Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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May 24, 2010
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Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease/syndrome/anything like that?

Or do you think you have one?

My 5-yr-old-cousin has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder).


Bipolar Disorder.

Anxiety Disorder.

Mild Depression.



Anything else that could count;

Low blood pressure issues.

I also have things like serious anger issues, allergies [who doesn't?], and mild asthma.

Sadly, pretty much all of it somewhat hinders my lifestyle. My anger's made me lose friends, I've hurt myself from passing out because of low blood pressure, I don't get enough sleep because of insomnia, etc etc.

I don't think it runs in the family, but I don't know. I know I probably didn't get all this from my mom/her side of the family, and as my friends here may or may not know, my dad just bailed when Ma found out she was pregnant. So, I don't know anything about him aside from his name, so I don't know if I got this stuff from him, or if it just came about.

Not to turn this into a pity party. xD


My mother is Bipolar.

I also might have three minor forms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I don't like odd numbers. For example, if I'm watching TV and I change the volume to 27, I'll move it to 26 or 28. If I touch something with one hand, I need to touch it with the other hand the same amount of times or I feel uncomfortable. And when I go to bed and I put my glasses or my cell phone on the nightstand, I'll need to touch it over and over again to make sure it's still there. I don't know why, it's not like they'd just grow legs and walk off on their own, but it's just the way I am.

I used to have anorexia and depression, but I'm better now. I don't know if they took it off my records or how that goes, but yeah.

I don't actually have any disorders, but if I did have one I bet it would be some sort of anxiety disorder. I get nervous/sick/scared about the smallest things.

I remember when I was little (like 9 or 10) and my mom was working (graveyard shift; she worked from about 8 at night to 7 in the morning; grandparents watched over me) I'd be worried sick, picturing her getting into a car accident. I'd make myself stay up really late until about midnight and then I'd call her crying, saying I had a nightmare, when all I wanted was to hear her voice and know she was okay.

They should make up a disorder for me because I can't stop chewing and picking my nails! What could that be called? Hey, I just made up my own disorder?

I have depression, to be specific, Seasonal Affective Disorder or S.A.D (Ironic much?)

Several people have said I'm showing signs of having bipolar.

I also suffer transient insomnia because of S.A.D and depression related symptoms.

I'm a migraine sufferer. With S.A.D and migraines together around the same time I ended up with a dependence (Yes, 'prettier' word for addiction) for painkillers.

Oh, and during the period when I get effected by S.A.D I self harm -.- it's counted as a boarder line personality disorder.

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Two years ago I was diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder, but it's a bit worse than most of the mild cases in girls my age. My attacks go on for as long as four hours, sometimes spiking and falling. I've passed out because of an attack like that twice before. But I'm on medication for that now.

I was also given medication for regular migraines, but they've taken me off of that because it messes with my appetite. They thought I may have had an eating disorder because I lost weight and wasn't eating much at all. But now that I'm off of it, my appetite's a bit better and I have about 2 migraines a week, which is great compared to having one nearly every day.

Oh. Earlier, I forgot to mention that I also have very mild dyslexia.

I get letters and numbers mixed up, especially numbers. i.e., I read numbers backwards unpurposely


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