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Jan 4, 2007
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OK i did smething realli dumb...i fed my tamagotchi snacks until it weighed...brace yourself...99LB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz i wanted to win the game bump...i played and i only got up to the second level!!!!!!!!!! AND NOW I HAVE A TAMAGOTCHI THAT WEIGHS 96LB!!!!!!!!!!! does any1 kno any way for it to lose weight fast apart from playing games!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Not that I know of but I played the Heading game and went from 99lbs down to 60lbs in a few games.

OK i did smething realli dumb...i fed my tamagotchi snacks until it weighed...brace yourself...99LB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz i wanted to win the game bump...i played and i only got up to the second level!!!!!!!!!! AND NOW I HAVE A TAMAGOTCHI THAT WEIGHS 96LB!!!!!!!!!!! does any1 kno any way for it to lose weight fast apart from playing games!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
On Tamagotchi Connexion version 2, there's a diet potion or something or other like that randomly sold in the shop that makes your Tamagotchi lose 30g. At least playing games earns you more Gotchi Points, which you can in turn donate to the Gotchi King, who in turn will grant you more Gotchi Points when you play a connection game!

you can have these diet potions...but relax...i LOVE heavyweight tamas! plus you don't need to always watch what they eat and how much they eat! lol :unsure:

OK i did smething realli dumb...i fed my tamagotchi snacks until it weighed...brace yourself...99LB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz i wanted to win the game bump...i played and i only got up to the second level!!!!!!!!!! AND NOW I HAVE A TAMAGOTCHI THAT WEIGHS 96LB!!!!!!!!!!! does any1 kno any way for it to lose weight fast apart from playing games!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
Their are two ways to make your tamagotchi loose weight.

1. Continue playing games, I like this way, because you lose weight, have fun, and earn points! You can lose 2-6 pounds in a game, usually.

2. Weight loss potion, this removes are 30 Lbs, If I'm correct. It is good, if you want to lose weight fast, but it costs you money.

But don't worry too much on how heavy your tamagotchi is :unsure: As long as you love it, it shouldn't matter.

Actually there is a third way!

3. Buy the genie lamp when it is in the shop, it might turn it into a baby or old timer for a couple of seconds, when it returns to its normal self, the hunger and happiness hearts will be empty, and the tama will be at it's minimum weight. Although you will have to fill the hunger hearts by feeding it, it will still be a light weight tamagotchi. ;)

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OK i did smething realli dumb...i fed my tamagotchi snacks until it weighed...brace yourself...99LB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz i wanted to win the game bump...i played and i only got up to the second level!!!!!!!!!! AND NOW I HAVE A TAMAGOTCHI THAT WEIGHS 96LB!!!!!!!!!!! does any1 kno any way for it to lose weight fast apart from playing games!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
Well, you tamagotchi is good at the bump game! :eek: Becareful your tamagotchi might die. If you have v3, there is a Item called the TOY CHEST. It will either give you points, toys, or turn your tamagotchi into a oldie or baby.

Note: That when that happens this will put you back to it's base weight. But this only hapens when it's a Adult. But Eventually it wil turn back to it's normal stage. :eek: Thought, it will knock it's Happy and Hunger hearts to 0.

If your tamagotchi is fat, it will sometimes reflect what tamagotchi you might get. When you beat a game or when you play the game really good, your tamagotchi will also turn happy.

So play games unstead of feeding your tamagotchi snacks to make it happy.

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OK i did smething realli dumb...i fed my tamagotchi snacks until it weighed...brace yourself...99LB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz i wanted to win the game bump...i played and i only got up to the second level!!!!!!!!!! AND NOW I HAVE A TAMAGOTCHI THAT WEIGHS 96LB!!!!!!!!!!! does any1 kno any way for it to lose weight fast apart from playing games!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
I did that once. I played games and lost weight AND got points.

I learned that you can play "get" (if it's a V3) and just purposely catch poops and avoid music notes every game. Your tama will lose 1LB/game that way. Before you know it, it'll be light as can be!!!

HOPE I HELPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:furawatchi: :huh: :hitodetchi: :pochitchi: :mametchi:

I doed exactly the same as you.. Its not take long time until it weight normal.. Just play games..

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