Long-Lived Oldies Hatch


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Tamfi is a happy 10yrs old oldie and he is here to celebrate it!!!! :D :D :D :D


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Today Milo is 26:


Milo and I brought a mirror from the shop which he was very taken with - the vain little tama!


He disappeared briefly for a few seconds then came up close to the screen grinning all over his face... I think he was pleased with his reflection.


Clay is 25 years old today.


I gave him some glasses, he seemed happy about that. No more squinting at books!

Lorne turned 20 yesterday and I had planned to take pics, but I had a super busy day. He did get to go to book club with me, though, so at least he had a little fun for his big 20th!

The last few days have all been very busy so unfortunately he's gained quite a bit of weight. Today we need to do some serious game time to get that back down.

Here he is hanging out at Caribou with me last week:


Mamie is 31 today ! (and that's not her weight !)

I've been quite neglecting her lately :x . I went to party, and I have been having fun at the mall...

You see I am not very healthy, i'm delicate and my health can be sometimes good, but most of the time i'm sick. So when Im feeling all right I usually go out and have fun ^^ But I sometimes forget my old little Mamie hahaha

But right now she is spoiled, because i'm sick again, she keeps me busy so I don't think about the nausea and the pain.

She tried a T shirt today.... She is creepy as hell ! xD

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Tamfi and I went to a school charity today. All those daysunfortunately he's been constantly in pause breaks so that I'll be able to watch class!! -_-

You know, I'm TOOOO worried for him so it's impossible for me to let him- a poor little oldie- hang and bob around all alone... :( I'm always afraid he will die when I'm not watching. -_-

So, I let him rarely open when i'm at school but he is okay the rest of the day[ okay means that I may not play with him but he is under constant observation!!!] So today I was able to play with him a lot in the school bus as the distance was big. I was so worried while he was forgotten in my pocket open and sensitive but luckily on the way back I saw he was perfectly fine!!! :)

I forgot to mention he is 11yr. :D :D :D :D

I feel so sorry to hear about Chalk Jokus. I wish you good luck with your next tama! -_-

Here is a crazy picture of Tamfi. He was moving so it wasn't clear but that's exactly why I'm showing it to you! It looks so strange as if he got nuts!!! :p :D


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Chalk has been spoiling me since birth, even though it should have been the other way around.

He was never demanding, always easy-going, and always doing just fine whenever I checked on him.

He was rarely hungry or unhappy even though I never paused him, and I kept his weight healthy and his bars full all the time.

I guess I started to take him for granted, because when he suddenly started to grow weaker I didn't react in time.

Back on my ski camp, he could go for six hours without me, and only losing five out of six hearts.

Now the latest days in school, he would need check more often, and his hearts started dropping at a quicker pace.

Yesterday at lunch time in school I fed him so that all six hungry bars were filled, and played games with him so that he was on health top, expecting him to last until school ended without any difficulties, making the deadly mistake of forgetting how he had been strangely weakened over the latest few days. Three hours later I suddenly recalled how he had actually fallen ill both of the two previous days, and decided to take a quick sneek peak of him in my pencil case in the end of the last lesson to see how he was doing. Only his ghost and gravestone was to be found on the screen.


I was taken aback. I had planned for fun events, holidays and normal life with Chalk at my side. Now he won't be there.


I'll keep my eyes open for you in the sky, I can easily imagine you fluttering around, as always happy with life and with a content smile, on fluffy tamawings.

Thanks for the company and all the fun you gave me, my Charuko!

Good luck to everyone else, and may the oldest (and most senile) tama win!!

Aww... I'm so sorry about Chalk. He seemed like a good, well-behaved Tama :) Congratulations for getting the oldest oldie in the hatch though.

I am SO sorry for not posting, I had a family emergency. Everyone is fine though, thanks for asking ^_^ Well, Austin is 6 years old as a Tarakotchi :tarakotchi: and unlocked the Date Place today. We stopped by just for fun and were presented with a lovely Memetchi. Austin told me he wanted to stay with me for a while, and politely rejected the pretty Tama, Sorry there arn't pictures, my camera's broken. So that's all I have for today. More later! ^_^

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Chalk has been spoiling me since birth, even though it should have been the other way around.


Thanks for the company and all the fun you gave me, my Charuko!

Good luck to everyone else, and may the oldest (and most senile) tama win!!
This is making me sad :( I am quite surprised about how the entama gets weaker and weaker. I didn't expect that

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Aww I'm sorry Jokus! I was getting quite attached to everyones tamas lol. Milo and I love hearing about them! He is 28 today by the way:



Clay is 27. (and pudgy again)

With all of this news of Tama-death, I'm starting to think I should be a little more diligent in taking care of Clay. XD

This is making me sad :(

I am quite surprised about how the entama gets weaker and weaker. I didn't expect that
No, neither did I... I wonder if I did something wrong or if entamas simply has an age limit...?
No, neither did I... I wonder if I did something wrong or if entamas simply has an age limit...?
I think there is a sort of age limit. Like the vintages tamas : their hearts empty faster :/

32 years old today !

WOW!!! Tamfi is 12 but that's a wonderful Ojitchi there!!! Hey, How you made it? :D :D :D :D

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