Throw up flue


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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
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British Columbia
Well where I live its flue season and about 19 people in my class got the throw up flue and theres 21 people in my class. I havent gotten it yet cause whenever its flue season I force my self to have icky vitamins at morning and night time.


I feel bad for you. 19 people in your class have a flue? that is a serious flue, just hope you don`t get sick. You wouldn`t want to be sick from school because of it and the rest of the class. It`s a good thing to take vitamins in the morning and the night so you won`t get sick.

No no no no 19 people in my class HAD the flue not have the flue then there would only be 2 people in my class Lol.


oh. SOrry but you have to speak more clearly because i`m just comfused. you`de have to say the totasl people IN your class, thn say the number of people who got SICK ok? otherwise it`s really comfusing, right now i`m already embaressed, and i`m sorry if i`m rude.

SO there`s 40 people in your class and 19 f them had a flue? that`s sort of a bad thing. Just hope nobody else in the class gets it, otherwise, there might be 10 or 15 people in the class then. Trust me you do not want to get sick. i`ve thrown up in class when i was younger and i had to skip school, even last year i threw up in a toilet (don`t ask, it`s embaressing.) and trust me it isn`t pretty.

Okay you kinda seem confused so ill help you, theres 20 people in my class and 19 got it So dont do 20+19 Lol.


o_O aww man, i`m so confused on math. Are you the only one in class then or is it just me who`s imagining things?

.. Woah, Okay im not the only one in class but there are some people missing cause they have the flue. Lol theres like 18 people in my class and 3 are ill How sad :huh:


Don`t be so rude Nummy. -lWeride didn`t know how to spell Flu right.

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around my town throwing up and diorreha(dont know how to spell it :huh: tipical me!) Luckly I havent got it yet. Some of my friends have. ;)

I wasn't being rude, I was correcting their grammar.
Well no offence Nummy, but you don`t have to be a big showoff with spelling. just let her find out she spelled something wrong. Again, No offense or anything about this post.

Well no offence Nummy, but you don`t have to be a big showoff with spelling. just let her find out she spelled something wrong. Again, No offense or anything about this post.
*points at bolded* Why do people say things that imply something offensive, then say 'no offence?' Obviously it was meant to offend.

Nummy didn't do anything wrong. Yes, she could have worded it differently and sugar coated it, but that doesn't mean you need to call her a 'show off with spelling.'

The person she corrected was fine that she corrected her. She wasn't being rude. She was being helpful. A lot worse could have been said.


Anywho. Most my family was sick while I was on vacation. I'm glad I haven't caught anything. Kind of surprised too. I was sick-ish while I was gone, but nothing compared to the flu.

I don't know whether I've got it or not. I am definately throwing up, and I was sick with a sore throat and a bad headache yesterday and the day before, so sick that I didn't go to school either day. horrible. i won't go into detail, because it would just be repeating my post in my topic "Carrots". i wouldn't recommend reading that if you're grossed out by barfing. anyway, i might have the thing your talking about.

by the way, if all you had to do to avoid the flu was take vitamin pills, no one in a sane environment would get it lol!!!

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