Trouble finding v3?


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The Lost Sean

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2007
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I was looking through my large bin of tamagotchis the other day and realized that one of my v3's was missing... a black one with red kanji. I looked for a good while, but was not able to find it. Immediatly I felt as if I needed to replace it. I figured I would just grab one off from or eBay, but the nagging of having to wait for shipping didn't thrill me. SO, I went out and began searching for the v3 in places around where I live. I was actually able to find some in the most surprising places.

The main point... If you still want to purchase a v3 and wish to do so offline here are a couple places to look.

Walgreens- I went to two different ones to find the design that I had lost... they each had about 10-15 hanging on the wall and when asked had some boxes in their back stock. If I remember properly they were $12.99.

Gamestop- I was really surprised to find they had about 8 hanging just below the counter near where the registers are. I asked and they said that was all they had... I wouldn't count on every gamestop to have some, but there is a chance. They were priced at $11.99.

WalMart- While I expected to find just v4s here, they were actually all sold out and instead had a few v3's for $12.99. Apparently they have a good amount of v3's left, but only put them out when they run our of the v4s.

The last place I reccomend are those little anime/video game stores that are in malls. The place I went to even had a few v1 connections (about 4 of the beach-looking design) as well as the v3 and v4. Which were priced at $7.99, $9.99, and $13.99 respectively.

Well... I hope that this helped anyone who still wants to buy v3s. Also, if you know of any places that a v3 can be found go ahead and mention it in a reply as others might be interested.

Cool- I'm sure this will be helpful to people still looking to buy v3's.

Very interesting that you found some in gamestop. I'm going to have to go to one of "those little anime/video game stores that are in malls" to find some of the older ones. That'd be cool to get them without the eBay shipping hassle.

Thanks! :huh: Yea, I have noticed the stores that don't really sell tamagotchi's sell the older versions. Where I live I saw some v3's in Walgreens (Like you said it was in). I was like "Where is the v4's, why would they sell those old v3's?.....". Good Call, It will help members that ask "Where Can I still get a v3 at?".


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cool they had v1's? awesome, but to bad they dont sell them here no more.

i think they still sell all the versions where i used to live.

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