download it between when you checked and it was three and when it was two again? I think that can mess up the years....

Be patient. Even if ther are thousands of people on this forum, it'll still take then a few minutes to reply.

Anyway, I'm stumped. If there's nothing wrong with your Tama, though, I wouldn't worry.

[email protected]

Don't worry i have the reply.

R u a new tama pet owner?

Ur tama training must be alot that's because ur tama is too young but a adult that's y.

I'm not a new tama owner! I have been taking care od tamas for 2 years! And this has never happend to me before so I posted hoping for an answer. : :blink: And yes my training is a lot but then again not really.

*Mamitchi465* :unsure:

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