Ask The Staff: Answers


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Admin, how did you feel about TamaTalk when it was just beginning? What did you expect of it? And how do you feel about TamaTalk now?

When TamaTalk was just beginning it was little more than an interest and a desire to learn/play around with some web stuff.  I really had no expectation of TT growing to be what it is today.  Of course, I had dreams of it being a huge hit right away and so on...  That didn't happen as quickly as in those dreams.  That's actually a good thing since it would have probably scared me away from it!  :p   It would be bothersome if, back at our start, I thought that we'd have a huge hosting load, lots of small maintenance tasks and lots of challenges like spam, security, fights between members + more and I actually continued the site.  It is a lot to handle.  Fortunately, we have a wonderful staff and members who make it easy to deal with and also make it worth the challenge.  I believe we get things in amounts that we can handle at the time...  But I also think luck plays into things too.  I consider myself to be really lucky with this place.  TamaTalk now?  I remain completely amazed and grateful at where we are at with the TT community.  I think we have a lot to offer and be proud of.  Plus, people really seem to enjoy being here (which is the most important thing of all).  Sure, some things don't get to happen because of our size.  Our growth also means plans and adding things has to really be thought through since it could bring the whole thing crumbling down.  Is that a bad thing?  Not at all.  It just adds to the challenge.  But it's still worth it.

If you could manage/run another type of website Other than anything related to tamagotchis, what type would it be?

Well actually I have at least a small part  in both Blogagotchi and LinkJudge.  Through TamaTalk, I've really come to enjoy working on websites and would definitely love to keep doing so.  I've learned a lot over the years and continue to learn more since the web is constantly changing.  It really keeps my interests peaked.  It's hard to get bored with something that keeps evolving (something I think tama fans will understand).  What type would it be?  Not sure actually.  For now, I enjoy building the stuff that I like and that other people can enjoy using as well.  I imagine that in the future I will end up having to work with a team (or group of friends like at LinkJudge) since the amount of stuff to do, ideas and time to do them don't all work unless I 1) stop sleeping or 2) take 5 years to make a site.  So I guess I don't really have an answer to this one.  At least one I can think of.  I am enjoying my time with the current three sites.  Blogagotchi is somewhat tama related (since it can be a tama log but also allows for almost anything else.  So, non-tama related would have to be LinkJudge (which I remain really excited about).  Really though, I have high hopes and dreams for all three.  Beyond that, we'll see what the future holds.  Maybe I can become a rich dotcom millionaire someday. *flies off to dreamland thinking about it*

Have you ever owned a Tamagotchi? If so, how many do you have?

Nope.  Never.  Not one.  LOL  Kidding!  I've had many over the years.  Unfortunately, many are missing, broken or given to young family members to start their interest.  Right now I have only a few.  A v1, v4 and mini.  Though, I am embarrassed to admit this, I'm not actually running any right now...  Not enough time where I can hatch one without keeping it paused for hours or days. :lol:   An Admin shamed. :p

What is Admin's age and gender?  We all know that Admin isn't really 102 years old and not knowing Admin's gender confuses me because I don't know if Admin is a guy or gal.  What's your age = younger teen / older teen / adult / not willing to say?  Are you a male or female? How old are you?

Believe it or not I get this question asked a LOT.  In a way, I enjoy keeping it a "secret" from everyone.  Why? I think it is interesting to see how conversations change based on the gender you think is on the other side of the screen.  The same goes with age.  It is also pretty entertaining to see the conversations and theories that have come up over the years.  They have gone from everything from me being a boy or girl to being a teen to an old person and also included a theory that I was some how part of Bandai. LOL  Add in a little bit of wish for some privacy and you get the idea.  Will I take this opportunity to fess up to age and gender for this Ask The Staff?  Ummm...  What's the next question on here anyways?  LOL :p   I can't/don't want to.  Sorry if this disappoints.  We should all be able to maintain some level of privacy here.  I will say that, no, I am not a kid or early teen.  Or an old person...  And I am not associated with Bandai in any way (but would be open to it *hint*hint* Bandai if you are listening :p ).

Do you enjoy running TamaTalk?

An easy answer...  An excited YES!!  I love running the site.  As mentioned on an earlier answer, it has been challenging at times but has more than made up for the challenge, expense and time.  We have a great group of people here.  I love working in a place where we can all gather and share a common love of something, meet new people, hang out and talk about tamagotchi and almost anything else.  I only wish I was able to do more.  And who knows what the future will hold.  Three years ago I never thought we'd be where we are now.  Three more years?  And beyond? :lol:  

Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

It would be difficult for me to turn my position in... I don't know if Jappyx would appreciate hearing "you're in total charge now, good luck!" :p   (I couldn't be that cruel to Jappyx anyways)  I'll be honest, I've had my moments where I had my doubts.  Like when we had huge spam problems or people causing problems or when we outgrew our old server...  Fortunately, those times are usually followed by moments where I am reminded why I love being on the staff here.  Those reminders can be as simple as a PM to say thanks...  Or angelgotchi donations from people who want to show that they support what we are doing here...  To seeing how much the other staff members are doing to keep this place useable for everyone...  For me, TamaTalk is a great place to be.

Do you enjoy singing and do you think you're good at it?

I enjoy singing but only do it in private.  I think the best people to ask about me being good at it are those people unfortunate enough to have heard me! LOL  I think I sound horrible actually.  I'll leave the singing to those with the talent. :lol:

Where do you live = North America / Europe / Australia / other / not willing to say?

I live in North America => United States => Texas :lol:

How many Tamagotchis do you have?

I currently have 3. :D

Which model is your favorite Tamagotchi

v4 by far.  Though I haven't hatched a v4.5 yet.  They keep getting better so I can only assume a 4.5 will become a new favorite.

What do you do in your free time? 

Free time?  What's that?  LOL  I only wish I had some! :p   Besides TT, I love to: hang out with friends, watch movies, go to music shows/concerts, random internet things (like keep up with news, staying in contact with loved ones, helping out on the other two sites if needed, etc), be with my family, play games (almost any type like board games, outdoor activities, Wii, etc)...  The things I may not love to do as much but still do them include: household chores, work, studying/learning, exercising, etc.

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member? 

Since day 1: June 15, 2004.  Actually a little before that as the site was being setup. :lol:

What is your favorite design? 

I am actually able to answer this one easily...  Glow in the dark.  Why?  It is the first design where the community was able to have more of a say in what design comes out.  Also, Bandai used votes from TamaTalk polls to help decide on finalists for the options on that "Shellection" poll that resulted in the glow in the dark being made.  That was a proud moment for the community, I think.  So picking the glow in the dark is easy because it has more of a special meaning for me.

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why? 

This is a tough one.  I have always been a fan of Mimitchi.  Why?  Mimitchi is just cute and also an overall pretty well balanced character/personality.  Don't get me wrong...  There are some cool characters to choose from.  I just can't get over the original favorite from years ago.  Looking back at this answer makes it sound like "BORING!" but I don't know how else to explain it. :p

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be? 

Hmmm...  There are more than one.  But if I have a magic wand maybe I can wish for some freebie wishes. :p   First thing I'd change would be to get rid of the regular tasks that take up so much time like back-ups and database maintenance and dealing with problems.  I'd also want some more time and resources to do some cooler things with the site like add new features or design really cool new skins and make improvements to speed things up for everyone...  Of course, reflecting on this all I also can't forget the most important thing - members.  I'd wish to continue having such nice people at the site as our current members and staff to help everyone out.  Also, I'd wish for a way for this site to develop in such a way as to be online for a really long time.  Wouldn't it be cool if our kids were still coming here to talk about Tamagotchi v20?! :p

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How much do you love your Mac on a rating scale of 1-100

Lol! :D

Let me just explain a bit about this.. Rey Mysterio is a friend of mine and I recently got a Apple iMac computer.. Anyway I am highly obessed with it and I probably went on about it too much to Rey. :lol:

But to answer the question, I would rate it 100. It’s the best computer I’ve ever owned!

How does it feel being in the Admin Team?

Absolutely amazing. I remember joining ages ago when I first got my v1 and I couldn’t get it to mate with one of my friends Tamagotchis. I found TamaTalk, got my question answered, browsed a bit and then left. About a week later or so I came back and pretty much have been addicted ever since.

So when I was asked to be a Guide I was SO excited. Then when Admin asked me to be apart of the Admin team, I couldn’t believe it. Its such an honor and a fun job. I just love being able to help and look after TamaTalk as much as possible!

How do you really like Tamatalk?

A lot!

Whats your favorite color?

I’m not actually sure.. I like Black, but I also like blue. I can’t decide lol.

How did you become part of the staff?

I gave Admin $100 and s/he accepted the offer. Jokeing. :lol:

Admin picked be back a few years ago. I don’t know why… I guess I had ‘guide qualities’ or something. Then a year or two after that I became apart of the Admin team.. I’m not sure why.. But I am so happy to be apart of the Admin team! :lol:

Do you sometimes see an issue and ignore the fact it needs to be solved?

Nope. I’ll always solve an issue if it needs solving.

Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

Never ever!

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?

LOL! Umm.. Well I have been in musicals and stuff in the past.. I don’t think I am the most fantastic person in the world but I think I’m good enough so when people hear me sing they don’t wish to cover their ears. :lol:

What's your age = younger teen / older teen / adult / not willing to say

This is a secret. I just never really seem to give it out online

Where do you live = North America / Europe / Australia / other / not willing to say


What's your gender = female / male / not willing to say


How many Tamagotchis do you have = any number

Last count as about 15 or so.

Which model is your favourite Tamagotchi = any model

Good question. I love the P1/P2 range, my Angelgotchi, my Umi-No, my Mini, v1, and EnTama.. and I love Nano pals as well.

What do you do in your free time?

Come on TamaTalk!

But I also enjoy hanging out with my awesome friends.

I also love computers (especially my Mac. :p ) and acting and drama. I love being apart of plays and performances!

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

*Checks date*

Guide: December 21st, 2004 – wow that was a while ago! :lol:

Admin team on: 22nd of September 2006 (I think it was a few days before that but that is when it was announced)

What is your favorite design?

I am a fan of the Matrix Lime Green design from the v1 range.

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why?

I know everyone will probably say this but Mimitch – cause its cute. :p

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

I’m not sure.. Nothing. I think TamaTalk is such an awesome place to be. I guess I would change it so members didn’t SPAM/be rude.


Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

No. I really like being staff here.

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?

I enjoy singing but only when I am alone! So no, I am not good at it

What's your age = younger teen / older teen / adult / not willing to say

Where do you live = North America (Minnesota) / Europe / Australia / other / not willing to say


What's your gender = female / male / not willing to say

How many Tamagotchis do you have = any number

I stopped counting after 400. That was about a year ago and yep, I keep buying! I really need to just sit and recount it all. Wanna help? :lol:

Which model is your favourite Tamagotchi = any model

UraTamas and Entamas were great. Enwarehouse was the cherry on top of those. The 4.5 is quite nice too. I am starting to miss the simplicity of the originals though. These new ones get more and more non-pet like.

What do you do in your free time?

Come to TamaTalk, visit other forums, go to Yahoo Answers, Play with my website, go fishing, travel, play with my cars, play video games.

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

I'm not sure.. about 2 years?

What is your favorite design?

Impossible to answer. My collection is huge and there are so many great ones.

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why?

Ginjiro. He just seems like a really nice little guy.

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

I would not change anything. I think this place is well run.

What do you believe your goal on Earth is?

To help people smooth over their problems. I am good at that. :D To just be a good honest person and hope others will follow my lead.

How do you cope with so many Tamagotchies?

Cope? well I only run a few at a time. I think the most I have had going was probably 5-6. I usually just run 1 or 2.


Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

There are times when we all feel that we need t get away, right? I love being a staff member and helping the community out. It’s a duty you need to fulfill when you decide to take on the responsibility. To give a straight answer- no.

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?

I love singing! My approach to life is to take every possible opportunity there is. After all, it’s one way to succeed in a high-populated community. I’m pretty good at singing, in the shower- too! :D

What's your age = younger teen / older teen / adult / not willing to say

My age… hmmm… well I’ll give a choice between the following: older teen / adult. It’s always fun seeing members guess- so what do you think? :lol:

Where do you live = North America / Europe / Australia / other / not willing to say

I live in North America, but was born in Europe.

What's your gender = female / male / not willing to say

Female all the way.

How many Tamagotchis do you have = any number

I love collecting Tamagotchis and other V-Pets. I didn’t count my collection, yet but it’s close to twenty or even over that sum. Picture of collection? Here’s an updated pic:

Which model is your favorite Tamagotchi = any model

That’s a toughie! I’d have to say that my favorite Tamagotchis are from the 90’s. I think Bandai had a bigger variety of pets back in the day. All unique and different. But I do like the version 1 connection, too. It’s simple yet not too simple. Know what I mean?

What do you do in your free time?

My free time goes to many things. I use the Internet for about two-three hours each day. I read mysteries. I also like to play with my Tamas. Outside of that life I enjoy family and friends. Swimming, acting. Photography, CSS design, and most of all having a good time!

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

I was asked to join the FAQ Team on November 17th. And on February 27th I was asked to join the TamaGuide’s Team. (The reason I have the dates listed is because I save the messages that are very important to me and fun to look back to later on.)

What is your favorite design?

Favorite design of a Tamagotchi? I have two in mind. The second Tamagotchi I owned was my second favorite Tamagotchi design. It happens to be a light pink version 1 Tamagotchi with red hearts all over. I remember getting that pet for my B-day from my boyfriend. I just loved it. As my favorite Tamagotchi shell design goes, I absolutely adore the yellow w/butterflies version 2 connection. The color is just stunning! Creamy yellow is just beautiful. :lol:

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why?

Good question. I’d actually like to try out every character and see what hobbies/interest/and uniqueness each one has to offer! But if I had to choose, I would choose my favorite character, (Also the very first character I had,) and Ichigotchi. He’s just an adorable little strawberry you can’t deny.

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

I think TamaTalk is already a wonderful forum to be on, no changes needed! The staff and member all put their effort into this place. That’s what makes the community a place everyone can remember.

What do you believe your goal on Earth is?

My goal on Earth would have to be: To achieve the unexpected. Make you life worth living. Have fun and enjoy the opportunities and don’t take anything for granite. All in all- just be your normal self and live a happy life.

Do you have any pets?

Yes, I do. I have a Choker Spaniel named Dakota. He’s a little spoiled when it comes to food and toys, but I still love him no matter what.

Picture of him? Here’s a shot with my version 4.5:

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What do you believe your goal on Earth is?

I don't know my goal yet... I guess I would like to become a well-known entomologist, and be a person with a completed Tamagotchi-collection

Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

There have been times when I have had to do lots of work, and have had little time (hence when I was doing the maths olympiad or the school final exams) and I thought I probably wouldn't make a good guide during those times, but, I don't think I want to stop being a guide

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?

Urm... I don't mind singing - to myself - from time to time, but I am not a good singer, and I am sure no one enjoys me singing.

What's your age = younger teen / older teen / adult / not willing to say

I turned 14 today. =D

Where do you live = North America / Europe / Australia / other / not willing to say

I live in Spain, which is in Europe.

What's your gender = female / male / not willing to say

I'm a female

How many Tamagotchis do you have = any number

16 or 17. Then I have other VPets too, so all in all, just over 20

Which model is your favourite Tamagotchi = any model

There are plenty of models I like. *_* The V4 was quite nice, but I guess my all-time favourite is the EnTama. It is so complete, and so much fun. The TamaSuku is as well - but I miss the care option from it.

What do you do in your free time?

Computer, see my friends, go to the movies, draw, maths, science club, make strange videos... xD

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

Since the 11th February 2006

What is your favorite design?

I have seen many nice designs... but I quite like the translucent purple V4 design with little stars on.

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why?

I would probably be a Young Mametchi, because Young Mametchi is a teenager, and likes Mametchi a lot, just like me.

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

This is a toughie... I guess I would just make it accesible to people who weren't trouble-makers or SPAMbots (although then there would be no work to do).

What do you do other than TamaTalk in your free time?

Answered somewhere above :D


Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

no, never

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?

I don't like singing. Maybe because I'm no good at it!

What's your age = younger teen / older teen / adult / not willing to say

Almost a teenager. Well....not till next year.

Where do you live = North America / Europe / Australia / other / not willing to say

I live in the north west of England.

What's your gender = female / male / not willing to say


How many Tamagotchis do you have = any number

I have 6 tamagotchis. I have a v1, v2, v3,v4, anglegotchi and a keitai.

Which model is your favourite Tamagotchi = any model

I really like the v4.

What do you do in your free time?

I usually read books or magazines and I bounce on my trampoline when the weather is nice :lol: .

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

I've been on the Tamaguide team since December 2005 which means that I have been a guide for *counts months* about one and a half years.

What is your favorite design?

The orange circle design is nice. I wish I had it. (I think it's a v4 design).

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why?

I'd be a hitodetchi :D because it looks cool and cute. If I was a hitodetchi, I'd do cartwheels all day! :lol:

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

There aren't many things I'd make different, but I'd change the signature limit (to make it bigger).

What do you believe your goal on Earth is?

To have fun in life. :lol: And get a good job to earn lots of money :lol: . I'd also make people recycle more paper, so less trees would be cut down.

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

I'd change all the weather. No more floods or constant raining (like here in the UK. It's July and if you came here you'd think it's winter or something). There'd be do hurricanes or anything like that. Oh yeah - I'd make it really sunny in the UK, so I wouldn't have to go on holiday to a hot place.


Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

No, although I know I haven't been online much recently. I miss being here, but some things in life are just more important than being on the computer.

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?

I used to be! I still enjoy it, but I know I don't have the range I used to, lol!

What's your age = adult, but still a kid at heart :D

Where do you live = North America-East Coast

What's your gender = female

How many Tamagotchis do you have = getting close to 100! (93 at last count)

Which model is your favourite Tamagotchi = Tamagotchi Ocean/Umino

What do you do in your free time?

what's free time? no, really, I love to read when I get the chance. The "Harry Potter" and "Lord Of the Rings" series are my favorites.

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

1 year, 3 months (since April 15th, 2006)

What is your favorite design?

Tama Design? I would have to say any of the US Ocean shells

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why?

Kuchipatchi. He's laid back, easy going, and fun.

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

I'd add more smilies! :lol:

Aubrey Hepburn

What's the best thing you enjoy about being a guide? Why?

I really enjoy being able to contribute to a site that I 've been a part of for years, and to help keep it such a friendly, clean place as it has always been. I also love being able to help out the other members with their problems, whether they are personal or site-related.

Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

I've never felt inclined to turn in my staff position. I'm not sure I can think of anything that would make me feel that way!

Do you enjoy singing and do you think you're good at it?

I do enjoy singing and I don't think I'm terrible at it...but you won't be seeing me on American Idol anytime soon. :D I love to sing in the shower and when I'm driving in my car...generally when I don't have anyone in my car with me. :lol: I sing mostly Japanese songs, Indian songs, and 60's-70's oldies.

What is your age?

I'm an adult, turning 21 on September 28 this year.

Where do you live?

North America, in Kansas U.S.A.

What's your gender?

I'm a girl. Although I like the term lady a bit better. :lol:

How many Tamagotchi do you have?

I have around 130 virtual pets, well over half of that number is Tamagotchi. The rest are Giga Pets, Nano, and a bunch of assorted types that you can't find anymore because they came out in the virtual pet craze 9 years ago. I have a lot of Tamagotchi merchandise such as other Tamagotchi games, plushies, books, etc.

What is your favorite Tamagotchi model?

Hmm...this one is hard to I will list a few. I love Tamagotchi V2, P2, Morino. Among my favorite non-Tamagotchi are Giga Pets Floppy Frog, Giga Pets Compu Kitty, Chickpet, Nano Baby, Dinkie Dino. The list goes on. :lol:

What do you do in your free time?

In my free time(not at work, in class at college, or moderating TT), I take care of all my animals, read informational books(usually about living things), watch Animal Planet, play my Nintendo DS(Pokemon yay!! xD), and go out. I'm ballroom dancing more again like I used to, so I've been doing that with my dance partner a few times a week. :lol:

How long have you been a Guide?

I became a Guide in the early fall of last year, '06.

What is your favorite design?

My favorite Version-generation Tamagotchi design is the Light Yellow with Butterflies V2. The beach/surf scene one is beautiful, too, but it's still in it's package. Out of my older ones, my favorite has to be my clear blue P2 with silver buttons and writing. I always seem to use that one when I want to raise an old one.

If you could be one Tamagotchi Character, who would it be and why?

If I could be a Tamagotchi character, I would probably be Pipotchi or Patapatachi. They can both fly, and Pipotchi is really cute I think. I really like Butterflytchi too, for the same reasons, but I will have to choose Pipotchi.

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

I would love to actually talk in real-time with the other staff and members. I feel like I've known a lot of you so long it would be really neat to see everyone in person!

What do you believe your goal on Earth is?

That's kind of a tough one. I'm bit superstitious about saying things and jinxing myself. I do feel like I need to do something good for the Earth and the living things on it in whatever way I am meant to. Lately I feel, with increasing conviction, that I am supposed to achieve this through animal and conservation education. I know that I'm only one person, but individuals have made great leaps forward in the field of education/conservation, and I'm determined to do as much as I possibly can to make my contribution. I've been giving educational talks and displays at schools, public centers, etc. using my own exotic "creepy" creatures, and I live for the moment when you can see a person open their mind to the very creatures that they never thought about, or disliked before. To me, that's the beginning of a good, solid future for our misunderstood creatures, and a little more hope for conservation of the natural world. :lol:


Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

Nope. I love TamaTalk and Tamagotchis and I get along very well with most of the members.

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?

I love singing - but I am useless at it - I usually sing slightly off key :p

What's your age = younger teen / older teen / adult / not willing to say

I never give my age out to anyone online - not TamaTalk - not anywhere. It's just a personal "thing" I have and no offence is intended :lol:

Where do you live = North America / Europe / Australia / other / not willing to say

Europe - England (North London) - it's all in my member profile :D

What's your gender = female / male / not willing to say


How many Tamagotchis do you have = any number

I have ten Tamagotchis : 3 x V1s, 1 x V2, 2 x V3s, 2 x V4s, 1 x TamaAngel, 1 x Mothra

Which model is your favourite Tamagotchi = any model

V1 - It's the model that first got me addicted :p

What do you do in your free time?

Visit TamaTalk :p

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

I can't remember... about 2 years I think ... I don't keep track. :lol:

What is your favorite design?

I don't have a favourite - there are too many great designs to choose from. :lol:

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why?

Mametchi - the old version on the V1 - I loved that little guy and I really miss him - he looks like a cute, cool cat :p

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

Hmmm.... this would only be possible with a magic wand :lol:

I would make all the members find it so much fun to be helpful and kind to all other members that they wouldn't feel the need to break the site rules and be rude - even if someone was rude to them...

What do you believe your goal on Earth is?

I don't think I have a goal on Earth... I just try to enjoy life and be kind and help out where I can. That keeps me busy enough most days :lol:

Was becoming a guide hard?

I don't think so. I didn't really try - just acted my normal self.

Do you have any other talents besides being a mature member?

Not sure that being mature is a talent ... lol :p

Other talents.... not really ... well ... apart from the tap dancing, opera singing, oil painting, sand sculpting and crop spraying.... :p


Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

Yes. During June & July 2007, we were being hit by SPAMbots many times a day. Cleaning up after them made being a Guide seem like work rather than being fun.

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?

I enjoy listening to may types of music, but I can't produce any.

What's your age = younger teen / older teen / adult / not willing to say

Physical age or mental age? Let's just say I'm not past my "best before" date yet.

Where do you live = North America / Europe / Australia / other / not willing to say

North America.

What's your gender = female / male / not willing to say

On the internet it doesn't matter, but for those who are curious, male.

How many Tamagotchis do you have = any number

57. Most of my collection consists of Japanese models.

Which model is your favorite Tamagotchi = any model

Of the models I've run so far, perhaps the EnTama CYOI. (It's an EnTama with different built-in games.)

What do you do in your free time?

Other than playing with Tamagotchis and going on Tamagotchi forums, I enjoy reading.

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

Since early September 2006.

What is your favorite design?

I don't have a favorite design, but in general, I like those with a white background and colorful patterns such as the JAL rainbow EnTama (shown on the right, about half-way down this page: )

If you could be any Tamagotchi character which would you be and why?

Don Big Boss Gotch. Socially, he's the UraTama equivalent to The King, but has arms, legs, a face, etc. This, I think, allows him to better enjoy life. (Here's his picture: )

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

Pages would load faster (but that's probably something more related to my computer or my internet service provider.) Then, how about: Topics would automatically be sorted into the correct forum.

What do you believe your goal on Earth is?

My mission on Earth is to destroy the ozone layer so that our spacecraft can penetrate your atmosphere.

What is your fav. food?

BLT sandwich with mayo.

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Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

Not sure... I've never really thought about it.

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?

I enjoy Singing... I've done singing soloes in a few plays/musical - I guess I'm pretty good at it.

What's your age = Young Teen (15)

Where do you live = not willing to say

What's your gender = female

How many Tamagotchis do you have = 15 as of July 21st (Used to have 18 but sold a few)

Which model is your favourite Tamagotchi = Entama

What do you do in your free time?

I absolutely love acting - I've been in tons of plays and musicals. I was in two commercials a few years ago.

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

Since late November - when the FAQ team was introduced.

What is your favorite design?

The Chocolate-Silver Entama Design, of course!

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why?

Probably Kutchipatchi. He's one of my favourites.

Did you ever expect to be apart of the staff team?

Not really - I like helping people out, so I wasn't really expecting it.


Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

Nope, I'm enjoying every minute of it! :lol:

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?

I love writing music & singing... I hope I'm good at it!

What's your age = younger teen / older teen / adult / not willing to say - Younger teen :lol:

Where do you live = North America / Europe / Australia / other / not willing to say - Europe

What's your gender = female / male / not willing to say - Female

How many Tamagotchis do you have = Six that I can find :D

Which model is your favourite Tamagotchi =

The EnTama, because the characters are so cute & there's so much to do!

What do you do in your free time?

Listen to music, play the piano, meet up with my friends, watch TV (that's a big one!), I do a lot of things, really...

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

I joined the team on 27th Feb... about.

What is your favourite design?

The V4.5 red butterflies! So cute :lol:

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why?

I'd be Kuchipatchi because it's so happy & likeable.

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

I wouldn't change anything, it's perfect just the way it is!

What skills do you have?

I can play the piano, I can draw pretty well, I have a massive imagination... so I can write stories pretty well too!


Have you ever wanted to turn in your position as a staff member?

No! I really love this job. :D It can be tough sometimes, but the rewards are great.

Do you enjoy sing and do you think you're good at it?I REALLY enjoy singing. It's my passion, and I think I'm fairly good at it. I mean, it's hard to judge yourself. I've been told I'm a great singer, and for the most part I believe it.

What's your age = younger teen / older teen / adult / not willing to say

Younger teen :lol: Well, more preteen.

Where do you live = North America / Europe / Australia / other / not willing to say

North America

What's your gender = female / male / not willing to say


How many Tamagotchis do you have = any number

I have 7 tamagotchis. 1 V1, 2 V2's, 2 V3's, 1 V4, and one P2.

Which model is your favourite Tamagotchi = any model

Ah, I really can't choose! My favourite has to be the simple V1. Odd, I know. :lol:

What do you do in your free time?

A variety of different things. Dancing, swimming, Tamatalk, biking, reading, writing, and simply hanging out.

How long have you been a Guide/FAQ Team member?

A couple months, and I'm loving every minute of it!

What is your favorite design?

My favourite design of all time has to be the Glow in the Dark V4.

If you could be any Tamagotchi character, which would you be and why?

Pyonkotchi. Why? They are adoarble, smart, and my favourite character. Most people would say Mametchi or Mimitchi, but they'd probably be too commen. :lol:

If you could take a magic wand and change anything about TamaTalk, what would it be?

Ha ha, this a toughie. I like Tamatalk the way it is, but the only thing I would change is spam. Spam would never be posted. How this would happen, I have no clue!

How did you become a staff member? I am a very very curious person.

I was chose to be a staff member because of my proper grammer and spelling, knowledge of tamagotchis, and helping out with tamagotchi/personal problems.

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