So exciting!!!


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Aug 23, 2004
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My friend Jessica and I started our tamagotchis on the same day. I have the boy and she has the girl. (Yuki is mine, Tohru is her's...Fruits Basket much?)...anyways and today at lunch Tohru gave Yuki maracas (sp?) and Yuki looked so cute!!! Ah, just wanted to share that with you. <_<

Yeah each adult charecter has 2 special items, i got the maracas, that charecter also gets a hat. <_<

cool, my memitchi got a crayon once in a gift, then he was sitting at a desk writing something....then he held the paper up to the screen and it said "Thank-You" ;)

lol thats kool... i hope i get a mamitchi... i think its possibal for me to get one

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yup i was right i can get a mametchi or a maskutchi... my cousin had a maskutchi and hers died early... i hope i dont get one... it died in my hands... i have bad luck with them ;)

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I got the hat last night. I can't wait to see what Utena (now an Ichigotchi) turns into. I want to start one of my old ones as well.

Yeah. Suzi used to love her maracas. At the moment, my two oniotchis have balls (and one of them's a girl! Freak of nature! lol! j/k).

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