Ask The Staff ANSWERS! (ROUND 2)


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Sep 5, 2004
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Behind you
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Is it difficult to run a forum with PLENTY of members?

It can be a challenge... No doubt about it. Thankfully, we have a great team of Guides that keep everything running. My challenges involve more of the behind the scenes stuff of making sure the databases stay healthy, server stays running, server bills stay paid and so on. It has changed over the years. I don't think any of this would be possible without the staff here. To me, they deserve all the credit for keeping things running. :D

In the beginning how long did you think TamaTalk would actually last?

I had no idea. Of course when you are starting a new site you always wonder if people will show up and if they will keep coming back. TamaTalk was a pleasant surprise because it started relatively slow (which gave me a chance to learn stuff), exploded with a lot of traffic as tamas really took off again and has stayed pretty busy ever since. I never imagined still being involved in the site 4+ years later. Not that I thought I would lose interest or that tamas would fade or anything else like that. More like I just never imagined the rollercoaster ride I was stepping into. I think one of the coolest parts of all of this experience has been getting Bandai to communicate with us on a semi-regular basis. That was, in my opinion, a long shot chance and having them getting involved with the fans worked out for us, the other tama sites and the fan community in general. Remembering all this stuff from the early days is weird for me now. As I started work on I got a ton of flashbacks to the early TT days... It is back to figuring out stuff, making it work, letting the site evolve as time goes on, wondering if people will keep visiting, getting excited wondering how people will like a change and so on... It has made me feel so lucky for TamaTalk's life. Those are all things that are easy to forget. We really have come a long way and have a great community here. :p

What do you do on the weekends?

It depends. If the weather is nice I love to go outside and just do whatever I can to enjoy some sun. I also try to see friends, family and loved ones. I have a dog and two cats so I also get to hang out and play with them too. And, yes, weekends are also a great chance to find free time to do stuff on the site(s).

What is your age/gender?

If I had a dollar for every time I have heard this question asked I would never have to worry about TamaTalk's web hosting bills ever again! I'll make a break from my years of keeping it a secret. How about if I give some clues? My gender? I am either a boy or a girl. For age? I am over 13 years old but younger than 103. :p LOL!

What is your favorite band?

That depends on a lot of things... I also don't have just one. I tend to like a lot of different music (and love to see live music too). My tastes range quite a bit and includes everything from dancey stuff on to punk over to some rap and then to ooldies stuff (50s through the 80s). Maybe it is better to share my playlist instead. Take a listen here to get an idea (though this is downright tiny compared to my iTunes playlist at home). I love music. The only thing I probably won't touch is country.

What is it like to be part of the staff?

I absolutely love it. I don't think I can emphasize enough just how wonderful the staff is here... I realize it is something that people rarely think about but keeping a site of this size moving along can be quite a chore. Our staff deserve our thanks. :) Yay! TT Staff!

Has the heat raised on you?

Um... Not sure what exactly this is relating to. I could be quite literal and say that, living in Texas, it is usually pretty darned hot. :p I assume this is more along the lines of has the pressure increased. I've had my times of increased pressure. It is most common when real life is demanding and I have to try to squeeze in as much real and online life as possible. Other times, there is just a lot to do to keep things running. We are fortunate to have a nice stable server to run on though so my "job" tends to be quite repetitive and tedious at times wile I do the usual maintenance and check that everything is working.

Have you met any TT users face-to-face?

Nope. Well as long as you don't count those that I already knew in real life (you know who you are)... Maybe someday the old dreams of having a TT conference or something will be possible. How about we say that we can have an official TT meeting/conference when TT turns 10! :) Anyone willing to keep visiting long enough to see it happen? :p

What is your favorite colour? If you had to pick a primary color, which one would you choose?

I've always been a fan of both red and blue (this includes all sorts of various shades of both colors... Is that cheating?). If I had to pick a single primary color I would have to say blue.

Out of every Tama what one do you think you are?

I like to think I am most like my all time fav tama... Mimitchi!


What is it like to be part of the staff?

Amazing. I don't think people realize how much fun I have when being apart of the staff. Everyones so nice and its just so much fun. I love it! :)

I joined TamaTalk just to simply get some help with my Tamagotchi, then I became addicted, and always enjoyed helping out. When I was asked to be apart of the team, I was VERY happy to accept, and still love it every day!

Has the heat raised on you?

Like in the way of the forum (not the weather)?

I guess. Occasionally we've had some very tedious people come and go on this site where there main goal is to frustrate everyone. Sometimes if they never give up (and get around the bans) it can be quite difficult. But I don't mind, its still fun. :D

As for the weather, its hot usually down here in Australia. :)

Have you met any TT users face-to-face?

Nope, I haven't. There are some I would love to meet.

Only issue; distance between us all. xD

Out of every tama what one do you think you are?

Hmm, good question.

I honestly don't know.

But I am a fan of Mimitchi and Memetchi.. But I'm not sure if I am like them. :p

If you had to pick a primary color, which one would you choose?

I love the colour Blue.. So I'll go with blue.

Whats the hardest thing you've ever done?

Hmm, I'm not sure.

Maybe this question because I can't think of an answer? :p

What is your favorite television show?

Big Brother Australia.

I love it. :p

What do you usually do on the weekends?

It depends as I can do lots of things, so its not the same every weekend.

But I usually hang out with friends and stuff, go to the shops or out with them. Its pretty good fun :p

I also enjoy spending time on the computer, and doing things like acting / drama. :p

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What is it like to be part of the staff?

Fun (most of the time)

Has the heat raised on you?

Not especially - I'm a pretty calm person really :D

Have you met any TT users face-to-face?

No, never

What is your favorite colour?


Out of every Tama what one do you think you are?

V1 Mametchi (the original pixelated one)!

If you had to pick a primary color, which one would you choose?


How old are your kids?

10 and 13

What is your favorite food?

Pretty much anything Greek or Chinese ... but I just like food generally :)

Oh wait... Chocolate - the most important food of all :)

What did you do today?

Normal "Mum" stuff.

It was so boring you don't want to know :p

What mobile do you have?

I don't.

I am a mobile FREE zone (and that's the way I like it)!


What is it like to be part of the staff?

Mostly fun. Some of the TamaTalk forums are on mod-preview, which means all new topics have to be previewed and approved by staff before the public gets to see them. It's really neat to be able to check out new findings that someone has just posted and to be able to reply "Thank you, I've just tried it and it works!" However, being staff can be a bit of a chore, such as when somebody joins for the sole purpose of posting spam, or worse. Sometimes we have to hunt down every one of their posts and clean them up. But thankfully that doesn't happen often, so yeah, mostly it's fun being staff.

Has the heat raised on you?

Well... being staff does make it necessary to spend a bit more time on TamaTalk than I used to, so sometimes my family complains that I spend too much time on the computer.

Have you met any TT users face-to-face?

Yes, Skillful Abbot. He lives in Japan. I met with him during a trip there. But, he's no longer active on any Tamagotchi forums.

What is your favorite colour?

I don't have a favorite colour, but I do like red, green, blue, and some of the shades between them.

Out of every Tama what one do you think you are?

Which represents me? Hmmm. Oh! I've got it! I searched the web, I and found this: Tarakotchi: a klutz who falls a lot.

If you had to pick a primary color, which one would you choose?

Pick it for what purpose?

What did you think when you were promoted?

Honored to be trusted with such responsibility.

When was your last holiday?

I spent two weeks at the cottage (sea-side) with my family this summer (August.) Unfortunately it rained almost every day and I didn't have internet access at all during those two weeks.

What is your favorite Tamagotchi?

If you mean Tamagotchi model, then it's the EnTama CYOI, which is an EnTama refresh. Compared to a regular EnTama, only the built-in games are different (better.)

If you mean Tamagotchi character, then ... hmm... I don't really know. Pochitchi on the V2 is rather cute though. When wearing the cape and glasses Pochitchi looks like the Saturday-morning cartoon versions of UnderDog and Mr.Peabody (from Bullwinkle.) (Click here to see what I mean.)

When did you become involved with Tamagotchis?

In 1997 I stood in line at Toys-R-Us when they were released for purchase in North America. But I was interested in them for only for a few months back then. I got back into them in mid-November 2005 - when I purchased a pair of KeiTama while on a trip to Japan. The KeiTamas were ok, but it was the really the pair of EnTama I purchased soon after that got me hooked.

What do you do on the weekend?

Get out of bed, feed the cats, and eat breakfast while checking emails and go on TamaTalk. After that I wash the breakfast dishes, shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed. Then I do whatever chores need to be done - such as cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, or shoveling snow off the walkway. After supper, I do the supper dishes, feed the cats, sift the clumps out of their kitty litter, then generally I check emails and go on TamaTalk again before going to bed. Sunday is similar to Saturday, but we go grocery shopping too.

What is your occupation?

I mess around with computers. Usually this involves playing games, but sometimes it's harder: I had to spend a whole month watching different movie discs on the computer to make sure they worked properly.

Do you believe in God?

God - maybe. Today's organized religions - maybe not.

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Aubrey Hepburn

What is it like to be part of the staff?

Realistically-it is not an "easy" job. You have to make tough choices, spend quite a lot of time doing things behind the scenes, and devote a fair amount of time doing it every day.

*Personally-I wouldn't want things any other way. :) I absolutely love being on staff here, working with the other staff members and YOU guys! :D

Has the heat raised on you?

Since I became a staff member? In some aspects, sure! I can't always just come on and browse around. lol I am exactly the same person on staff duty as I was when I was a member, so in that respect it's no different.

Have you met any TT users face-to-face?

Not yet face-to-face, but I have spoken with someone over the phone. I would positively love to meet other TTers!

What is your favorite colour?

Hmm...I think my favorite color is fuschia. I love to wear it, it always catches my eye. xD Aside from that, probably a Jade green or Eggplant purple...or a Sapphire blue. I can never decide.

Out of every Tama what one do you think you are?

I would have to say I am most like the classic Gen2 Zukitchi. She always stays up late, eats junk food, and is a little outside the norm. :p

If you had to pick a primary color, which one would you choose?

I think blue is a primary color, right??

Who do you talk to the most on TamaTalk?

I enjoy talking to lots of people, but as far as talking to one particular person the most frequently, that probably goes to Jappyx. :p

What is your name?

My real first name is Aubrey. Seriously. :p

What is the worst thing about being a Guide?

I guess the least enjoyable aspect of being a Guide is seeing major issues or fights happen on the forums and having to take measures to stop them. I don't like being harsh a lot here, so I guess that's the one thing I don't like doing. :)


What is it like to be part of the staff?

-Being apart of staff is really neat and interesting, and I always learn something new with the other guides who have been there longer than I have. We learn from each other's experiences on here and when things get tough, we try to solve it together :D

Has the heat raised on you?

-If you mean the weather, then not really...but humidity has been annoying this Summer for me. I've never been a fan of heat (except in Winter time in smaller doses) and humidity just makes me feel icky when I go on my evening walks or do anything physical.

Have you met any TT users face-to-face?

-Nope. Not yet.

What is your favorite colour?

-That's tough because my mood tends to change as the colours do on a mood ring lol. I'm a fan of cooler tones like blues, greens and purples co-ordinating with black, but sometimes I like the colour combo Red-Orange-Yellow-Green with black before it draws attention and is sassy. It's honestly hard to pick just one colour from that spectrum. If I have to right now though, I'd go with a Royal blue like my Japanese P2 is.

Out of every Tama what one do you think you are?

-Not sure but I do know that I'm rare, I'm expensive on ebay and my seller will not be wanting to trade me anytime soon LOL!

If you had to pick a primary color, which one would you choose?

-Blue first, Red second and yellow third.

What do you do in your free time?

-When I'm not battling the evil and troublesome people out there over the internets, I could be doing a number of things: Playing my DS, playing with my virtual pet crew I got going, On the computer doing stuff (Sometimes I work from home), or some days I actually am at work (Part time for the win :) ).

What did you think when you became apart of the staff?

-I think the first thought that came into my head was "Whoa! This is an interesting start to my day lol!" Mainly since I got asked to be a guide not long after a trip to my best friend's place 3 hours from home was said and done and I was missing him terribly and kind of down about it. That certainly brightened up my day :)

Where did the idea for the name come from?

-My username was originally used as an old RP character on my first ever forum I ever went on called Superbards. It's been closed down for years now, but my RP character's nickname for short was TigerLily (in the story her first and middle name was Lillian Rebecca, but her guardian who raised her as a child called her TigerLily in the story). Also I like the Tigerlily, as in the flower.

Anyway the "013" part is mainly since I like the number 13. It's good luck in my family. 13 is a significant part in my life since it's not only my birthdate, it's also my mother's birthdate (the month is different on her), and randomly in good fortune I noticed the number comes up quite a bit.

Example: When we got our mortgage paid off and my name put on the deed to our house, both documents had instrument numbers ending in 13 LOL!

Then you add the fact friday the 13th birthdays are so much fun. While some people cringe on that date, mom and I LOVE IT! Especially on our birthdays. I got one coming up in 2009 so that's gonna be awesome

Anyway I think that explains my username I think. After the RP was said and done the username just sticks with me. I got alternates I could use, but if I can use "TigerLily013" on a site, I will :p

What do you do on the weekends?

-Same as my times off, but it can vary just as much!


What is it like to be part of the staff?

It can have its trying times, but for the most part I have alot of fun helping out other members. I always get a feeling of self-satisfaction when I can help out a member with something.

Has the heat raised on you?

That depends. I am going to assume you mean metaphorically, seeing as I am not sitting on a burner or anything. I do get into tiffs with members occasionally, and I don't always use my best judgement, but it usually works out in the end. I always come out knowing something else not to do :D

Have you met any TT users face-to-face?

No, but I have my heart set on meeting TamaGirliey at some point soon.

What is your favorite colour?

Lavendar + Royal blue <3

Out of every Tama what one do you think you are?

Totally a Mimitchi. Everyone regards me as a smarty-pants.

If you had to pick a primary color, which one would you choose?

Blue. It's a mellow color.

Where do you live?

Currently, Minnesota. I miss my home in Florida, though.

What do you like about being on the staff?

Being able to rid of pesky members :p But mostly helping out those who just need a little help around the forums.

What music do you like?

Alternative Rock, Indie, mostly.

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What is it like to be part of the staff?

I like being staff here. It's great to be able to go through the forums and fix problems and help out when I see the need for it. :0)

Have you met any TT users face-to-face?


What is your favorite colour?

I don't have a favorite color. If I said pink was my fave, sure that's a great color but I don't want a pink house or car. XD

Out of every Tama what one do you think you are?

I have never thought about that. What tamagotchi am I? I need to look at a personality chart to figure that one out. I like to think I am analytical and cautious but I love to laugh and I am a very mellow person. So.. you tell me what one I am. =D

If you had to pick a primary color, which one would you choose?

My first impulse is red but green is good for me too.

How many Tamagotchis do you have now?

I stopped counting at 400. I am sure it's close to 500 now. I get bored counting.

How many have you had running?

The most I have had running at once was probably 4.

What do you do in your free time?

Hang out at TamaChat, clean my house, harrass my pets, play with the cars if one of them has a problem, pick weeds, play some video games.

Any real pets?


2 iguanas.

bearded dragon,

6 birds (2 cockatiels and 4 parakeets)

a betta

box turtle


How old is your site?

The age of my site is right on the front page: scroll down. 7 years, 158 days. :0)

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What is it like to be part of the staff?

Being a staff member on this forum, and basically any other forum out there, is both fun and challenging. Fun: we get to award positive Karma to kind members, we also get to judge your contest entries. Challenging: Which member deserves a *time out* and why? As well as getting the SPAM topics out of the way. Over all, being a staff is not as easy as some members thing. However it makes you feel rewarded after a difficult day. :p

Has the heat raised on you?

Heat- as in temperature? I live in a state that probably has the hottest climate and temperatures. Here, 105 degrees Fahrenheit is about normal. lol. I spend my time mostly indoors and/or swimming in a pool with my friends.

Have you met any TT users face-to-face?

No, or I might have... I really have no clue. There's a wide world out there, so anything is possible.

What is your favorite colour?

I have two favorites that I can't decide on: limegreen and creamy yellow. Both are wonderful colors.

Out of every Tama what one do you think you are?

Kuchipatchi? I'm not sure, I really think he is the most kind and thoughtful. :D

If you had to pick a primary color, which one would you choose?

Yellow all the way. (It's one of my favorites)

What Tamagotchis do you have currently running?

I have a P1 and a V2 running right now. I'm hoping to get a Celeb. V5 soon, though.

What do you do in your free time?

Lot's of things. I try to come on TT as much as I can. I also love sewing and designing new fashion. (Favorite TV show is project Runway) And hanging out with friends :)

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What is it like to be part of the staff?

Well, it is fun, although it is also a responsibility. :D I guess it is staff-ish. Other than that, I guess I am the same as a normal member, just with the responsibility part, and instead of sending reports, I receive them. :p

Has the heat raised on you?

(Don't understand this question) I do know that the Summer has been awfully hot and sticky this year.

Have you met any TT users face-to-face?

Not really. There are people I know who joined, but not someone I have met knowing them first on TamaTalk and then in real life. Maybe someday. :)

What is your favorite colour?

I always liked violet, but I also like orangery-yellow and lime green. I also like black if considered a colour. Sometimes I wonder if I favourite colour at all.

Out of every Tama what one do you think you are?

I have always liked Mametchi. :) Though I am not as tall as him.

If you had to pick a primary color, which one would you choose?

Red. :p Or blue... Just not yellow.

Do you like sleeping in?

Not really. I don't mind sleeping over, but I like to wake up early.

Where do you live?

Seville. =)

When did you become a Guide? Do you enjoy it?

11th February two years ago. :p Of course I enjoy it! I was so happy when I found out. :p


What is it like to be part of the staff?

It's a great responsibility, and sometimes it can be a little tiring. But it's so great! It was my dream to be part of the staff ever since I began posting here at Tamatalk. To actually be a part of it is amazing.

Have you ever met any TT users face-to-face?

There are a few I know from real life, one example being Jessiemoz, but actually meeting a member from the site? No, I haven't. I'd love to though!

What is your favourite colour?

I like baby-blue, and pink is second. xP

Out of every Tama what one do you think you are?

Hm...I'd have to say none! None fit my personality. If I had to pick, I'd say Mimitchi. I'm hard-working most of the time and although I can be serious, I also love to have a good laugh.

If you had to pick a primary colour, what one would you choose?

Blue, defiantly.

Where did you come up with your username?

Well, at the time, I was really into tamas, and I was a girl. I also have a cat named Desy. Put it all together with an underscore, and you've got Tamagirl_Desy!

What skin do you use on Tamatalk?

The orange one. It's pretty. :3

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