S.A.T's starting this week!


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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2007
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If i told you that I would have to kill you
This sort of a report on my sats.

I will update what scores I got and how well I did.You can pot what you think and got aswell!

In 30minites I will sit my SATS!!But Im not that worried as I hae improved 48% sience year 5!


Sorry for mistakes in this post im just typeing very fast because im nervous!

Well gotta go.

Me:play some sad music please!

Musicain:Get stuffed!

Me: *cries*




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Keep calm :)

If you stress about the SATS exams too much it will affect your concentration and you won't be able to focus on the questions :eek:

I know it's difficult not to worry, but remember you have been practising papers already, so you can only do your best :D

Good Luck :gozarutchi:

oooo I'm takeing the SATs next year (I'll be in 7th grade)
I thought that was 8th grade. :) Well good luck, and don't worry so much about it. I'm sure you'll do fine. And so does everyone here....that posted on your topic. Although I hope you do well. Although one question....what are the SATs for?

Remember to keep as calm as you can. :wub:

Unwanted stress can knock you right out.

Try your hardest, and remember to have lots of energy for the work-packed day.

SAT's aren't as hard as they look.

Keep your cool, and concentrate.

Best wishes from us all at TT! :p


Keep calm :p If you stress about the SATS exams too much it will affect your concentration and you won't be able to focus on the questions :wub:

I know it's difficult not to worry, but remember you have been practising papers already, so you can only do your best :)

Good Luck :eek:
Thanks I do that!

Schools just ended and I did two science today.

I did great!



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Thanks I do that!Schools just ended and I did two science today.

I did great!


so did i


PM me with your name


we might go to the same school!!!!!!!!



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[SIZE=14pt] Yea! im doing my SATS this week as well! i did my science papers and i think ive done pretty well! :wub: :) :p i cant wait until there over! [/SIZE]

So I'm confused.

In the US, or at least in Washington, the only SATS we have are to see what colleges we can get into.

I'm guessing most the people in here are from the UK/AUS.

So going off what grade you're taking this in, what are the SATS you're all talking about? o.o'

The only type of tests we have in Washington are the ITBS and WASL.

So I'm confused.In the US, or at least in Washington, the only SATS we have are to see what colleges we can get into.

I'm guessing most the people in here are from the UK/AUS.

So going off what grade you're taking this in, what are the SATS you're all talking about? o.o'

The only type of tests we have in Washington are the ITBS and WASL.
SATS (Standard Assessment Tests) in Science, English and Mathematics are exams taken in the UK by school pupils in Year 6 (10 & 11yrs old).

They mark the end of "Key Stage 2" - a specific level in the UK education program and are usually taken in the summer before the children move on to secondary education / new schools (for kids aged 11-16yrs) in September.

It's kind of a big thing because for many ppl in Year 6, they are the first "official" exams they have ever taken with proper exam conditions / invigilators, etc.

Some of them have already taken entrance exams for secondary schools, but for many this is a first taste of official education :D

SATS (Standard Assessment Tests) in Science, English and Mathematics are exams taken in the UK by school pupils in Year 6 (10 & 11yrs old).
They mark the end of "Key Stage 2" - a specific level in the UK education program and are usually taken in the summer before the children move on to secondary education / new schools (for kids aged 11-16yrs) in September.

It's kind of a big thing because for many ppl in Year 6, they are the first "official" exams they have ever taken with proper exam conditions / invigilators, etc.

Some of them have already taken entrance exams for secondary schools, but for many this is a first taste of official education :D
Oh! ^.^ Okies. That sounds a bit like the WASL, but that's taken in 4th, 7th, and 10th grades.


Oh, so this is like standardized testing? Does it affect your grade?

We have state standardized testing every year. We started in second grade, and finish when we're a junior in highschool. I love taking the tests, they don't go on our grades, colleges don't look at them, and they're easy. So, the school periods are shorter to make room for our two hour testing period.

Everyone who does SATS this week will probably take the same paper on the same day - loads of Year 6 pupils did 2 Science papers today - and it's English papers tomorrow :angry:
Yes thats what I have today.Three English tests!


-Long writing

-Short writing


Im in the top set at literacy so no biggie :p :D


:angry: !StupiD! :angry:

Everyone who does SATS this week will probably take the same paper on the same day - loads of Year 6 pupils did 2 Science papers today - and it's English papers tomorrow :)


EDIT: today i did reading

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