Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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Most of these are things I was dx with when I was in the Air Force:


• Anxiety

• Depressed Mood

• Adjustment Disorder

• OCD (though, I really only have the Obsessive part, not so much the Compulsive portion)

• Insomnia (which has gotten better since the military... ironic lol, my job stressed me out VERY much)


• Left Eustachian tube dysfunction

• AVN (avascular necrosis) of my right foot

• ↑ which led to having a Sesamoidectomy & a Bunionectomy of the right foot (screw/pin placed)

• Bunionectomy of left foot (screw/pin placed in left foot & removed from right foot)

• Slight deformity of left foot, painful scars leftover, and bilateral foot pain (yay me!)

• Allergies (quite common for folks who change environments)

• Developed allergy to Cipro

• PCOS (ovarian cysts)

• Chronic bilateral knee pain/tearing sounds (the PA had no clue what was going on)

Go go anxiety.

I have anxiety. It doesn't really let me sleep, would that be classified as insomia? Anyways, I am always worring about something. Add in the fact my mum works night and I sleep in the darkest room. I'm worried about the house, the car, the neighborhood, my friends, the school, and more things. If I go a long time without something, I'll often talk to myself. When I'm worried really bad, I tend to bite my nails, hence my short and bleeding nails. I also have a fast beating heart. Every thing wants to scare me for some reason. At school today, when we were doing Social Studies, and my friend, showed me a realistic drawing, it scared me. >.< I get bullied fairly often. I'm a smart student. I just can't cope with bulling.

Like once

I'm outside with my friend Sara. My 2nd gradde friend who we'll call Chris, called me a fatty. I got as mad as I could ge, to the point of punching him.

I cry fairly often. One mean thing + Me= Cry a mountain of tears.

Once, in P.E., kids were throwing all the balls at me in dogeball. I had this big sore on my head and I cried and got really mad. I had to sit in a confinded corner.

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I'm allergic to seafood. If I eat any, my throat will swell and I'll choke.

I may need an Epipen D:

I also consider myself delusional. I'd sit there, waiting for a fictional character, and then I'd pretend they're there and have a conversation with them. Then, I cry when I tell myself they're not real.

I also talk to myself, and have arguments out loud.

I have a small, teensy-tiny amount of anxiety due to my mother's very poor health condition. She often goes to the doctors and takes heaps and heaps of pills for it.

I am a Hypochondriac, it makes me worry myself into a depression. :(

I for got to meation that I kinda have a little anxiety because I always stress about school and any little mean thing make me cry (or maybe that's my aspergers ?) .but I have it and it also sucks -_-

I have anxiety and depression.

I bottle it all up, I don't even think anyone knows..

I act indifferent all the time which makes me pretty boring to be around, I try to be fun when I'm with my friends, though.

I don't like the word emotion or disorder, what they mean, or what they represent because I don't know what I have or what I'm feeling any of the time. :/

I just relized all these sentences began with 'I.' :p

I for got to meation that I kinda have a little anxiety because I always stress about school and any little mean thing make me cry (or maybe that's my aspergers ?) .but I have it and it also sucks -_-
I'm the same, people say mean stuff and it makes me cry. I think it probably is the Asperger's. Like, when Victoria was saying stuff about me, I ended up coming home from school crying. I hated it.

I have an obsessive compulsive....thingy that make me buy duplicates of a ton of stuff, mostly shampoo and toiletries, and also dollhair and my little pony baits for my hobbies, because I am kinda terrifyed that they will run out..

It's so bad that I can't stop thinking about it if I need to buy something because I'm so worried that I'm going to run out. It's really strange I know but it's the same if I have a hobby I will buy LOTS of something to do with that hobby, and I won't stop until I'm like okay, it's time to stop and I force myself to stop. :babytchi:

And I horde stuff an insane ammount. I'm not sure I would consider it a disorder but it does affect my life XD
I do the same thing. Mostly with virtual pets. I buy doubles and triples of ones I really like. I feel compelled to keep adding to the collection. I worry about them running out as well. Or that the company will stop making them and I won't have the chance to buy as much as I feel I need.

I'm like really afraid to throw up... I don't know if it's an actual phobia or anything, but one time my brother got sick and threw up and I was crying because I was so afraid I was going to throw up.

I'm introverted. Lots of people think it's weird, but partying just doesn't appeal to me... I'd really rather just stay home than go out with friends. (Unless it's one of my 3 best friends or something) [i know it's not an actual disease, but honestly a lot of people think it almost is.]

(This is going to sound like bragging at first but just keep reading) I'm also really smart, so when I get confused or when I get yelled at I start to cry. When I get confused it just clouds my brain and I can't focus on anything and it'll take me like half an hour to get it... although I'd have to be really confused for this to happen, and see it as pointless (Like a couple of things we do in math). I also never really do anything wrong, just stay under the radar for the most part, so when I get yelled at by one of my parents it upsets me a lot. Not even for what I did but just that I feel like they're disappointed in me or something...

Anyways, I don't know if any of those really count, and they seem kind of shallow compared to what I've been reading here. :/

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I feel like Violetchillivr3's twin.

Well, first off I kind of have a phobia of spiders. They seriously freak me out, and when I see one crawling near me I pretty much scream. It's also that way with Mosquitos and other insects... *shivers*

I also really hate to party. Like, it's fun to go to birthday parties with a couple of my friends, but larger parties just don't appeal to me at all. I'd honestly rather stay home and do something by myself than go to a party, which is why I usually find a comfy place in a corner with a few of my friends and just wait until my parents pick me up. Yeah, I know, I'm weird, but it's true.

I also hate being bored. I'm too grades above my math level but since I switched schools this year they put me back in my grade levels math. I have a 99% in the class right now and haven't gotten less than 100% on any of the tests Ive taken. I know this may seem really great that i have such high grades, but I'd rather be challenged. With that said, though, it also bothers me when something just doesn't make sense to me and everyone makes it seem like its soooo obvious. For example, my friend gave me a really hard riddle the other day that everyone else at the lunch table knew, and they were all saying "It's so easy! Why can't you figure it out already?" But Ijust didn't get it. Usually I don't have a problem with riddles, but that still bothered me.

I also don't like the feeling that people are disappointed with me when I really try my best. It just makes me a little sad knowing that my effort isn't good enough sometimes...

I guess these aren't disorders, but maybe some of you can relate to this if you don't have a diagnosed disorder, or even if you do. And hey, theres no shame here, because everyone is unique, special, and beautiful in their own ways :)

I have eternal depression. I cry 60% of my time. The world just isn't fair! I can't bare being 13--getting too old for Tamagotchi devastates me. And Japan gets to have all sorts of Tama stuff I'll never get to have...nothing seems fair to me. :(

I don't have any dysfunction/disorder/disease at all. I'm not bragging, but I am just saying I do not have any of that stuff, and neither do a lot of the people I know. I read that some of you say you have "eternal depression" and that some of you cry most of the time. I'm usually always happy, and rarely mope. Just think of all the things that will bring you happiness instead of worrying about your disorders etc. :) <3

Never mentioned this but I feel safe enough on here to tell you guys that I have anger isusses like if something dosnt go my way I get really angry(Yes I know the Asperggers is making me kind of do that no need to remind me :p ) I have a example like last night I was hitting the laptop because it kept freezing on tinychat and sometimes I get ad when critin people on tamachat arnt on ;P.this sometimes also effects my school like if someone isnt doing there work i just leave the room and right when someone says "Look Savannahs ditching class xD!" (Yes thats my real name get over it ;P) I start crying ;_:

I normally aren't very comfortable about this apart from with my closet friend


I don't really feel comfortable about this bit so lets just say I have mental issues (eg. depression etc.)


Tendonitis ( In my shoulder I can't use it much because I hurt it really bad)

Borderline Asthma

I'm like really afraid to throw up... I don't know if it's an actual phobia or anything, but one time my brother got sick and threw up and I was crying because I was so afraid I was going to throw up.

I'm introverted. Lots of people think it's weird, but partying just doesn't appeal to me... I'd really rather just stay home than go out with friends. (Unless it's one of my 3 best friends or something) [i know it's not an actual disease, but honestly a lot of people think it almost is.]

(This is going to sound like bragging at first but just keep reading) I'm also really smart, so when I get confused or when I get yelled at I start to cry. When I get confused it just clouds my brain and I can't focus on anything and it'll take me like half an hour to get it... although I'd have to be really confused for this to happen, and see it as pointless (Like a couple of things we do in math). I also never really do anything wrong, just stay under the radar for the most part, so when I get yelled at by one of my parents it upsets me a lot. Not even for what I did but just that I feel like they're disappointed in me or something...

Anyways, I don't know if any of those really count, and they seem kind of shallow compared to what I've been reading here. :/
Same with me. huh....

I have's really awkward when it itches A LOT. I don't have it too bad though, my skin looks pretty normal to be honest.

I'm allergic to cats. It sucks. stomach bugs me a lot, I don't know why.

I haven't been diagnosed, but think I have mild social anxiety disorder, which sounds like nothing compared to everything on here...

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