Will the food you give your Tamagotchi...


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Dec 26, 2005
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TOPIC MOVED FROM Tips & Tricks > What Happened to my Tamagotchi? forum

Would you like to take part in a test to see if what you feed your Tamagotchi affects its growth? I've heard this rumour a lot. Well, here's a big list. I definitely need help in Even-gen, since I'm going to see how long my green v3 will live to.

First step. Get a v3. When it's a baby, start to only feed it the foods of one of the combinations on this list. When it grows up to an adult, tell me the combination you did (e.g. scone for meal and cone for snack) and tell me what you got. Ready? The meal is on the left, the snack is on the right.



































Can we prove this rumour true?

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no booby head
please don't be rude here on tamatalk dancinkayley was just trying to help everyone if you didn't want to take part in this experiment then say it nicely or just don't post on this thread at all

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Can I take part in this? I really don't want to reset my v3's, but one of my v3's has a baby because the matchmaker came today so tomorrow tomorrow or the day after tomorrow i will do it. it will be on an odd generation and its parent is a Gozarutchi. Also, can we play games with it?


kuchipatchiluver :ph34r: :) :D

i have a little quesion....how do you know ur tama is even or odd? :D   :)
I the status, it will say Gen-1G. This means the generation. The number is odd or even.

And it's all in the care and training (mostly)

Hope I helped!


no booby head
Now now, calm down. dancinkayley was only trying to help. And Gotchi Girl96 is right, be niceto everyone here because it's all going to blow up in your face one day. :D (I already see yellow Karma.) :ph34r:

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Can I take part in this? I really don't want to reset my v3's, but one of my v3's has a baby because the matchmaker came today so tomorrow tomorrow or the day after tomorrow i will do it. it will be on an odd generation and its parent is a Gozarutchi. Also, can we play games with it? 

kuchipatchiluver :huh: ^_^ ^_^
Yes, you can take part in this. Just get the baby. You are allowed to play games with it.

Maybe it's true, because once I cared for a Tamagotchi perfectly, and I fed scones and cones, and I got Mametchi. Then, I cared for another Tamagotchi perfectly on the same generation, feeding apples and sushi and I got Pyonkotchi. This is interesting, I wonder how it works?

Someone reported they weren't caring for their Tamagotchi well but they fed certain foods and got Mimitchi. I wonder if they are telling the truth.

FergieIsHot... um... that's a very nice thing to say and I... um... appreciate... your... comment. (Notice how I was trying to sound sarcastic? Try saying things in a nicer way.)

I tried to make the parent leave, but it wouldn't work. I think it will work at 3:00 pm because thats when i got the matchmaker yesterday. its 10:43 am right now. so in a few hours, i'll make the parent leave, and i'll try it out. lets see what i'll feed it.... i'll post as soon as i decide! :)

I will take perfect care of the baby. I will play games with it, keep it at minimum weight, 4 hearts each for hungry and happy, etc. ect.... lol it will be on the 5th generation, and i've decided to only feed him Bread and Pudding. I wrote it down too, incase i forget. and when i go to school tomorrow (i'm sick so i'm absent today) i won't let anyone play with him because i need to make sure everything is perfect. because sometimes, i tell my friends not to feed it too much and not to buy anything in the shop, but they still do anyway. lol. anyway, i like to participate in things like this, even though i never did. lol! so i'll post here again as soon as his parent leaves. I'm naming him Phil.


kuchipatchiluver :) :D ;)

i have a little quesion....how do you know ur tama is even or odd? ;)   :D
She means odd and even generations...

Oh, and to answer your question, I had the Scone-cone combination on odd generations, I took good care of it and I got Mametchis, Leaftchis and Pyonkotchis.

Hope this helps! :)

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Guess what? I'm made the parent leave! actually, she's leaving right now. so as soon as she leaves, i'll only feed her Bread and Pudding.she's leaving! up up up up up..... she left! yes! kinda sad... but still! now I can participate. one sec let me wake him up and name him, etc... ok! he woke up, and I named him Phil. I fed him one bread and one pudding. now i'm gonna go play some games with him and get his hearts up and his weight down.


kuchipatchiluver :angry: :furawatchi: :ichigotchi:

Giving the tama food that it likes is very good. The food integrated in the list are food that you should prioritate to give it, because it's the healthiest.

The bowl, number four, on the food list, is filled with rice, not cereal.

When you find a food item it likes, it wil twirl around, laughing and with a sun blinking.

When you find food it likes, it will say "uh,oh", and widen eyes. this takes away all the happy hearts, so you should give it a snack and play a game.

The bowl, number four, on the food list, is filled with rice, not cereal.
actually, not its not filled with rice, it is cereal, because it even says cereal underneath it.

noooo!!! I was so excited when Phil evolved into a Tamatchi that I accidentally fed him a scone. it was only 1 though. is it ok if i only fed him 1 scone? sry btw sry again. he he....

GRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! I DID IT AGAIN! I wasn't paying attention and i fed him a few more scones and a few more cones!!!! i guess i can't take part in the project anymore... :angry: i hate my carelessness!

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