ANyone else's tama make a slight buzzing noise?


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2004
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ok everyone:

put your tama by your ear... does anyone else hear that little buzzing/humming noise??

...just makin sure I'm not crazy...

it's just a metal sound you'll hear in devices. i hear that from my i pod all the time.

Yeah mine dose that too ;) . I think it its the "Advance Technology" Working lol.

it's just a metal sound you'll hear in devices. i hear that from my i pod all the time.
My Tamagotchi makes the noise but my i Pod doesnt. Ive never heard any noise from my i Pod except when you listen to musis and when u scroll down lists. But those are all normal noises (supposed to be there)

I noticed that the other day. ;)

All of my American ones do it but none of the Japanese ones I have do. :lol:

Kinda strange. I wonder what's going on with the Connections?

Maybe that has some thing to do with the batteries draining so quickly?

Quick relative to the Japanese ones any way.

I have heard the American Connections batteries go rather fast. Mine are all okay so far.

If u have the tamagotchi conexion version or u can call it the uk version :unsure: it dosn't make that noise the american ones seem to though so hes not crazy ;)

I have one from the UK (I was impatient and ordered it off ebay) and an American one... only the American tama makes a buzzing noise. Hmmm weird!!!

My Tamagotchi makes the noise but my i Pod doesnt. Ive never heard any noise from my i Pod except when you listen to musis and when u scroll down lists. But those are all normal noises (supposed to be there)
my i pod makes that metal sound when you put your ear close to it and's not like it's loud or anything :D

I asked my boyfriend, and he thought that it might be because they used batteries with different voltage. But do they?

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