Bunnie's Tamagotchi V4 Log!


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Jun 22, 2007
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In the land of unicorns and rainbows. (USA!)
[SIZE=27pt]Bunnie's Tamagotchi V4 Log![/SIZE]

Hello and welcome to my Tamagotchi V4 log, featuring my Pink Kuchipatchi V4! :p

Please PM comments! I want your opinion on this log!

**Newest updates are at the top of each post most of the time!**


[SIZE=12pt]First day ([/SIZE]July 4th)

Current Status:

Right now, Bunny, my first generation V4 Puchitchi, is asleep. (Or should I say has been asleep since 8:00 PM US Time, it's 9:05 PM right now.) Her status is:

Generation: 1

Name: Bunny

Username: Bunny

Age: 0 (She was born earlier this morning)

Growth: ShiroTsubutchi > Puchitchi > ? > ?

Hungry Hearts: Full

Happy Hearts: Full

Training: II (Cried once, Beeped)

Weight: 18 LB

Skill Points: 34 Pencils, 21 Sparkles, and 15 Flowers

Education: Preschool

Points: 2225

Past Status for the day:

Today has been quite an eventful day.

I untabbed my V4 this morning, a little bit before noon. After pulling out that small paper tab, I heard that long beep and then a small little egg appeared, looking like it was anxious to hatch.

I filled in the time and everything, and then after waiting a few minutes (it actually felt like 10 minutes), I saw the egg finally hatching and a poor, helpless crying ShiroTsubutchi popped out. I named her Bunny. (But I also like to call her Usagi, which is Japanese for Bunny.)

She actually wasn't all that very needy for a baby. I would usually have to play Jump Rope to get her hearts up, but she was doing okay. I could tell she was tired because she took a nap or two before she evolved.

.............And she turned into a beautiful Puchitchi! Just what I wanted!

For being so good and not making me stressed out, I took her to the shop every once in awhile to catch the sales. Out of all the sales today, she got some food, a Piano, and some other things I forgot. (D-Best's method helped me get the Piano)

I entered the shop codes, and got Bunny the Playhouse and Slide. Bunny was very pleased and had such a great time, you should have seen her face!

A few hours later, Bunny got a [!] notice for Preschool! Ms.Frill was very excited that Bunny came, and happily gave Bunny a backpack. Bunny even danced perfectly the first time!

We went to Tamagotchi Town a few times for several random souvenirs. I even took Bunny to the toy shop to get a soccer ball and some roller skates. We also stopped by 'The Tama Beat' to get her a stereo and CD!


[SIZE=11pt]Oh, and did I mention this is my first V4? Actually- you could say it's my very first Tamagotchi I could remember.[/SIZE]

Thanks for reading! I'll be sure to update tomorrow!


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[SIZE=12pt]Second Day ([/SIZE]July 5th)

I just got back from my eye doctor.

I checked the shop, and I saw a ticket to Canada in there! Sadly, I'm broke for now. Guess there's more 'Code Hacking' to do..


...And more mail just came right when I'm typing!

Bunny got a heart in the mail! How nice! :furawatchi:

Past Status for the day:

After noon (Around 1:00 PM)

The mail just came! The King gave Bunny 400 GP!

Oh and did I forget to mention earlier that the robber came and took 100 GP? >___<

I think I'll go ask -Ra- if I can borrow Killer..

Training: III

Hearts: Full

Weight: 18 LB

We went to Tamagotchi Town and got Bunny a RC Helicopter and an Umbrella. She also said she was hungry (I could hear her stomach growling!), so we hopped over to the Food Court and got some food.

Just then, I saw that I was short on points so we went to the Arcade and played the Claw Game, Soccer, and her favorite, Ring Toss.

9:00 AM - 9:07 AM

Bunny is finally awake just now. I could tell she's kind of grumpy because my dog kept howling at the fireworks last night. It was a little hard to sleep. >___<

Daily Fortune:

Hearts: 1

Money: 1

Strength: 3

I checked the shop and they were having a sale.

Lucky me, I found two chests that cost 150 points each and some more food.

The first chest gave her a bow (That saves 850 points!), and the other turned poor little Bunny into a ShiroTsubutchi! She was bouncing off the walls until she turned back into a Puchitchi, and all of her hearts drained. I played a few games of Mimic and some Jump Rope and she was just fine. :furawatchi:

I think I'll go onto TamaTown to buy some toys for her. See-ya then!

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Right now I'm making a new post instead of editing the other one because Bunny just turned into a Ringotchi! I am so happy because I wanted her in the Mame group to get a Mimitchi- Mimitchi is my favorite character and Mimitchi even looks like a Bunny!

Stats: Same as before, but now she weighs 20 LBs and has five bars of discipline.

EDIT: She just got a letter to go to school! I'll choose Mr. Turtle because you need Intelligence to get a Mimitchi.

I'm doing great on the school game! I played two times so far and I've won both times!

Now Bunny is asleep... Goodnight, Bunny! :)

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