Sh*t presents


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New member
Jun 28, 2004
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When mine and my mates tamagotchis connect they give each other presents. But today they have started giving eachova s**t and ghosts. Why is this when they both really like eachother and have 4 smiley faces??? Has this happened to any1 else?

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admin probably edited it, there are young people that look at this site aswell :rolleyes:

Heh... it was me. Trying to at least keep the main topic pages clean...

Though this brings up a good question... What do you all think about word filters that replace the bad words with something else? Too heavy handed? Needed to keep this a friendly place for Tamagotchi fans of all ages? Would it be a turn off for any of you to have censored posts? Or would it be a good thing? Or does it even matter at all? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

A word filter might be a nice idea.

Why do we need to use swear words anyway? To express an opinion strongly?... if so do you think we would have a larger vocabulary, or the decency to think of the other people who read posts who may find offence in swear words.

I don't mind the swearing, I am just thinking about other people. Some people who visit this board especially might be younger and innocent.

Anyway, its up to you. I don't mind...

My main concerns are with not offending people who are "sensitive" to that kind of language... As well as avoiding TamaTalk being blacklisted by filtering programs/comapnies because of the cussing (which might prevent some people accessing the site from computers with parental filters and such). Maybe I'm just being overly cautious... How about we just leave this as an option for the future if it get sout of hand.

(I'd still appreciate everyone's thoughts on the matter... Just PM them to me)


hmm, i dont think you should ban swear words, just make them so topic headers are censored, this should be enuf warning for people to see thers swear words in the topic

Yeah. That happened the first time I played with my tams, but they eventually learned that poop, ghosts and diseases do NOT make nice gifts!

Of course you can get poop. I've gotten it a million times!

I think it's a good idea. If a parent saw their child on a page with cursing they may ban their child from entering Tama Talk all together. It's also just plain curtosy... :rolleyes:

Just to add something: there is no such things as bad words. It just the way that people USE the word.

haven't had a lot of problems with presents and shtuff like that :D

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