Winnie the Pooh or Harry Potter?


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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2007
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i donno
A few days ago, I asked people in my classes which movie they'd rather see: Winnie the Pooh or Harry Potter, considering they're both going to be in theatres on the same day. Everyone I asked said that they'd rather see Harry Potter since it was their "Childhood Memory" and it was "Full of supense", but they also said that Winnie the Pooh was for babies. My friend(missvioletchi) and I were planning to see the Winnie the Pooh movie the minute it comes to theatres. We both knew that there were going to be other people at the movie theatre, but only for Harry Potter(I also said I would hug all the people that were going to see the Winnie the Pooh movie. xD). I saw both trailers for both movies and they were both delightful, but I'd much rather see Winnie the Pooh, since it brought back a lot of memories for me when I was a child. I WOULD see the Harry Potter one, but I didn't even see Part 1, so I wouldn't even get it. xD

So moving on, are you going to see Winnie the Pooh or Harry Potter when it comes to theatres?

Harry Potter, obvs, but I have to say that before I read Harry Potter (1998), I was all over Winnie the Pooh.

I know I sound wierd but: Winnie the Pooh. My room is decorated with Winnie the Pooh stuff (I'm 13 btw) and I've always been a big fan of Pooh since like, when I was old enough to talk. And besides, I've never been a big Harry Potter fan xD

Definitely Harry Potter <3. Well I might be a little partial seeing as I would obviously like Harry Potter more given my age(17) and I've been obsessed with him since forever. I do think Winnie the Pooh is cute but seriously dude, where are his trousers? LOL JK!!!

I will go to the theatre to watch Harry Potter.....and later on rent the Winnie-the-Pooh when it is out on DVD ;)

Harry Potter in theatre and then rent Winnie the Pooh.

Winnie the pooh because I don;t really like harry potter that much :p . :lol:

We are so cool Naynay we'll be the only people at the theater at 12 am watching Winnie the Pooh XD

"Sometime we're blue..." *smash*

Niether at theatres. I don't go to theatres due to a phobia of mine. I'll get Harry Potter on Pay Per View though. I've never been a big Pooh fan.

Midnight premiere of Harry Potter, most definitely. It's the final movie; I HAVE to see it in theaters. :D Nothing wrong with Winnie the Pooh though. We all grew up with him.

Winnie the Poo!

Winnie the Poo because, its been part of my childhood life, and dreams. I used to have dreams about being in that tree house that's in the series, I think it belongs to Owl or something, and it being all windy outside, but I was warm inside xD

I also used to have nightmares about those elephant thingys, across the fence, I don't remember the name at all.

Harry Potter, I love those books! I read the books a long time ago, when I was 8. I loved them! However, I like the books more then the movie...

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Harry Potter.

Although Winnie bring back LOTS of memories, I would rather watch HP because I like it more than Winnie(After years of all of these stupid new versions of him). Unless its the ORIGINAL Winnie the Pooh, I won't watch it. Sorry Winnie fans. <:1

Basically, I will watch HP and then rent Winnie.

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I'll be seeing both! Neither of them opening night though, lol. I was planning on seeing Harry Potter opening night but I can't any more.

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