Long-Lived Oldies Hatch


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I don't have pics for now but my Maskitchi is 6 and she WON'T get married today

Huh? She also went to America!

Alright!! I just started up my v4.5 about 59 minutes ago, so I'm waiting on that evolution, but my little one's a boy called Mickey ^_^ Hopefully I'll be able to beat the record of 145 Tama years, but I doubt it. Oh? Micky's evolving!! He's now a... Tamatchi!! Cute. I don't know if I'll have pictures, hopefully I will, but the earliest I can get them is Monday! I'll update later!! Good luck everyone!!


so yeah I discovered instagram xD

It makes fine pics I have to admit.

So here she is, as happy as she is old !

Welcome to everyone that has joined, I look forward to see pics !

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Clay is 8 years old, and I've been swatting the matchmaker away whenever she shows up. XD

That's pretty much all that's been happening.

Wilf is now 11 years old and will be accompanying me to work tomorrow, since I'm finding him to be quite low maintenance.

Big news - Milo evolved! My first ever oldie, I'm so proud :D . I just love this character, he's unbelievably adorable so I think I'll enjoy keeping him around.



As you can tell I'm just a little bit excited so Milo had to do everything for me to see his oldie animations.

He played with the ball (and almost toppled off):


Tried on a wig:


Then listened to some music to relax.


Milo went to sleep quite exhausted (I must remember not to tire him out now he's an oldie!).


He is currently ten tama-years old:


Check his log for more of his old-age adventures!

that's great news for both of you Izzy and Kero !

Izzy you actually make me want to start a log about my oldie too rofl ^^

here are some pics.

I really like the "vintage" look I put into them, so the pic looks old too rofl

She is a very active granny xD

Keep posting everyone ! I love to see your pics and to read about your oldies !

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OH MY GOD!!!! I lost thorn!!! I was looking for him everywhere!!! Luckily it's sure that he is in house as he is missing from saturday and I haven't been out the whole weekend!!! He is in pause but only thinking he is dropped alone somewhere in the house makes me panic! :( -_- :eek:

I just love TAMAmaybeth because of all the misfortunes her tamas are going through ^^ No offense here, I just love your energy and how you are always so concerned about your tamas :)

Keep us on track and tell us when you find Thorn ! Good luck !

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D': I hope you find Thorn soon!

I have good news and bad news. The bad news is I got my phone taken away. AGAIN. The good news is chuck evolved into an Ojitchi!! I love Ojitchi so much, he is a really cute character and one of my favorites. Mall should have evolved as well... but she is still just a Yattatchi. Weird. :/​
I've been trying to avoid pausing, but yesterday I was just too busy to properly take care of Clay. I couldn't take him with me, so I paused him until I got back home.

Unfortunately, before I caved in and paused him, I had been stuffing him with snacks instead of properly playing games with him to fill his happiness hearts, so he was quite... plump.

When I got home, I unpaused him and started playing games like crazy to get his weight down. XD With all of that jumping and ball bouncing, he's slimmed down to 56 pounds (from 80). I'll have to take some time tomorrow to get that down even further.

He's 9 years old, he will be an oldie soon. :)

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Oh no, TAMAmaybeth you've had so much bad luck! Still at least he's on pause - tell us when you find him :) . Mamie looks like she's enjoying her retirement and it's great to hear about the new oldie mimitchi. It would be so cool if all our tamas could meet!

Milo is 11 right now:


He was keen to prove he's still as strong as he was in his younger days, even as a pensioner:


he he he cute Milo!! :) CONGRATULATIONS Mimitchi with your oldie! And thanks a lot Moussette!!!

I promise you guys the first thing I'll do as soon as I find this little rascal is to post here with pics!!!! :D :D :D

Tamfi:I wanna connect with them!

me: shhhhh!!!! You were supposed to sleep now!!!!!!

Tamfi: you changed the time! lol!

Me: Don't speak to me like that you rascal!!!!

Tamfi: DoN't SpEaK To Me LiKe ThAt YoU...

Me: !? Hey Don't laugh at me!!! grrr!

Tamfi: :p :p :p

Me: hmmm...* checking tamfi's stats. OH MY! You little rascal have to training bars!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no...You will become a bad bully... No! I'll show you! I will make you the finest tama ever in no time! :D

Tamfi: Noooooo... :angry: I like the way I am!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~after some bips...

Me: he he he... Try to speak now :rolleyes: :mimitchi:

Tamfi: Well-...




Me: he he he... Yes tamfi?

Tamfi: uhhhh...ermmm... hmmm... - - -

Tamfi: how are you today miss?

Me: I did it!! :D :D :D

Tamfi * thinking( you shall pay grrr :angry: )


[sorry for our Out-topic discussion he just wanted to connect so much! but now... ^_^ ] B)

Tamfi:I wanna connect with them!

me: shhhhh!!!! You were supposed to sleep now!!!!!!

Tamfi: you changed the time! lol!

Me: Don't speak to me like that you rascal!!!!

Tamfi: DoN't SpEaK To Me LiKe ThAt YoU...

Me: !? Hey Don't laugh at me!!! grrr!

Tamfi: :p :p :p

Me: hmmm...* checking tamfi's stats. OH MY! You little rascal have to training bars!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no...You will become a bad bully... No! I'll show you! I will make you the finest tama ever in no time! :D

Tamfi: Noooooo... :angry: I like the way I am!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~after some bips...

Me: he he he... Try to speak now :rolleyes: :mimitchi:

Tamfi: Well-...




Me: he he he... Yes tamfi?

Tamfi: uhhhh...ermmm... hmmm... - - -

Tamfi: how are you today miss?

Me: I did it!! :D :D :D

Tamfi * thinking( you shall pay grrr :angry: )


[sorry for our Out-topic discussion he just wanted to connect so much! but now... ^_^ ] B)
Milo: I want to connect too!Me: No you don't.

Milo: But you don't have any other tamas for me to talk too.

Me: That's not true, you've got the idls for company.

Milo: They laugh at me for not being in colour :( .

Me: ...

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Milo is 12 today:


Here he is sitting in his new throne looking cute:


I know this is off topic but Moussette, did you get your v4.5 from a seller called johnnywong (or something like that lol) on ebay? I brought my v3 from him and when I was looking through his other items I noticed he'd sold a v4.5 with a shell just like yours recently. It's a really pretty shell btw :)

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Clay is 11 years old, and he has also changed into an oldie. :)

No more matchmaker dodging! XD

I wish he could've stayed as a Kusatchi, as the oldies are my most disliked forms. Maybe I'll get used to it, if I can keep him alive. XD

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